How I feel as an O&A fan currently on Reddit too!

37  2013-08-12 by [deleted]


The Opsters gonna get those numbers.

Except youtube took the first one down...the ultimate irony for Op's first viral video.

Pretty shitty considering nothing about it is banned material. But his guitar smashing video is getting some hits.

Opie doesn't count show videos.

I was about to go to bed, and this is making my day. Tonight has proven that the self-importance of a neckbeard is unmatched.


Been an O&A fan for a few years, never thought about checking for a subreddit until another user mentioned the "circlejerk" here. I said to myself, "holy shit why didn't I check for an O&A subreddit before!?" So awesome.

Hey first-time/long-time, welcome to the crazy family!

As we like to say here, the inmates are running the asylum! LOL!


Good one Col'.

Welcome aboard!


The fact that he did it before the majority of those people were on reddit is what makes it that much more hilarious.


I think the humor is found in what exactly is making them angry. The whole video isn't that big of a deal. People are getting all worked up over a professional asshole ruining the day of some homeless guy. Maybe he ruined his day, maybe not. Maybe he bought a hooker and some pizza with the money they gave him

It's kinda like watching sports fans crying and throwing internet fits when their team loses. It fascinating how upset they get over something that doesn't matter at all, and has zero effect on their lives. Its just a fun way to spend a boring sunday when there's no football on.

Have you seen the reaction? People are calling for physical violence. If that level of an overreaction isn't funny and entertaining, I don't know what is. So he jumped on a cake and made homeless guy sad, well lets physically harm him and harass him about it seven years later. People need to grow up.


YOU ruined my day with this shit. Where's my hooker and pizza!?!?

I never said it was ok, but the alleged "crime" certainly doesn't justify this type of reaction.


I can tell you why I'm pissed about it. Regardless of when the video of the homeless man went on, he was treated like shit for no reason. Granted there might be some context I don't know about, but the video didn't indicate either way so I'm left to guessing. I truly felt really shitty for that guy. I don't know where he got the cake but he said he earned it. Assuming that's the truth I can definitely say I felt very sad after I realized what just happened. I know next to zilch about the Opie and Anthony show, but if what the video told me was all I needed to know about the circumstances then I can't see how you can defend an asshole that pulls shit like that. How is that funny? Please don't respond with how long ago it was and how "not that big a deal" it was because the fuck you know if it was a big deal or not to that man.

But why is it a big deal TO YOU? Yeah, he probably had his day ruined, Opie is an ass. Why do you let it ruin your day?

On the humor side. Well, some people, believe it or not, have different tastes. Some people like poop and fart jokes, others like awkward cringe humor, some like puns and word play, silly voices n shit, self deprecation etc. The list goes on. Some people find things funny that others do not. It doesn't make anyone better than anyone else. It's a matter of opinion.

Im not defending him, it was a dick thing, and it was something that I would never personally do. (Like most people, I usually avoid eye contact with the homeless). I chuckled a little bit, but it wasn't the funniest thing I've ever seen. People can think it's funny (which it kinda is), people can think it's mean (which it kinda is) and people can choose to ignore it because it doesn't appeal to them.

But the thing is, you, and many others like you, CHOSE to get offended by it. You CHOSE to let it ruin your day and rustle some things. It's not his fault that you got really angry about it and spent your time dwelling on it and raising your blood pressure. If you don't like something, close it and don't watch. Move on. People treat other people like shit every day, hell, people kill people every day, rob them, beat them and due truly terrible things to them.

This was a guy with an audience doing something mean and awkward that his audience can laugh at. He didn't physically hurt anyone, he didn't make the guy homeless. He was a dick. Nothing more. Your outrage doesn't solve anything, it doesn't undo the infamous cake stomping. If anything you're probably helping this vile, evil man by giving him exposure and publicity.

Reddit got MSN to cover it... MSN, the place where millions of people get their "news." Jesus Christ, imagine if the internet could do something constructive and affect things that actually matter.

