Rally the Pests!

0  2013-08-11 by moskalik


Reddit slacktivists working themselves into a self-righteous, frothy rage. Nothing new here.

What I do like though are the people claiming to be listeners who are threatening to VOTE WITH THEIR WALLETS! and never listen again. You can smell the bullshit through your computer screen.

edit: In response to "Your outrage is 6 years too late. Get over yourselves." some guy wrote:

Oh because you know, just because you're an asshole years ago doesn't make you any less of an asshole.

Maybe you should tell that to the people hunting Nazis still.

Fucking Godwin'd in a thread about an Opie video. Never change, redditors in the default subs.

edit 2: oh boy, they are really working themselves into a fucking frenzy. This is the same brainless mob that tried to ruin that one student's life during the manhunt for the Boston bomber. Sure they have a short attention span, but they're still a mob of vile, unscrupulous people masquerading as good human beings and they WILL try to lash out while this is going on. This might turn ugly.

What a bunch of clucking hens. "Money does not replace kindness." yuuuuck

It's pretty ironic that a Jimspiration is the top comment.

Lets see...You walk by me and smile and say hi. Or you walk by me, spit on me and give me $200...

Yeah, I'll take the $200 please!

Just let them rage behind their computers and watch them forget it in 3 days when a new kitten video come out. And dont mind commenting in the thread, I did and got downvoted to oblivion

One of the top comments on the youtube video is:

"I'll dox this guy and post his information in a sec. Respond to this comment if you're interested."


His name is HOWARD STERN!

Email Address '[email protected]'

That thread is a tidal wave of "hugs for homeless", isn't it? Too bad there is not enough pests on Reddit to start a war :)

I'm doing my best to fight the good fight.

3 days? You're giving way too much credit to the idiots in that thread to continue caring for 3 days time.

The Opster finally got his viral video.

Show videos don't count.

This is why Opie re-uploaded the video. Some fresh outrage = more exposure.

Yeah, loads of negative exposure... great!

O&A's bread and butter. They're used to it.

Yeah, the loved the negative exposure they got for the Menino prank. And Sex for Sam. And Homeless Charlie.


Well, from the Menino prank, while they did get fired, it opened the door to an even bigger market for them. Turned out pretty good in the end.

Imagine what would happen if these cunts listened to some Bobo clips! Reddit would explode over "the abuse of a mentally disabled man".

The show hosts encouraged the mentally challenged boy into harrassing minorities.



It's pretty sad. I would hate to live in a world where these douchebags actually did have power. Nothing interesting would ever happen.

No amount of fans could really do anything about something like this, The world is now filled with weak minded people and 16 year olds raised in an overly PC world with endless venues to voice their white knight band wagon opinions.

well said man. Also I know it may be off topic but that anti-american stuff is getting on my nerves as well. Especially with these supposedly cop brutality videos.. People start talking revolutions and shit. it's fucking ridiculous. And when you try to rationalize people call you "sheep of the government". It's insane really

Summer can't end soon enough. I want my reddit back.

Reddit is and always has been garbage. It's not just Eternal September, it's Eternal Summer on this shit site.

Reddit is and always has been garbage.

Yet here you are.

I wish they didn't delete. Eternal Sunshine of a Shit Site would have been a pretty good line.

The world is now filled with weak minded people and 16 year olds raised in an overly PC world with endless venues to voice their white knight band wagon opinions.

Why is it wrong of people to think that smashing someone else's stuff isn't okay?

There isnt anything wrong with it, Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Just like my opinion of the 3000 "death threats" commented on youtube from people who watched a video off reddit out of context and pull out their pitch forks instantly is rediculous.



What r ya mad or sumfthin'?


Opie is brilliant. He posted this video that he KNEW would re-garner outrage and publicity, but he did it right before he took the week off from radio so he wouldn't have to deal with addressing the bullshit on air/taking callers who will complain about a 6 year old bit. By the time they come back Reddit will have moved on to a video of some kitten or girl singing "Get Lucky".

I'm surprised reddit hasn't found some of Anthony's colorful rants.

Hahaha, I'm waiting for the poker chip video to pop up.

Op tweeted he's looking for a good copy to put it up next lol

Hahaha, he should just keep uploading every asshole Opie clip he can find. Reddit would eat that shit up.

Holy shit I havent even though about it, haha. The issue is they would have to sit down and actually listen to the rant, instead of watching a short 1 min video. The video of Anthony's rant would never get enough attention.

Uh Oh. Reddit is heating up on a 6 y/o bit taken out of context and I cannot downvote enough. PESTS: care to wade in it with me?

Edit: slight re-wording for grammar.

Relax. I've said it countless times, it's not 2006. Just let them have their circle jerk.

From the comments in that thread you'd think it was 2001. I can't remember the last time I read "shock jocks" and "Opie and Anthony" in the same sentence.

sigh You are probably right.

Comments have been disabled. The jerk is over and reddit can go back to titty and cat pics.


We can all down vote but there aren't enough people on this sub to counter act the thousands of people who will up vote because they don't get it and will take a1 min clip as what the whole thing is all about.

Calling for a downvote brigade? If you like your account, I'd delete that comment.

who cares? let my fake points hemorrhage from every angle.

