Update: Anthony Cumia donated $3,000 to Troy's girlfriend's burial fund. What a class act.

33  2013-08-12 by [deleted]


Wait, why didn't he pay him with 3000 dignities?

He's a good guy.

Yeah, a lot of people just see the on-air Fuhrer Cumia. Sometimes... I totally wish I was a 17 year old girl with daddy issues!

What you need to do is buy yourself a tape recorder…

Does anyone remember the details of him seeing something in the paper about a guy in a wheelchair getting mugged and he sent the guy a brand new really expensive wheel chair? And never said anything bout it until Opie brought it up one a while after the fact? I could be getting a few details wrong

He also bought new teeth for his girlfriend's mother.

Meanwhile Opie is kicking her dog in the liver.

That was his mother-in-Law's dog, not his girlfriend's mom's dog.

IIRC, it was a young girl that had her handicapped-accessible van stolen with a wheelchair in it.

I think.

There was also a kid in a wheelchair who was trying to raise funds for wheelchair basketball and some animal robbed him. I thought I remember hearing or reading that Ant donated to him, too.

Yeah I just saw this wow.

that guy's all classh

Ant is always extremely generous with EVERYONE

Yeah, one of the facts that a lot of the people commenting on Cakegate are ignoring is that both Opie and Ant are very generous guys due in part to the fact that they both came from the bottom.

Just a few months ago Opie was handing out checks for thousands of dollars to the show staff.

Don't forget guitargate

the goal was 8k now its 12k. i wonder how many time they will bump it up. (tragic, i am not making light of her loss)

idk much about funerals but I bet you can blow 12k on one in no time

I think that site may do that. Not sure... but that's what happened with the fund for Steve C's widow. It hit the goal, and then extended. And then hit the next goal, and so on.

They probably guessed at the 8K number and found out it was going to be much more.

It is up to 20k and the actual is over 21k. What the fuck is all that money needed for now? Funerals do not cost that much, now they are milking it.

Lol. He should have taken the Ted Danson "anonymous" route, but still hinted at it. So much can be learned from curb. Either way, dude has a life sized raptor, anything less would be insulting, not to take anything away from his generosity... But that's like half a hand of blllaaaccckkjaacckk.

It is terrible what happened to troys girl, I'm sorry


Simply typing out that comment is 1000x worse than anything opie has ever done on the show.



i'm sure ant won't be able to attend the funeral because his girlfriend broke her foot or he'll take up a whole segment about how delicious the food that he sent was...

I'll probably get trashed for this, but I just have to wonder why, when given the opportunity to donate anonymously (to everyone but the organizer) he felt compelled to list his full first and last name. Sure, very generous move, but why feel the need to share with the world?

"Why hasn't Ant at least tweeted about it?"

"Ant's rich why doesn't he pay for the funeral"


[Your comment]

Can't win these days, ya just can't.

Anonymous donation, ignore haters = win?

He's tossing out 3k like it's pocket change while sitting poolside at the MGM with his 18 year old girlfriend... he wins any which way you spin it.

Ant has spent more on his drone than this donation.

Maybe he was sharing it with Troy so he'd know, that even with all the shit thats gone down with him these past couple weeks, that they're there for him.


Your name is NOT anonymous to the fund organizer.

Well shit I dunno! I'm just thinking out loud

Yes, but Troy is not the organizer. Her mother is, and there's a pretty good chance she would not know who Anthony Cumia is. I would guess that she is probably not an O&A listener..doesn't fall in the demo really.

there is nothing wrong with putting a name with the donation, WTF, it's not grandstanding in any way, now if he made a thread here saying HEY LOOK WHAT I DID?? then maybe you have a point

Posting your name is only to broadcast to others how much you donated. Again, the organizers see your name even when you anonymize. I'm not saying it's necessarily wrong in every situation. But in my opinion (only) it seems like another way for Anthony to flaunt how much money he has.

Either you're a troll or just an asshole. Regardless, you're an over-commenting attention whore. Put a cork in it.

Over commenting? I probably have less than 50 comments total.

maybe anthony didn't know anonymous shows your name to the organizer and wanted to show respect and support.. i didn't know this myself...

Setting an example? Maybe he's thinking if people know that the stars of the show are supporting this, more people will donate?