I cant speak for the others who are upset about this, but i can say it wasn't a choice I made deliberately. It was a reaction. It was an emotional response to one human being treating another without the respect I think should be given. I can be pretty empathetic sometimes. Too much possibly. I disagree that this was in any way funny, and reserve the right to think less of people who do. I guess I don't see many shitty things happen to others with my own eyes, so when I saw the video I naturally went to the homeless man's "side" as it were. It just seemed really mean spirited, and juvinille-something I'd expect from a teenager.

That all being said I appreciate your response. I hope he apologizes and realizes it he didn't need to do it.

But why is it a big deal TO YOU? Yeah, he probably had his day ruined, Opie is an ass. Why do you let it ruin your day?

It's called emapthy.

But the thing is, you, and many others like you, CHOSE to get offended by it. You CHOSE to let it ruin your day and rustle some things.

You can't choose if you feel empathy or not. Sociopaths can't feel empathy even if they wanted to, and people who feel real empathy can't just easily switch it off (even if that would sometimes make their lives easier), it can be a very powerful emotion.

If you don't like something, close it and don't watch. Move on. People treat other people like shit every day, hell, people kill people every day, rob them, beat them and due truly terrible things to them.

Are you saying that we should try to make ourselves stop reacting in any way to any injustice we see unless it is as bad as robbery or murder?

Shut up, faggot.

This is the response that all of this reddit nonsense actually deserves.


What an informative comment. I can tell because it is.

I like Anthony better. The Opster's okay though.



Other redditors aren't unhappy, they're faux-outraged because that is the default setting we go to now. There's never two sides to any story, it's just, "they said I should be mad and now I'm mad". I hope your hat falls off

Most appropriate username ever.

What took all these people so long? The threads are hilarious. Uninformed idiots sticking up for the "homeless" from behind keyboards. Unreal.

I showed my chick that vid 2 years ago, not sure what the hell happened that it's now gaining so much traction. Fucking ridiculous the outrage happening.

I AM OUTRAGED! Reddit needs to get Sharpton on the case!

So I just watched those videos too, and I'd like to just have a simple discussion with you. He was being a cunt to people whose lives were already pretty shitty. Are you saying that just because it's old that it's acceptable? Do you find people bullying other people amusing? I'm honestly just trying to figure out what's going through your head, and not trying to hate, at least not yet.

Do some research on the cunt that Sandy Kane is and her lawsuit against O&A. Read Read how she sued them and never showed up for court. Watch/listen to the countless show appearances where she used them to promote herself. O&A and Sandy used each other for these situations constantly. There is nothing to be outraged about here. She knew the deal and came back time and time again. This was NOT her first appearance.

As someone who wasn't that informed on the whole situation, thanks for filling me in. Was there a similar situation with the homeless man? I read the description on the video saying that they put him on the radio at times when they walked by him and that he made some good money because of O&A, but still, it was a dick move.

Well i'm sure you are unfamiliar with Homeless Mustard, Mustard was a homeless man who with the help of Opie And Anthony got off the streets and produced his record which led to him getting a record deal.

How bout researching something before falling in line with the hive for a change?

..... That's what I'm doing....

By asking this thread the deets? That's not research that's lazy.

If you say so. Just thought one of you who are actually fans of this guy would be the best people to explain the situation to an outsider like me.

I think the line is is malice intent or not. Listeners who actually hear the show and know it know there's Opie (the radio character) and the non radio character. Two different types of people. This was a bit period.

The second gripe I have is if everyone is so strung up on feelings there's a delusion to assume everything is shiny happy and no one does a fuck about it but bitch and get all high and mighty being PC and value police about it. Keyboard vigilantes YUCK.

Thirdly it's the fake concern and misguided outrage. You give this much concern over a homeless guy in a 2 min vid you know nothing about. People laugh at mean things get over it. Comedy is sometimes mean and cruel and funny to some. Don't like it tough shit the world doesn't bend to your ideals and this is the lesson.

For your first point, I don't give a shit whether he's playing a character or not, it doesn't excuse his behavior. That's an incredibly stupid excuse.

Second, why does it annoy that people feel bad for a defenseless man when someone bullies you? What he did was just stupid and uncalled for.

Third, you fucking call this comedy? Who the fuck sees this and laughs? I don't even know how to respond to that. It's not funny, and never will be.

