Opie: Troy is suspend without pay.

90  2013-08-06 by stevenknight

Opie is talking now, live, about the Troy situation. Management wants him fired, the guys are trying to convince them otherwise. I'll have the audio up later.

EDIT: The segment discussing this from today's show - http://youtu.be/0Adjqh4CoEs

EDIT EDIT: Quick mention at the end of the show from Opie that management wants to see all three of them, Opie thinks it's 'cos Troy is now fired.




my only thought on the whole thing was Troy brought up his girlfriend on the show. He didnt say her name but it is easy to find out. He went to far with that. Regardless, i do not think he should be fired at all.

Zito's chick I believe worked with the company, at least for awhile. That doesn't help.


The faggot thing aside, you can't just threaten to beat the shit out out someone on air like that and not expect consequences. That said, I'm not sad to see Troy go.

I'll be sad to see Troy go, but you're right if anyone else showed up to their job and threw a temper tantrum like that it would have been an immediate firing.

I am a large guy, I could always get what I want by being a tough guy or a bully. I could challenge people to fight and almost everyone would back down. I see all these things as the shittiest options that I could take. I think anyone who chooses this option with a smaller or weaker or just meeker person is a retarded goon and gets no respect for doing that shit.

Yup, he did it to himself. How can an executive of a publicly-traded company not do anything about this? Troy threatened to come to a co-worker's house and beat him up.

It's a radio show, not a real job. He was going for entertainment

Troy said he was trying to hurt Zito. Troy was not going for entertainment at the time, he could say it after the fact but the microphones were irrelevant during that fight.

I think everyone is overreacting. Troy was not going to hurt zito. He's not an idiot.

Zito was not in on it and troy got in his face and threatened violence...that can't be ok even if its on air. If it was a work then obviously everyone keeps their job but it wasn't so firing him is the right way to go.


Artie was also part of the show, he was the third mic. If jimmy bull charged someone, he wouldn't get fired either. Troy is a producer, he is very expendable.

No surprise. Is faggot as bad as nigger or worse?

If someone pushes for you to be fired for either of those words today you are in trouble.

If no one is pushing you could be fine. I think Fez started the ball rolling on this firing.

I think Troy threatening a fellow employee repeatedly on air has way more to do with it than "faggot", Zito or Fez do.

Except that's not why worthless Fez got involved. If Troy had the exact same fight with Zito but never said faggot then Fez never would've filed the hostile work environment complaint to HR. It's fucking ridiculous how Fez had to take a fight between two people and somehow make it about himself.

Fez's involvement is moot. It doesn't help, but Cross told him he had nothing to worry about the next day. Fez piles on. He's not a leader.

Exactly. He is a dick bag that is daily trying to come up with reasons not to kill himself. If he would just go suck a dick and get fucked we could all get back to normal.

Damn I either earned a down vote following or pissed that 1 dude off more than I though. I love it.

All that goes out the window in radio. they goad these guys into being entertaining and pushing boundaries, then they need to stand behind the creative person when things go too far. The business trying to fire Troy is scumbaggery.

I don't like Troy either, but he deserves the same room for creativity as the guys we like.

but he deserves the same room for creativity as the guys we like.

No, he doesn't. He's just a producer, not on air talent. There is a line and he crossed it. No matter the workplace, you can't threaten to go to someone's house and kick their ass.

Is it too soon for this?


Right on time buddy

No, perfect timing.

This is rough, especially with GTA5 already finished.

It's posts like this that make me wish I could upvote more than once.

Yeah, definitely original!



I quite like Jackie.

Do ya?

Why you gotta be so grodie?

If you are on the staff and you think you have the same liberties as the stars of the show you are going to have a bad time.

I know they always tell the guys that "on the air" anything can be said. That is true if you are a host and have a contract. If you are Troy you should know how to temper yourself. I can't think of any job that would tolerate the crazy faggot/violence tirade that Troy went on and not fire them.

Anyway, fuck Troy, he is a dick anyway.

So you support the people who want to sanitize the show? I can't tell if you do or not.

