Jeeezus Christ x/x post from r/rogan Any O&A fans here? How does r/joerogan feel about this x/post r/videos

0  2013-08-11 by jackbowen




what if

mushrooms are really just aliens from another planet?


You just totally gave me something to think about later on when I'm in my isolation tank bro!

Those guys need to hold hands and fucking cry... Love rogan but those comments can BLOW ME. pissy eyed faggots

Maybe opie just needs some mushrooms man. He'll see that's he's wrong mannnnnnn. Should smoke a blunt and sit in a isolation chamber mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Fuckin diaz was a low life criminal for thirty years and they suck his dick.

Rogan's 'fans' are a bunch of faggots. They all cry 'Don't bully people', but I bet Rogan laughed his ass off at this video.

Whoop! Whoop!

Douche bag Alert!

Level 2- serious

Pretty sure his fans are 100 times better than opie and anthony fans such as yourself.

like better people? probably. but they're showing how they're whiny bitches like everyone else on reddit.

i am a fan of joe but i dont subscribe to this subreddit because of all the cock sucking and douchey shit on here. say powerful. it's not said enough on here.

You can't sit here and act like what he did was totally normal and acceptable, hey can I get your phone to make a phone call ? Than I smash it on the ground, and throw few hundred dollars on the ground and laugh at you.

Pretty much the same, except even worse when that guy is homeles, it's like picking on the weak. Do you actually think that he would do something like that if it was a 6 foot 6 big healthy guy?

I think you are sucking O&A cock , personally.

And you're sucking Rogan's cock by saying that his fans are 100x better than O&A fans. Go get your entertainment listening to Joey Diaz tell Rogan about beating and robbing gay guys, basically raping a girl, etc, and continue feeling your smug sense of superiority

Double guns Cunty!

pew pew!!

What's worse? Stepping on a cake or kidnapping a girl in Colorado?

stepping on a cake obviously


she's not homeless, she even has her own tv show, she appeared multiple times on the show after that, she tried to sue them twice and failed to appear both times, if you knew anything about her you'd know what a scumbag of a human she is and that she's taken part in many bits before.

EDIT: way to address the Joey Diaz thing, typical fucking hypocrite

Bla bla bla , you're a stupid faggot who only knows how to talk shit and think its cool to be edgy.

Get the fuck outta here, O&A = dipshits with zero talent.

Oh gosh, you really hurt my feelings sarcastic eyeroll

Now address the Joey Diaz issue.

You better turn around, boy, your kind ain't welcome here

Pretty sure they both shoot for the same demographic you fucking retards, lol.