So Anthony Hopkins played a cannibal murderer in a movie (his character) do I rail against him as a cannibal murderer FUCKING NO. Guess what though those dudes he killed I felt it I was upset by it and I didnt like it. The very real difference here was I was captivated by it and I saw the difference between a character and the real person. This homeless guy conveniently showed up every day for a while exactly when he knew the show was coming through you know why? Because HE FUCKING BENEFITED FROM IT. You see 2 mins of a cake vid and think you know the whole fucking story and be damned if anyone tries to explain it because anything is beneath your good tastes and standing, give me a fucking break.

2nd It annoys me at least when some internet wanna be saint comes in on his/her high horse and acts like the are the patron saint of good values and morals. You going to sit here and say in your entire fucking life you're clean of anything remotely close to this HONESTLY? You've never had a chuckle at something that was kind of wrong? If you say yes you're either really the patron saint of values and morals or you're just bullshitting yourself. And thats certainly you're perogative.

3rd Yes some do, life is tough it aint rainbows and barbies and sometimes sometimes we laugh at shit that is wrong and mean, because deep down we're all fucking humans that have that little trigger that makes us a little happy at shit that's normally not seen as funny. Funny story (IMHO) I had a really close family member hooked on heroin for 10 yrs, I screamed, I was civil, and tried everything to save him, you know what did? Some asshole embarrassing the shit out of him when he lived on the streets smoking fucking cigarettes discarded by the likes of everyone. And you know what 6 yrs later he's clean a whistle and I laugh about it. Because it came down to that how funny is that? 10 yrs wasted and resolved by a fucking stranger who told the family member to get his shit together and stop being a bum.

By your responses you wouldnt know comedy if it kicked you in the teeth.

So you dont like O & A and cant see past a radio bit for what it was, FINE go somewhere else and white knight yourself and continue to act clean from all evils of this world, you're just full of shit.

We get it you're "better" than the little folks, go on with your bad self you've won the internet for a day lol.

I'm going to try to make this response as quick as possible. Playing a character in a movie and playing a character in real life are two completely different things, and if you can't see that, well, no point in arguing with you at all because apparently you don't have common sense. Also, yes, everyone laughs at terrible things. It is human. But you have to understand that just from that video, all we see is that someone asshole picking on a homeless guy who is apparently their friend. Seeing someone bullied doesn't bring a smile to my face, its that simple. "By your responses you wouldnt know comedy if it kicked you in the teeth," If that's true then apparently everyone who is angry by this video is the same and we don't know comedy. After all, you know everything about it. And lastly, don't put words into my mouth. I never said I was better than you. I'm not trying to white knight myself. If you had even read my first comment, I'm just trying to fucking understand the situation, but you just pounce on me trying to make me look like an idiot. It didn't work. Sorry.

Uninformed What is eveyone "Uninformed" about?

First off, the top video calls Sandy Kane "homeless", which she is not. And most of the thread seems to think the video happened yesterday and that they're going to "take down" O&A.

Ah, see, you don't get it. Everyone else here is parroting Opie! Why are you not? You must be uninformed.

Or everyone here is aware of the facts and context, and not acting outraged like the rest of Reddit.

"Acting outraged." This entire subreddit's only defense is that you don't think people are actually mad.

I am genuinely interested in understanding where the real justification is. What are the facts and context? I see that or similar lines being used in your defense, but no actual information. Is it that he "kind of knew them?" Or that he gave them money afterward?

From one person to the next -- is it truly just that you don't see this as hurting another human being? Or don't care? I'm not interested in arguing; I truly want to know what's going on. Why is that even with the "context," I still see this as plainly cruel?

And why are you guys spending so much time telling reddit "how much you don't care what they think" or that they're "uninformed" instead of actually coming up with a solid argument as to why everyone is overreacting, if, in fact, that is the case?