I do not support the sensitization of the show but I think someone who just works for the show thinking that they have the same benefits as the hosts is being naive.

If Jeter is strolling up late for the team bus its no big deal but I would not try that shit if I was the bat boy.

I don't want Troy to get fired over this nonsense, I just want the boys to talk honestly about how shitty his argument skills are.

The main issue for me is bringing up zitos GF Then saying he will fight him Then being a 40 year old tool Then faggot

I understand using faggot as a derogatory term (I don't do it, just understand). I grew up using it like that. What I don't like is how Troy used it so viciously and even followed it up with 'you look like you suck dick, you fucking faggot'. So he was using it literally, and to that I say fuck him.

Exactly this. It's one thing to say faggot distanced from actually relating to gay but Troy was literally saying "you are a cock sucking Faggot and ill beat the fuck out of you, faggot". Even if he didn't mean it(which I'm sure he didn't), that is straight out hate speech.

When it was going down it didn't seem like the prudent thing to be doing or saying in a corporate work environment. I like both Zito and Troy. Seemed like an obviously bad thing to have go down on the air no matter how much posturing was going on.

Troy's talked about fucking a couple of guys in anger before. Fool me once...

who is Tory?

Troy. Autocorrect on the phone.

was it worth replying? really.

Was that?

was that?!

Totally agree with this.

I just want the boys to talk honestly about how shitty his argument skills are.

Yes. I finally got around to listening to their recap of the fight, and no one called Troy out on being a broken record - both during the fight and during the R&F appearance. He's drawing from a very shallow well.

"Hey bro when I fight I go for the jugular by making complete shit up bro, you faggot queer faggot"

What was never said in neither the O&A nor the R&F discussion is that if Troy doesn't actually think Zito is gay, then faggot was meant just to get under Zito's skin. Troy knew it would get a rise out of Zito.

He should have said that. Not defending the word. Just say that he knows that word sparks a response.

The word is the least of the issue with that incident.

But both O&A and R&F made it the issue.

If it truly is the issue Zito would be gone too. It's personal threats in a work environment that is the issue.

Its probably personal threats mixed with the screaming of homophobic slurs in anger at someone. But I'm sure its the threats that did him in and faggot was just tacked on to the termination notice.

I think opie was making that argument, mostly because he had to. Ron's argument was that Troy doesn't think Ziti is gay but was trying to lower him by calling him a fagot and literally saying he sucks dicks. That's the issue is that Troy literally meant that gays are something to be ashamed of. I can see tht point but I also understand Troy was just talking shit and didnt mean anything by it.

On mobile

It would be the same thing if 2 gay people were arguing and one calling the other person "straight", why wouldn't a gay person take offense to be called something they're not, especially if their bosses were the opposite sex(as in giving sexual favors to keep their job)? It's not that one group is lower then another, it's just saying somebody is something that they're not.

Oh yeah that's all correct but according to fez we can't understand because we're sexy straight men. The problem is other people that weren't apart of it have to get involved.

Actually I think Troy DID say that on R&F directly after. He said that when you question a heterosexual's sexuality, it resonates with them and that was what he was trying to get at with Zito.

But he said it in a way that it made it sound like he felt that gays were below him ad that's why he said that. That's why Ron was able to respond with what he did.

If he had jus said "I said those things because I knew it would upset him" things would have been different.

I'm guessing Troy will be fired and the reason is pretty obvious. If he stays, he's a huge liability to the company.

The guys on the show can "think" all they want about Troy. They can "think" he'd never get into a physical altercation. They can "think" it was just played up for the radio.

From the company's perspective, they can't let Troy do anything.

imagine what would happen, if some day in the future, Troy punches someone in the back office. Do you think that show clip would be used to sue the company? There's proof that he's a hot-head, he's already threatened violence, and the company did nothing. He can't stay with the company.

Fire an easily replaceable producer and potentially save millions in lawsuits. Makes total sense really.

This is the same thing with Steve C. When he died, Kevin in Connecticut said, "I know you guys didn't like him", which pissed Opie off. We have to remember that this is a show. We don't know Troy Quan like the boys know Troy Quan. I would take their word on Troy Quan over the fanbase, who judge him on what he does on the show. We don't know him.

