This is Vice article Opie referenced

24  2013-08-06 by baggy1


did jimmy really say "n-word or faggot"?...i get the feeling he actually said "nigger" and they made the edit themselves. either that or he said it in that mocking tone "the nnnn-wwooeerrddd"

I wouldn't be surprised if he refrained from saying nigger in an interview. I know he said faggot, but the two aren't really equally as strong.

And I know it's Vice, but still, he probably just said n-word.

Reading the article , it has quotation marks on faggot, bit not the N-word, if the author/reporter changed that, it's kinda fucked up.

I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Vice, especially the written side, has become a huge shithole the past couple years. I follow them on Facebook and the things they decide to write about are either the oldest stories ever or it seems like I'm reading MSNBC.

Yes and no. They have a lot of trash but they also give newer upcoming writer the opportunity to publish their work. Every once in a while a new emerging writer will hit it big and attribute there success to the opportunities provided by Vice. But mostly I agree with you. There is more and more trash and less quality stories/journalism. I miss the Vice Blog Spot days when Vice was in its prime. They didn't have the audience they have now and back then could not afford to post a shitty article because their viewership would die.

Thats interesting,I dont know much about their history. Sounds like a big drop off in quality.

They used to be great, some of their video journalism still is. Check out their guide to North Korea, it's amazing

They work with a war videographer named Ben Anderson. He's done a great deal of work with Vice for the last few years. He recently released his documentary with them called "This is what Winning looks like." Its a very in depth and honest look into how the current state of Afghanistan is operating. Ive been meaning to Tweet the link to Ant because I think it is something he would enjoy/talk about Heres a link:

Thanks, I know I'll dig it based on that description. I'll check it out later.

This Is What Winning Looks Like is great. What a disaster that place is. It should be on primetime television.

So true. Social issues over there make the Western problems look like child's play. Speaking of child's play, the pedophilia shit is sick. One of the officers says at a point "Would you rather us fuck the asses of those boys or the vaginas of our grandmothers." That line stuck with me as a seriously fucked up state of mind. The heroin use wasn't a complete surprise to me, but it certainly clicks it up a few notches to see the officers all strung out while supposedly "on duty."

The pedophilic shit is what stuck with me as well. It seemed to have little to no taboo at all.

The title of the article says they discussed weed. Its never mentioned in the article.

The answers from Opie & Ant to the first question both mention it

I think it might be because of all the pot that there is in Montreal.

It’s a potpourri [I am assuming this is a play on words]

It says they discussed why pot still isn't legal

They used to be great, some of their video journalism still is. Check out their guide to North Korea, it's amazing