I think he meant reddit bans users who conspire to up or down vote.

ah, fair enough.


make a new account?

Your username made me lol. Fucking homerun!

I say we wait until their circlejerk is over and then post the video of that basketball shot on the same sub or something.


Lots of death threats over a fucking cake. Reddit is such shit.

Its not reddit its my generation...my generation is shit


"I don't care if it was stale. That poor guy had a moment of hope in his eyes and tried to offer them some of what he had. You could see there was some bit of dignity there, for him to offer what he himself probably cannot afford to begin with, and they go smashing it like it's some big joke. Then the guy, clearly crushed by their reaction, struggles to compose himself. This is totally disgusting. No fucking class. That homeless man showed more class than these guys will ever understand."


That homeless man showed more class than these guys will ever understand

I'll bet that homeless man just took a shit next to some dude's mailbox. Haha.

grody to the maaax.

This was written by the same type of person who on his way home from his freshman party has a drunken conversation with a homeless dude (usually black) and it changes his perspective on everything maaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnn.

There is one listener who has been doing this recently. This is the third thing that has been posted in a week or two using out of context show material. I feel like it is some half fan who is trying to get karma because they know that people who don't listen will not understand the show and what it does. So they are creating outrage out of nothing for some stupid up votes. Anyone who knows the show understands that while they do horrible things on air or in front of a camera, those people are seriously taken care of after everything goes off. I hate when people force the show and the listeners to break the fourth wall to make people understand what is really going on.

It's probably on purpose, some viral marketing. Stirring the shit pot. Looks to be working.

They're acting all shocked at /r/howardstern as well, like Howard hasn't taken advantage of retards, homeless and addicts for his radio show. Howard almost brought a retarded man to tears because he thought he was being sent to the moon, haha. The fake outrage is ridiculous.

I was in there trying to battle the idiocy but it's a rising tide. Life is too short to argue with reactionary idiots who refuse to yield to context and information. Fuck that thread.

Might make a Circlebroke post about this, tho.

Ugh what a bunch of self righteous cunts. Replied to a few if the really ridiculous ones (comparing his actions to a rapist?!?!?) and I'm sure my fake "I like you" points will take a shit but who cares this my porn surfing account. What a bunch of nonsense.

EDIT - really hate these fucking cunts. They are winding me up with this dumb shit.

This comment got gold.

He didn't stomp on the cake, he stomped on the guy's dignity.

It is the same mentality as the banks who kick people out of their homes, foreclose on them, then bulldoze the house so they don't have to pay property taxes rather than allow the family to have a reduced loan or lower the payments.

It's about waste, power and corruption. And that is why we have such a visceral reaction to this video. Because it says that if you have money, you can shit on people who are disadvantaged.

This homeless guy probably sees way more waste in a single day than we "see" in our entire lifetimes. Imagine finding an entire dozen piece, wrapped cinnamon coffee cake -- still in the cellophane and cardboard -- thrown out. What is that to Starbucks? Probably $50 worth of product? Just dumped.

The guy felt like he had done something good by retrieving the cake, and he was willing to share it. He was probably saddened to think that Starbucks would throw away that much cake rather than just give it to the homeless in the area.

Instead, we witness the attitude which is making this world such a fucked up mess. It is better to destroy something than allow someone else to have it for free.

Oh, the douchenozzle fucking tweeted that he gave the guy $100? Sorry, the only "get out of jail free" card you are going to get on this one is if you bring the guy into your home, get him treatment for whatever problem he has (alcohol, brain disorder, etc.) and give him a job on your show. THEN you will be worthy of forgiveness.

I am definitely going to start writing hive minded comments in the hope of catching a gold.

Such bravery. I shed a tear.

A modern day Cicero.

"worthy"? oh god.

Now guys! The homeless are people too.

Guyyyysssss. Come on now.


Flag the reddit link and message the mods for people in the thread breaking Rule III: No Witch-hunting.

Who gives a shit, let the stupid faggots spew whatever shit they want.

I wonder what would happen if they heard the friendly banter before the cake smash, and realised the video Opie posted cuts off part of the context.

Comments are disabled on the video


God, sometimes I hate Reddit, fucking cunts taking shit out of context EVERYFUCKINGTIME. I'm not even gonna bother commenting on those threads, I already got banned from a subreddit today, so that's enough.




Summer can't end soon enough. I want my reddit back.

That homeless man showed more class than these guys will ever understand

I'll bet that homeless man just took a shit next to some dude's mailbox. Haha.

well said man. Also I know it may be off topic but that anti-american stuff is getting on my nerves as well. Especially with these supposedly cop brutality videos.. People start talking revolutions and shit. it's fucking ridiculous. And when you try to rationalize people call you "sheep of the government". It's insane really

This was written by the same type of person who on his way home from his freshman party has a drunken conversation with a homeless dude (usually black) and it changes his perspective on everything maaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnn.

Yeah, the loved the negative exposure they got for the Menino prank. And Sex for Sam. And Homeless Charlie.

The world is now filled with weak minded people and 16 year olds raised in an overly PC world with endless venues to voice their white knight band wagon opinions.

Why is it wrong of people to think that smashing someone else's stuff isn't okay?