And I guess this is what the boys tried to explain earlier today. They know him. They know it's all an act. They know he'd never attack anyone, they know he's a pussy boy who's all talk and no walk. If that really is the case, and he was just a wimp making empty threats, there's no way he should be fired.

I want him gone, but not because of this.

if that's the case, it should have been made clear to whoever runs the channel that it was a bit before it happened.

I never bought the Opie upset over the Steve comment - it was a dead guy and he wanted to help the family ---- too much was said on air and nothing was done to try getting his job back - they wanted him gone and don't forget Ant threatening to sue over O&A clips on Foundry

Didn't O&A have an incident where someone DID kick an intern in the privates? That person wasn't fired nor was the company sued but yeah, get rid of someone who made "threats" on air... you know the place where Opie has told them they can't get in trouble for doing? Just like why the guys can make fun of management on air, because it's... good radio.

Yeah Travis kicked an intern in the balls and O&A had to defend him in order to save his job. It's also why they weren't allowed to have interns for a year or so.

Wasnt Travis also an intern at that point?

No. Travis was a full-time employee when this happened.

Oh. Well, them I'm mistaken.

IIRC he was part of either the first or second batch of interns when they came back to radio.

Sure, Travis actually did do something physical, Troy just said things on air and even went on the Ron & Fez show saying he was just talking "shit" and that was just for on air.

I don't recall that incident.

But everybody, including Opie, should know that being on-air doesn't give you right to say anything you want without consequence.

I don't think Troy should be fired, but I'm not so naive to think that what's good for the show is good for the company or that the show is bigger than the company.

It's content like this that keeps people like me paying for their service, I like the idea of very little bounds and nothing happened off air. I could easily listen without paying(since I don't listen to them live), but I like supporting the show, I have no problem showing my disappointment towards Sirius by quit paying for their product.

T-Storm took a boat load of shit for that. His persona is a lot different than Troys.


Talent that helps bring in an audience vs. a producer. The risk/reward is vastly different. The money the company can make because of Artie probably out weighs the risk of a possible future lawsuit. Troy isn't Artie.


Troy is significantly easier to replace than Artie. Ben, Than, Derek, Danny, etc. all replaced without the show really missing a beat.

He does the shows production you silly liberal goose, all the songs/skits. Why don't you go post in Human Resources about this incident so you can have some confirmation bias for your stupid opinion, maybe you can rally similar libtards like yourself to have a protest outside SiriusXM.

How did you come to the conclusion that I'm a liberal? You have zero reading comprehension skills, so let me lay it out for you:


Your phony outrage gives away your leanings. This is why Troy the Boy Toy is valued. He has been with the show for many years and has become integral to the shows content and overarching theme that is not easily replaced. He possesses experience only acquired by gradual mingling and provides the audience a specific brand of synergistic humor that requires solid group cohesion and a split second quick on the feet skill set that very few people possess, particularly among the reddit libtard crowd.

again, your reading comprehension is lacking. you are the only one who has their panties in a twist.

where am i outraged? where do i say troy isn't valued? where do i say troy doesn't contribute?

he's a producer. the show has had many producers.

so i'll spell it out for you again:

I don't give a shit about Troy. I don't care about what he said. I don't care if he meant every word of it or if he was just playing it up for the show. I don't care if he loses his job or if he keeps it. I DON'T LISTEN TO THE SHOW FOR TROY QUAN. I'm sure he does good work, but i'm not naive enough to think a company would take a chance on someone they pay $35k a year when they can just plug someone else into the position as they have done many times before.

and who would they plug in exactly. the show has chemistry. what they've done in the past is eliminate the position since they have such trouble finding replacements. troy has some level of leverage and the support of his co-workers. you're playing junior human resources manager and that means you've taken a position, you think he should be removed. you're fucking with his livelyhood, here's hoping someone starts taking shots at your livelyhood, you hr twink.

your ignorance and stupidity are shining through my friend. "hr twink"... really? that's a very compelling argument.

