The next week of my job is going to be hell. What are the best O&A bits that can help someone through a week?

0  2013-08-10 by okconsumer


The 8 hours of the David and Bobo show.

i listened to it twice on 3 consecutive days at work. i'm an architect, and my design proposal i was working on later was rejected by city council. haha

i believe you should be able to sue David for that.

Word is that the Asiana pilots were listening to that in the cockpit on approach.

Were they?

easy, all the scorch saga's, all the WAAF clips.

and fuck yes to uniformed, personally my favorite duo outside of OnA, it never got old hearing bill shit on joe and then joe get all defensive, joe is such a sensitive sap, and bill is an old school east coast guy that his dad probably never said he loved him, so he is a walled off pyscho.

I despise anything Scorch.

Not O&A.. but relevant.. The Uninformed Show with Billy McBurr and Joe "Mic tattoo" DeRosa the Teenage Sensation. Lots of content, not enough.. but a lot.

This. The whole uninformed series is only 8 episodes. I've listened to the whole series 3 times. Really too. Favorite episode is the drum battle with guest judge Anthony cumia.

I appreciate the endorsement of my suggestion, but.. a quick Google search shows 11 episodes. Is this wrong? I THOUGHT I heard them all...

I've never listened though, and I'm a big fan of the Monday Morning Podcast and I love Joey Roses

No excuse then, brother. If they aren't on torrent sites.. use and Youtube.

That's probably right. I was just estimating. I wonder if that's why I'm one of the few who seems to love derosa,being that I've been a fan for a while.

Love.. meh.. I respect Roses, I like him. I know they changed the show after being pushed off XM or Sirius.. but I think it was under the same name. I only ever listened on Youtube years after the fact.

Jimmy making fun of the two-headed bitch from TLC, probably the funniest I've ever heard him

The Paul McCartney miscarriage bit and divorce bit. It's the most rotten thing I've heard them do

Check out Jasonayeiter on YouTube. Great channel for classic O&A bits.

The Jesse Ventura In-Studio Trilogy. That's like 10 hours of content.

The "Donna the Deer Lady" jocktober is one of the funniest breaks I've ever heard. Jimmy fucking kills it.

Also, look for "Women Make Me Sick" with Patrice. Whole show is golden, there.

good time to check out the podcast...leave a positive review

And don't forget the nugget.

One channel: Jasonayeiter.

After Patrice died they did a, if I'm not mistaken, 16 hour best of. With enough searching you can find this for download and that will fill up a good chunk of time. What I like to do is search for Worst Of's as well. Go back a few months, like the 3 day Uncle Paul Christmas and prior. The beauty of listening to a show going on 20 years of radio is there is plenty of great stuff to find and listen to. If you need help finding stuff, shoot me a message and I can send you some YouTube links or a few shows I have saved.

Am I wrong with the length? I remember listening to this and could have sworn it was 15hrs+

I got it off audible. It's like 16 hours. Amazing shit though.

Without a doubt. What's crazy is "amazing" should just be implied with anything Patrice related.

The bombs and flubs bit and the segment on Anthony's stalker are like 4 hours of really entertaining radio. Both youtube clips were posted in the past week or so.

The "My Baby is Black" episode. Almost an hour of pants-pissing hilarity.

Jim Jefferies when he was on with Justine Joli.

Any Jim Jefferies episode is great but that one stands out in particular.

Bombs and flubs. 3 hours of hilarious failure. Also everything with Jimmy Going on stuff/people.

Well, Jimmy is supposed to be on Joe Rogan's Podcast this week, so that ought to at least get you through a day.

I like Opie and Opiesucks.

Anthonys stories of fishing with his dad crack me the fuck up.

sleepy jimmy

tired jimmy is doing a show at crocodile rock (with other favorite of mine, alternate sports team names)


any and all Nopie shows


Stop. You're just as much a hack as you think Opie is. You're not funny, everyone on this strongly dislikes you, and 99% of the time you are ignored.

You're wrong. I'm awesome. I'm the funniest fucker here and everyone knows it!

I personally think your'e a treat.

The only thing worse than a circlejerk is someone doing a "twitter voice" circlejerk impression. Go fuck yourself. Opie fucking blows and you know it.

That wasn't an impersonation of the Twitter voice, that was just plain sarcasm. And my opinion on Opie is irrelevant. I'm just sick of opiesucks and other degenerates like him that fill this subreddit with their anti-Opie drivel. Cool, you don't like a co-host on a radio show. You may think that "OPIE TOTALLY SUCKS MAAAAAAN" is a universal opinion, but it's not, and no one cares what you think.

You're right. This sub should only be about praise. Nothing but accolades, especially for "The Opster". I mean, let's face it, he's the face of radio. He could have been a model, for Christ's sake. When he bitches, shit gets done. We should all revel in every one of his rants, like earlier today where he lamented hair plug technology and why they haven't employed any artists to perfect it. It was a real Seinfeld moment!

Do you honestly think that's what I meant? Do ya? No. I agree that Op has some terrible douche chill moments, and he does get on my nerves every once and awhile. I just think it's wasted energy to spend all this time complaining about it. Again, it's just a radio show

It is just a radio show - but it's a radio show focused on criticizing everything in the world. To expect anything different from it's fans is to display a disconnect from what makes it a popular show.

I agree that most of the show's content is focused on criticizing anything and everything. And I agree that the same level Of criticism should be expected from O&A fans.

However, the rate at which some of these fans criticize the show is much, much higher than it needs to be. If the boys go after something on air, they either beat it up for a few days and abandon it, or criticizing that thing will become a recurring bit on the show.

But fans like opiesuck's attacks on Opie are more than just a recurring bit. It's borderline obsession.

Am I wrong with the length? I remember listening to this and could have sworn it was 15hrs+