Cake stomping video lol

0  2013-08-11 by TheBobWhookidSamShow


If this guy put half as much effort into eating a shotgun shell, it would benefit the world 100 times more than this video.

ewwww he's bragging about giving the doggy bag to a homeless guy.

"i felt good about that"

typical liberal self righteous faggot

typical liberal self righteous faggot

That's not cool. What if I called you a right-wing mentally ill retarded chimpanzee? I'd be right but still, not cool man.

i'm not a right winger, i'm independent. i just hate liberals because i hate preachy people.


The right-wing, the Jesus party, doesn't preach?

i hate that shit too. but it doesn't bug me as much as the lefty rhetoric. anyway, bash away the jesus freaks, i don't give a shit

Not to get too political but are you seriously more offended by a teenager calling a video wrong, than an entire group of politicians who basically revolve around hating gays, atheists, and anything not-Jesus?

see you drag me into your politics to get me downvoted, jeeeez

no more politics ever

i'm not american bro. but "politicians who basically revolve around hating gays, atheists, and anything not-Jesus". really? don't you find that statement a little over the top? and that's the lefty propaganda type statement that i dislike.

Well "bro", I am American and as someone familiar with American politics, yes, that's exactly what the Jesus-party does in this country. You may not be familiar with it but it exists.

If you take anything that politicians say seriously then you're a fucking moron. They're all liars and greedy self-serving people. It's just a big charade to polarize the people and maintain power. They create two teams with NO MIDDLE GROUND and force people to take sides. Its a complete joke, and anyone who vehemently defends a party is just as dumb as the party they oppose.

It's just two flocks of sheep following different wolves. And the wolves aren't even disguised. They're not even wearing sheep's clothing anymore...

The intelligence on this subreddit is exactly what I'd expect from O&A fans.

He took two screenshots. Some serious investigation journalism right there... this kid.

Alex jones should hire him


I want to stomp on your face like he stomped on that cake, we cool, I too will throw some money at you once we are done. FAGGOT!

You won't be able to stomp on his face because Opie will step in and his V will block you.

is that V for vigina?

vigina? good one


I mean why wouldn't Opie just throw $100 on the ground in the middle of a New York street.

you are such a FAGGOT, wow!!!! can I fuck you in the ass with a strapon?

Haha totally clueless.


and yet zero upvotes total.

Yeah, because it's not like he could've given him the hundred after the video ended.

Nah dude, he took even took screenshots. Open and shut case.

He give no money whatsoever, Sam! The cake was mmmmmurdered.


What a fag.

Find me a more punchable face on YouTube, I dare you.

Scratch that -- find me a more punchable face anywhere.

Oh the douche chills... oooooffff.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Here's a video which became an /r/cringe hit, with good reason.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

There are no words. He's even reading off of a piece of paper.

Good and its in black and white too


find me a more punchable face anywhere

That was easy

God I fucking hate people. This kid has NOTHING better to fucking do.

I am cringing so hard.

The 3 minute monologue of how he gave food to a homeless guy one time made my teeth hurt.


Ohhhh my god that cheating video made me want to eat my phone

This will be strange, but I happen to know Daniel in real life (or did) when I attended the same class as him at Green River Community College. He does have chronic depression and he does have a fuck-load of scars on his arms. I don't really see a point of you mocking someone like this. I don't care for him whatsoever, but to put him down for his lack of comprehending math is just sad.

He does have a learning disorder, I witnessed it first hand in our philosophy class. He was barely able to do the simple logical syllogism problems we were assigned. If you're really against him why post his video only in return getting him more views and earning him more money?

I wouldn't mock someone for having a learning disorder (or chronic depression for that matter -- I have depression myself), I just don't see it appropriate for someone of obviously low intelligence to mock others for being unintelligent, which he does routinely. It's not just his understanding of mathematics or his inability to string a sentence together. He fails to put forth any arguments which aren't regurgitations of material already put forth by others. His learning disability is no excuse for his blatant whiteknighting and baseless mockery of others.

Note: it doesn't excuse his incessant lying, either, nor his repeated interjection into the personal lives of others.

I watched the video, where does he mock someone in this video for being unintelligent? His disorder is his ability to speak... I was around him enough to see that it was real. Also in case you didn't know I just watched his video where he went to africa to build houses for the poor located here. The only interjection of other lives has been towards that scum-fuck onision and as far as I am aware he's done with it.