i don't know. how did they replace ben sparks? how did they replace than? how did they replace derek? how did they replace danny? O&A fans pretty much had the same reaction when those staff members were no longer part of the show. and somehow the show managed just fine.

again, i don't have a position on this. i'm not "fucking with his livelyhood". i don't care either way. it won't make me stop listening. it won't make me cancel my subscription. but if you're too stupid to not understand why a publicly traded company would dump a relatively low salaried employee to avoid a potentially big problem down the road, i can't help you.

and if you fail to understand what transpires on the radio can be considered a bit, something fake, and idiots like you want to get outraged because of it what help can be provided for you...aside from being strapped down and zapped with electricity you pretentious hr twink.

Hey stupid,

I've said it a few times already but you don't seem to get it. so let's try this again...

I'm not outraged at what Troy did or said. I'm not outraged at what Troy did or said. I'm not outraged at what Troy did or said.

I won't lose any sleep if Troy keeps his job or loses it. I won't complain to SiriusXM. I won't boycott sponsors. I won't stop listening to the show. I understand that it's a radio show and I also understand it's a publicly traded company.

He does the show's production, so that means he isn't easier to replace than Artie? What point are you making? Guys wanting to do radio production are a dime a dozen.

Troy isn't on air talent for ona. Yes he's on air sometimes but much like Primetime he's not paid as an on air personality.

You can't tell the difference between a star of a show and just some employee?

Howard is a whole different story. He pretty much does what he wants.

You sir are a disgusting goo gobbler.

"Opie & Anthony: Troy Suspended w/o Pay, Possible Firing (08/06/13)" - http://youtu.be/0Adjqh4CoEs

Quick mention at the end of the show from Opie that management wants to see all three of them, Opie thinks it's 'cos Troy is now fired.

bout time!


Twitter's awfully quiet...that doesn't bode well for Troy.

I don't think he should be fired...but I also think he's kind of a frat-punk douche, so I won't miss him if he is.

I wonder how hard fez is pushing for him to be fired. They are doing a good job of not mentioning fez's name at all

Edit: ok now opie told fez to stop the bullshit in blunt terms. But then jimmy said that Ron and Fez are actually stepping up to keep him from getting fired. So idk

I love that Opie just called out Fez. Good.

fire fez!

He would call it discrimination or some other costly legal term.

They have the tapes to cover their asses.

Fez has really turned into an obnoxious, far-left, whiny social justice warrior. If he really got Troy fired over saying "faggot", that just puts him over the edge. Seriously, his ranting about people's feelings being hurt by society makes the show basically unlistenable.

That's why if Troy did get fired, then I hope they attack Fez relentlessly. Fez can't whine to HR and get O&A fired like he's trying to do to Troy.

Food for thought.. If Troy get's fired due to Fez's complaints then I hope they go to management and try to get him fired based on the fact that he doesn't fucking talk on his show, he's probably split #1, or second in terms of pay on the Ron & Fez show..

Seriously, his ranting about people's feelings being hurt by society makes the show basically unlistenable.

I never thought there would be a time when it's preferable to listen to the shows where he just sits in silence.

Fez can't push too hard he attacked fast Freddy in studio and ruined drinking shows

Post that audio if you have it. The way he lambasted an INTERN made me uncomfortable and I don't work there.

There is four parts this guy has them all


Holy fucking shit! That just made me sad... when Ronnie B has trouble making light of a situation there is a problem.

EDIT: "Who's a gentleman? Fez is." Alright that is fucking funny.

When fast freddy says I wouldnt want you to choke on your pizza fatty I lose it every single time

Hahahaha, holy freak out



Fez's silence has provided hundreds of hours of material for the show, has it not?

so would him not being there at all.

I have to listen to R&F today for how Ronnie plays this. Could be amazing, if he lets Fez hang out there on his own.


This could be a Zito / Fez collaboration

I don't listen to Ron and Fez much but god damn, they don't call Ronny B the puppet master for nothing. Should be good.

Any mention on R&F so far?

Not a word of it.

Edit: I lied. They keep bringing up a 'report' and asking Fez if he's 'filling out another one'. I think they may be alluding to it, in that oh so subtle Ronnie B way.

