Opie's video is removed from youtube and his website is down. #JusticeforOpie

0  2013-08-12 by [deleted]

Poor Opie finally gets a viral video....


WHAT THE FUCK! Opie has a website?

Not anymore.

So many people reported the video so I'm not surprised. THIS FAKE OUTRAGE IS OUTRAGEOUS! Fuck I can't wait for the boys to come back from vacation and smash these asshats.

I didn't report it. But he did violate a few main rules. Just sayin.

What they're going to do is publicly apologize and blow a few sponsors to try to keep them from leaving.

The fake internet outrage is sickening.

it really does make me hate this place

You have to admit though, that video was fucking hard to watch. Maybe you enjoy being a douchebag to helpless people but most of us don't like shit like that. Don't fucking abuse people just because you can, for cheap laughs.

Obviously to enjoy this video, you have to be a person that enjoys just walking around, stomping on people's food. Thats definitly it.

Shut up.

No I said you must enjoy being a douchebag to people if you like that video. Stomping on cakes isn't the only way to accomplish this.

Of course. Im the douchebag, yet you start right off the bat with name calling without knowing one bit of information about me. Just calm down, buddy. You are just assuming things and come off as an ass in the process.


its sad that OnA fans are more reasonable and normal than these internet retards.

he STOMPED ON A CAKE, god damn this country is so uptight, why do these idiots have any clout.

Fuck Opie.

Wow, way to take a stand, very brave and powerful of you.

Glad you noticed. Bravery and powerful was what I was going for so I'm happy it read. Now don't you have some poor homeless person to laugh at?

What? Why?

Woah woah. Contain the braveness.


Glad you like it :) By the way, you jerk off to cartoons, so it's probably best to leave your judgements at the door.


What a whiny, butthurt, thin-skinned, crying little vagina you are.