You obviously don't see the bigger picture. I don't care if the homeless man was given a million dollars off camera. It don't make up for the wrong message of this video. The fact that the guys of Opie Radio thought it was funny to stomp on a homeless man's cake in the first place, is disgusting and amoral. The homeless get harassed and bullied all the time. Opie Radio has publicly reinforced the idea that such vile treatment toward the homeless is okay, when it's NOT.

I don't see how Daniel is a whiteknight for expressing his opinion on the degradation and humiliation of a homeless man. But whatever.

You misunderstand. Of course I'm not talking about solely this video.

The only interjection of other lives has been towards that scum-fuck onision

One interjection too many.

I don't care if the homeless man was given a million dollars off camera.

You're really willing to ignore that? Ask any homeless person whether they'd rather have a cake thrown out by Starbucks or a couple hundred dollars. Their responses would be fairly predictable. You know full well that that homeless man was more than reimbursed for his troubles. Regarding Daniel's response, he made it clear enough that money was a factor through his Holmesian investigations -- screen-capturing one-dollar bills. He wouldn't have made the effort if money was irrelevant, which it quite clearly isn't.

Opie Radio has publicly reinforced the idea that such vile treatment toward the homeless is okay, when it's NOT.

I don't think you're lending enough credit to the people. I highly doubt that anyone went out stomping on cakes of the homeless -- or harassing them in any other manner, for that matter -- after watching this video. I highly doubt it. If anyone was going to harass the homeless, that decision wouldn't be formed after watching a short clip on YouTube unless they were incredibly susceptible to influence. And, hey -- if they were to give them a couple hundred bucks after doing so, I'm so the homeless would be better off.

I don't see how Daniel is a whiteknight for expressing his opinion on the degradation and humiliation of a homeless man

Again, I wasn't referring solely to this video.

That cake was disgusting and immoral. He got it out of the trash because it was expired. You wouldn't care if he gave him a million dollars? Are you high? You could step on my balls on CNN for a million dollars. I think your high horse needs to be put down.

If the cake was immoral, then it deserved to be stomped, then burned. Immoral cakes will be the downfall of us all....

Holy living fuck, I made it 45 seconds. Kid can't even read.

Your Messiah is here. Take down this pile of aid's facebook, twitter, youtube account etc. Jocktober came early this year...


Yabul Herr Kommodant!

i hope they address this video when they get back from break.

I'd fucking love to see Repzion torn apart. It's long due.

Oh, what a fucking DUUUMMMY. /Jim voice

Ahahahaha haha haha made it 30 sec past cake stomp video and that kid is a dumb Fuck. I took two screen shots... Not to mention he is unaware of the xm mike flag and the fact that the show isn't some small time thing.

Also the kid looks like a smug pice of shit, who is jumping on something hot to get page views. My favorite comment is, your profile pic looks like a penis so I reported it

Edit after another minute of watching. This you tube channeler is lecturing Opie on how radio works from what looks like a childs room

Im interested to know if boy wonder over hear bothered to see if the man he gave his meal to could be allergic or had digestive problems with any of the ingredients in the food. For all we know, he sent a man into anaphylaxis shock that night.

He probably threw it away cause it was vegan

Man, he just won't shut up, will he? I had to hang up on him after he said he doesn't give cash to homeless people. I'd like to see him give Homeless Charlie a box of stale sushi and maybe a lecture about eating healthy... Now that would be good radio!


At the end he's says "Welcome to America". I cringed so hard. I hates these cunt who's job is to have a PC faggot opinion for other morons to watch.

Funny, in an ironic way, to see Portal prominently featured on the kid's games shelf.

Obvious Benihana propaganda.

This one's even better

To paraphrase, she says:

"Paying him 100 dollars after the fact doesn't make it OK..."

"...I hope they find the homeless man and that reparations will be made"

GET HER AN INTERVIEW ON THE OPIE AND ANTHONY SHOW! They would have to film it, her face makes my lips spasm.


End yourself, please.


LMfao everything was wrong XD

I still can't get over this shit. It was 2007(I think) why the fucking outrage now?!??! Fuck sakes



We have confirmed reports that Sam is now interning for Repzion in salmon pants

little faggot

The kid has a gay flag in the background. He's obviously a PC faggot, or well.. just a faggot in general.


Who gives a shit. Everyone is offended by something. Get off your high horse and just accept it.

Get off your high horse and just accept it.

I will never accept that he, like me, is a faggot.

(To spell out the joke for you)

I got ya' now. I didn't know if you were an Opie & Anthony fan or just one of these white knighting Reddit users coming on the sub forum to trash Opie some more.