Gotta love the subtle Ronnie B. But I guess this means Fez actually wrote a report on him. Even though O&A were saying both R&F were trying to help in not getting Troy fired.

Yeah but a report doesn't necessarily=a complaint

Yep, true. He could have written the report right after the incident. And tried to retract it later.

Like when Rob Cross told Fez he had nothing to be afraid of at work.

Stuck on a conf call—gonna have to play recon afterwards...

Fuck Fez, it should be the Ron and East Side Dave show

Ron and Pepper Hicks show, Fez boring ass is already 3rd mic on his show. Switch incomes everyone's happy.

Third mic? He can't see third mic from where he is.

The interns on their first days take 3rd and 4th, the callers talk more, echoes from old stories about Dave and Earl ... then Fez, stealing money and staring at the ceiling, meanwhile poor Pepper doesn't have a pot to piss in or a broken window to throw it out.

If it turns out that it was hysterical old woman Fez pushing the ignition on HR getting involved, which leads to O&A losing staff, that'll hopefully prove to be somewhat interesting.

I know I was giving him a lot of undeserved credit calling him 3rd mic. It sounds like he's off it but he was a giant pussy that day basically begging for Troy to be fired only because of the word faggot. Makes me sick. Poor fucking Ron, can't he fire him for breach of contract or something? I listened for a year before I knew who Fez was. He is terrible. Certainly doesn't deserve his name on the show. He might have been good in the past but he sucks donkey dick now.

Maybe we should refrain from giving Pepper a raise. We might lose him quickly....

[This should be on all our minds. Its a double sidded blade. More money means Pep will just have more of that sniff, sniff, tap, tap.]

Which means more laugh laugh ... ...Something?

[...cough, cough.]

I love Fez, but I can't see that they keep him on much longer.

It makes me sad, because when he opens up, literally everything that comes out of his mouth is radio gold. When he's on, he's one of the best ever. But the times when he's "on" are getting fewer and farther between

Well not literally.

I just listened to a show that i had downloaded from like 4 years ago. Ron was brilliant, Pepper was awesome and Fez was on point and participated and added to the show. I had forgotten how great Fezzie was back in the day. It seemed like such a long time ago.

I wonder if Fez ever goes back and listens to himself for inspiration?

Even though he was being neurotic, one of my favorites was "What percentage of the world can you beat in a fight." Fez low balled it so badly and was embarrassed. Hilarious.

Ron keeps him around because he can milk an hour or two of calls about Fez on slow days....

The audience keeps growing for that show, so its not like people are tuning out. They are growing at a higher clip than O*A in the ratings.

Where can you see their ratings?

No Dave, pepper is actually talented. Hell I would rather have that low talking shit head on air rather than Dave.

Fez should concentrate on being able to do his job.... for the first time in years.

Wow, what a baby

Good radio content is unsafe when Fez is around.

Fucking cunt Fez, fuck that useless lump

This complaint should have been ignored because it's definitely not a work environment for Fez. A crying environment, or a daily nap environment maybe, but not a work environment.

Stepping up after probably starting it in the first place

I'm definetly siding with Troy but you can't threaten violence on radio and expect nothing to happen.


That counts for O&A and Jimmy, they tell the staff the same but they don't have the protection of contracts and Bob Eatman (Blaaaagh)


Yea you can't have different rules for different people on a medium. That's just cumbersome

It's spelled 'definitely', you ridiculous cunt.

This is rscarson's bot. If you meant what you said then I am sorry on behalf of my friend here, he's a bit dense.

It was on air, he's encouraged to pump it up. Fez did the same thing a couple years ago while drunk. I believe drinking just takes away the ability to edit one's self and with that, I believe Fez's threats were way more real then Troy's.

if troy isn't fired is he going to be worth having around the show anyway? the only thing he had going for him was his temper and conspiracy theories.

He was allegedly a good producer...but I hope they just tell him to stay the fuck off the air. Keep his job, but stay behind the scenes. He can be like the radio wizard.

He hasn't had conspiracy theories in a couple of years.



