Self righteous douchesnozzles

6  2013-08-12 by [deleted]

I have never seen them in such quantity. discuss.


Check out the comments in Opie's Facebook post on this. It's a great way to put a face to them. I couldn't count the number of morally upstanding people on there chastizing him for a lack of empathy and following it up with a death threat or a threat of physical violence.

So, what the fuck happened? Reddit got a hold of Opie's youtube channel?

Opie apparently reposted the cake stomping video to his youtube channel, which was then posted to r/videos. Reddit then took a break from hunting congolese warlords and accusing innocent people of terrorism to attack Opie for being such an inhuman, cake-destroying monster.

Thanks. Reddit users once again prove to be complete babies.

One of them asked for a reasoned response as to why we were defending the show. I gave one, and still haven't seen a response.

What was your defence?

This was early on...on How i feel as a fan an O&A currently on Reddit too!

I think their response was downvoted to oblivion but I tried.

Why should we have to? It was for entertainment purposes that pushed the line. Opie is a character that pushes the lines. He is not like that in real life. If you want to look up old clips from Howard stern you would see the same sort of material. Our argument is that you are getting so mad for stuff that happened years ago. The FCC was fine with their show at that time. Look at it this way. No one was helping those homeless people at the time. It wasn't as if Opie stopped others from helping. But he actually co-opted them into the show and provided great entertainment as well as food for the homeless throughout the winter months. So you are getting mad at Opie for treating people badly but have you given thousands of dollars to homeless You are behind your keyboard feigning moral superiority while you do nothing.

If you find humor and amusement in degrading and bullying others, especially a crowd of young healthy men bullying and humiliating a lone homeless person they crossed paths with on the street you are an asshole. Seriously, if you find it entertaining to watch a crowd of dicks like this bunch enabling one fucking very stupid man to abuse and strip another person of all dignity just so they can laugh at him, even when that person sincerely offered to share the best thing he happened to have in the world you need help. Only a coward would find this funny

LOL look at this douche

Good point, LOL


That he removes fence from yards or sumthin' tss.

Homerun, Chippah!

On holiday and just saw this post now, I'm HOWLING!