I'd say this could be the spark of an old school on air feud between the boys and Stern but Stern would have to be on air to have a feud.

35  2013-08-08 by [deleted]


I find it funny that they want to bitch about Stern, yet every now and then they will correctly bitch at the right problem: their agent. These guys have WAY more than almost every show out there except for Stern yet they keep focusing on Stern. If they want a better setup than they need to have someone fighting for them which obviously they're guy doesn't do it.

Sirius believes there's life after O&A. When Stern retires, they'll need someone to carry the banner—all I knew of satellite radio before this was muzak for retail stores. Opie's complained many times about Sirius not working a farm team, not cultivating new talent, etc.

I could get technical about private equity & enterprise-flipping, but YAWN. Simply put, Sirius won't invest any cash or effort until the PE owner sells the company. PE firms gut, take loans to pay investors off, then sell the "streamlined" operation to the highest bidder.

I think this, above any other reason, has stymied O&A's growth. It's all timing, not content.

No farm team? What about Co-vino and Rich? I can't wait to get my Dudebro T-shirt before the big rush. http://www.covinoandrich.com/product/dbcivshirt

haha you fucker.


this has puzzled me for some time - it may be wrapped up in the idea that they are simply riding this for what it is worth and ready to end it soon

I think it's more that there's a way that radio guys handle things. They leave things up to the agents and lawyers, and as long as they get the amount that they can live with, then that's it. Fact is, they have power and they know they have power, but no one on their end is making full use of that power or that they don't want to exchange some money for power.

Fact is, the guys could EASILY made all the staffers their own just like Kenny. They wouldn't have to worry about them getting shit from management and so on but they don't want to go that route.

I was wondering that when the remodle talk was going on - I think Howard has to pay for his, it is why he has such a huge contract

that aside, I still wonder if they aren't almost done with it - they show up everyday but seem to lack the passion to get the minutia accomplished

they have fu money and know they can make money in other ways once the show ends - Ant has a huge potential career in voice work

3 things.

They're right about him wanting to be accepted and that he needs more live shows.

Second, Opie came off as a real fucking douche. But that's not surprising. And I like Opie, I do.

Third, if they stayed later and didn't run out the creaking door at 9:59 every day they'd probably be able to get alot of things accomplished.

If Sirius gave a shit, I'm sure they'd stay. Any open door is still an open door.

There's only so much effort you can give to a job until you realize their priorities are elsewhere. It sounds douchey, until you're in their shoes—it's their show, hamstrung by a company devoted to a P/T employee on the downturn.


I know this won't be popular here but I think it's safe to say that stern has won any and all fights. Somehow he's signed the most incredible contract ever while OandA lost their studio and have to work in a closet now. It's not a fight at all, there's a clear winner.

I think audiences, at least, are pretty tired of Stern's shit and are turning to OA now.

This is correct, he has preference over guests too, it's ridiculous. The company acts like Howard is still relevant. It's not 1990 anymore.

Unfortunately for SiriusXM, satellite radio is quickly becoming irrelevant as well.

That's exactly the context..but for radaronline it's about a rivalry.

When picking winners, to misquote Anthony, a radio program will not be judged by the size of its studio, but by the content of its audio. Entertainment, wit or honesty is not generally measured in square feet.

Letting any contract decisions made by SiriusXM management scum be used as a guide for assessing any show's 'winning' status is clearly madness.

Big contract, big who gives a fuck. Well-adjusted adults do well to avoid judging a show's value just by its price tag. That's celeb-addled hollywood-studio/network-TV/music-pop-chart fag talk.

Closets and contracts and all that other noise are all of secondary import compared to what sounds come out of the magic talking box. O&A&J objectively make a better show, that's clear to anyone with ears. Therefore the boys are your big winners.

Opie nailed it. I was a hardcore stern listener up until about a year and a half ago. I never listen to O&A. I had to make the switch after stern joined AGT I was hearin the same shit over and over. Plus now every celebrity is coming in to kiss his ass. Glad I made he change. The only reasons I now have SiriusXM is for the opie and Anthony channel and nothing else. Oh yea, And I pay a premium to listen to them. Thanks SiriusXscaM


fuckin' HOME RUN!

Double Fees cocksuckah

Opie was spot on when he said that Howard has always wanted to be the guy he is now. The hanging out with celebrities in the Hamptons, judge on a shitty reality show. He is definitely watering down his show to appeal to AGT fans.

Yeah I stopped about a year ago,theres just nothing there anymore... it's almost like opie talking about his life for 2 hours then having a shitty repeated guest talking about his hollywood friends and small package.

Sterns promotion of AGT on the show, while obviously part of the AGT contract, is fucking rancid.The first hour of the show pretty much involves talking AGT up while having a few of his regular wack pack listeners phone in to say how much they love it.And random callers phone in to lick his cock and ask for tickets to the show!