Why should we have to? It was for entertainment purposes that pushed the line. Opie is a character that pushes the lines. He is not like that in real life. If you want to look up old clips from Howard stern you would see the same sort of material. Our argument is that you are getting so mad for stuff that happened years ago. The FCC was fine with their show at that time. Look at it this way. No one was helping those homeless people at the time. It wasn't as if Opie stopped others from helping. But he actually co-opted them into the show and provided great entertainment as well as food for the homeless throughout the winter months. So you are getting mad at Opie for treating people badly but have you given thousands of dollars to homeless You are behind your keyboard feigning moral superiority while you do nothing.

I was going to write a big response, but I fear that I'm not eloquent enough.

So, basically, I would say that the view most of us have here is best reflected by this video

edit: And this one

Well i'm sure you are unfamiliar with Homeless Mustard, Mustard was a homeless man who with the help of Opie And Anthony got off the streets and produced his record which led to him getting a record deal.

I've seen that, yes -- awesome talent for sure! But all things considered, it doesn't mean Opie was any less of an asshole to the others, and I'm actually more inclined to think that he only treated Mustard nicely because he happened to like him. Disregarding that interpretation of it, though, it still makes him someone who has done nice things, but also someone who has done things I couldn't even imagine doing.

I think part of the paradigm in this subreddit is that many of his fans see it as "aw that's just how Opie is" and simply don't question it anymore. I'm not trying to high-horse this shit, I'm trying to look at it objectively. As a human being, those other videos made me sad to watch. And it's frustrating coming here to see how Opie fans reacted, only to see that most of them are blindly defending him [without legitimately doing so] because "that's what the show is about and you're all just not getting it." It seems instead that a lot of people have been desensitized to this sort of thing, so when "outsiders" who haven't been desensitized come in and are shocked to see "the norm," they're deemed pussies, tightwads and idiots who have no sense of humor.

He stomped on a homeless man's cake... I don't see that being ok under any context.

An expired cake the guy took out of the trash. He was then given way more money than the cake was worth. If I'm homeless I would take that deal every time.


/u/opiesucks has never been more popular.

And never been more absent.

I'm simultaneously livid at these social-justice keyboard warriors and excited that I get to enjoy a bit of a dummy bashing, a inside-joke-a-thon.

And everyone being on the same page with Ope's basketball trick shot video makes me smile.

Hey guys, I'm trying to get one of the Opsters other videos viral. Up vote it.

The reaction of reddit to this is embarrassing

The reaction of reddit to this is embarrassing

hahahahahahah... incredible edit

Ha ha look at all those white knight PC lib queers!

Are you sure they are not quays?

Possibly mo's?

Queeb a possibility

Of either Samoan or Hawaiian descent.

Ha they were right about the retardedness of their listeners. I didn't know they were this stupid though.

Linger longer

I've heard the context behind the Sandy video and I can see what you mean by Reddit being whiny about the whole thing, but I wanted to ask fans of the show if the man with the cake was compensated or anything. It sounds like they usually give them money or food in return for these kinda stunts.

Yes always compensated. They did most of this off air though because they would have been breaking the 4th wall of radio which is show that they really weren't the shock jocks that they played on the radio. They also did the homeless shopping spree where they got the listeners to pay for as much groceries that the homeless people could grab, although if I remember right this was shut down by the lawyers. One of the guys girlfriends just died on the show and instead of the hosts going all in on this publicity they are instead trying to raise money for her funeral.

I really feel like this though:

Are the mods going to engage the banhammer before /u/opiesucks starts cumming dust?

A lot of the stupidity on here (meaning there [meaning the comments on /r/videos]) has me feeling like this:

Except youtube took the first one down...the ultimate irony for Op's first viral video.

I showed my chick that vid 2 years ago, not sure what the hell happened that it's now gaining so much traction. Fucking ridiculous the outrage happening.

Pretty shitty considering nothing about it is banned material. But his guitar smashing video is getting some hits.

Uninformed What is eveyone "Uninformed" about?

So I just watched those videos too, and I'd like to just have a simple discussion with you. He was being a cunt to people whose lives were already pretty shitty. Are you saying that just because it's old that it's acceptable? Do you find people bullying other people amusing? I'm honestly just trying to figure out what's going through your head, and not trying to hate, at least not yet.


Good one Col'.

Opie doesn't count show videos.