I've tried to listen to recent Stern and can't fuckin handle the AGT talk. I get bored and frustrated and turn it off every time.

Random callers? You mean interns and Sal and Richard.

Don't forget Ant

random callers phone in to lick his cock and ask for tickets to the show!

That's the hugest wtf to me. Getting tickets to AGT is the easiest thing in the world, they aren't some hot commodity or anything, it's nothing but hype, which Howard is great at.

I went to a taping when they came by my city and all you have to do is print them out online, I love when the callers ask and Gary tells Howard "oh, I think we ran out" and the fucking rubes listening buy it.

it's cringe worthy listening to callers beg for free stuff on radio.None of Sterns callers, or very few, are interesting to listen to.

On Stern's show, it's literally the same 6 callers over and over.

God I love that picture. Clearly, due to shoulder positions, Ant is in front of Opie, but yet his head is do much smaller than Ope's!

Ant has a mini head!!

So far, everyone in this thread is overlooking why Opie initially started in on Stern. He was (rightfully) incredulous that the Stern show hired an "efficiency expert" to help out, when all Stern really needs to do is show up for work on a consistent basis.

And they can't get more space, that was the context of the fit.

Right - they're remodeling the studio of a guy who's barely there and probably won't re-up at the end of this contract.


Most of the people bashing howard are in /r/howardstern and most people bashing opie and anthony (mosty opie of course) are in /r/opieandanthony. We're all just miserable fucks and i love it.

I have a feeling Stern is going to address this next time he is on.

Top thread right now says it all right in the title.

I used to listen to Howard in the 90's. He got soft long ago. I flip over during commercials now and then and its unbearable. He seems to want to do an entertainment tonight type show not an edgy talk radio show. Opie admitted he was jealous, so not sure why he is catching shit regarding this matter.

opie is obsessed with howard stern, you can tell ant and jimmy don't give a shit.

It makes sense though, Opie is the radio guy, aka Howard's counterpart. Ant and Jimmy are just comedians who picked up radio skills over the years.

and Ant was trying to get on Stern when he and Opie met

yeah thats absolutely true. back when i listened to stern i didnt listen FOR stern. he was the ringleader much in the same way opie is, and they both surround themselves with much funnier people.

Stern is a pretty funny fuck, Not now anymore because he phones it in but I would put him at about 70% anthony.

That's mostly the guys writing jokes and handing it to him. He's quick and sharp, but he's no Anthony. Opie would be lots funnier if Jim just wrote him jokes and secretly handed them to him.

and that is still pretty fucking good.

Opie made a headline..maybe this will help tear down that fucking wall or some shit that will never happen.

When stern resigned I was pretty happy... I now wish he didnt because he show sucks a bag of dicks and the b..b..boys have a good chance at this studio.

Did Elaine write this piece?

The best part about the article, they had links for pretty much everything and everybody but "on-air personality Sam Roberts" was just in bold.


Opie talks shit about Howard on the regular, why the fuck is it even getting the time of day?

It seems that the article could have been written at any time in the last several years and everything about it would have been accurate



I find it funny whenever they mention AGT, the Twitter haters accuse them of jealousy. Quit being so defensive of your idol, Stern fans.

I don't know about you, but I prefer to listen to a show that actually shows up for work. O&A rarely take time off, and when they do, it's never as bad as Howard. Howard worked about 3 days during the summer. That's like 3 months. 3 days. Please.

I don't think he was making fun of him for doing it, just that he's essentially abandoned his radio career.

Like Opie wouldn't do the same thing in a heartbeat if he had the opportunity...

Of course. He copped to being jealous, though.

But O&A are honest about the whole thing. Howard is very dishonest with his audience.

Bashing someone for doing what you wish you could do is the antithesis of honesty.

What are you even talking about?

O&A are more honest about everything in general. I've heard more about Tim Sabean being fired from O&A than I have Howard.

I'm talking about Opie vs. Stern on AGT and radio. It's what this thread is about.

I would love Opie on AGT..that would be an amazing show because he'd actually be the asshole that NBC wanted stern to be.

I don't think he was making fun of him for doing it, just that he's essentially abandoned his radio career.


fuckin' HOME RUN!

Yeah I stopped about a year ago,theres just nothing there anymore... it's almost like opie talking about his life for 2 hours then having a shitty repeated guest talking about his hollywood friends and small package.

Stern is a pretty funny fuck, Not now anymore because he phones it in but I would put him at about 70% anthony.

I would love Opie on AGT..that would be an amazing show because he'd actually be the asshole that NBC wanted stern to be.

Opie was spot on when he said that Howard has always wanted to be the guy he is now. The hanging out with celebrities in the Hamptons, judge on a shitty reality show. He is definitely watering down his show to appeal to AGT fans.

What are you even talking about?

O&A are more honest about everything in general. I've heard more about Tim Sabean being fired from O&A than I have Howard.