He wasn't an on-air personality, you dumb shit. He was in production doing the promos and mixing music/clips and other background stuff. Must because he didn't bring a lot to the table on the rate occasion he was on mic doesn't mean he isn't worth having around.


pissoff Troy!

Really that's it? Temper and conspiracies? You listen to O &A right?

I don't think Troy brings that much to the table.

Brings more than temper and conspiracies. That's not even his job, Not saying you should like him just wondered if you were talking about the right person.

Fez ruins another show...

Troy being gone will barely "ruin" the show.

Forcing them to watch what they say will ruin the shows

O&A aren't held to the same standard as dumb Troy. And I don't think I've ever heard someone go off on someone like Troy did Zito, with the exception of Pat Duffy, but even then it was a jokey kind of thing with Sam. And Pat didn't threaten to go to Sam's home and beat his ass.

I think Troy should have maybe been suspended at the most, but I can see why management wants to get rid of him.

Big difference between using the word in a discussion about offensive language, sexual orientation, etc... and screaming it in anger (real or not) over and over at a coworker specifically for the purpose of it being used as a derogatory term to describe him.

This should have very little bearing on how they do the show, since they don't scream racist or homophobic insults at each other or guests.

I think it was less that and more him threatening to go to his house and kick his ass. Though I don't agree that he should have been fired, Troy learned a valuable lesson about not acting like a child and what is and isn't acceptable in an office environment.

Yeah but it will definitely hurt production...with Troy gone...that leaves Sal...and we all remember the panda incident.

They can always hire someone else. I think about half of the production pieces are kind of corny anyway.

Tired of the talentless, boring, crying fucking man that happens to believe he likes other guys dicks which I think makes him a homo?

Wait, are we talking about Fez or Joe DeRosa?

Was agreeing with parent about Fez but I have a healthy dislike for DeRosa too. Kick both those bags of shit off the air and make the whole channel better if you ask me.

We didn't

He did! Smart guy here fuck yer.

Tired of Troy?

No of fez.

The difference is that Fez is afraid of being gay. Troy on the other hand is so totally not gay he'll make out with a dude just to piss him off.

im kinda confused why this got downvoted when it appears to accurately describe fez. i don't listen to R&F so i guess that's wrong according to 3 people. perhaps fez brings along a whole new audience to the HIGH VOLTAGE channel. a brave new world. pew pew pew.

I couldn't care less, but its probably because I called some young progressive PC dick head out last night for being unintelligent and incapable of discussion and literally saying "neck beard" in about 20-25% of all of their posts. Its pretty funny profile if you want to see if I'm exaggerating. Also called me a psychopath and internet tough guy.

Check my history for a discussion I had at like 4am central defending the words nigger and faggot. Not in a racist way but in a "its a fucking word don't be scared the devil will pull you to hell if you say it in the mirror by yourself" way. I 1 handed all this while trying to gag myself with the other cause I've had too much of this legal upper research chemical but can't puke cause I haven't eaten in 3 days. There is a very good reason for all of this I assure its not an every day thing. Do me a favor, am I a psycho tough guy or do I have a valid argument? I disagreed with him about all the neck beard , tough guy stuff BTW.

20 mins later the sub comment of a 4 up comment saying the same thing basically goes negative. Hmm, I wonder.

Fez is fucking hilarious. I'm sorry you're too busy thinking about eating Twinkies so you can fit into that 5XL wolf shirt to have room in your pea brain to understand the humor.

You may be the only one who thinks Fez is funny. No need for the personal insults.

When the first post happened about the fight everyone called Troy a deuche and wanted him fired, now it might happen and there's a bunch of outrage against it...

Also, it's clearly not for just saying a word. He spewed a ton of shit in the span of 10 minutes. The most damaging, IMO, was threatening Vito telling him he knows where he lives. That really takes it to another level.

Well someone faked a zito YouTube copyright claim, and everyone bought it and switched sides. It's Fucking dumb

What bothers me is that one time on the aftershow Danny admitted to calling a callers home all throughout the day to harass him because the caller made fun of Danny when he called in. To me there is nothing more fireable than that moment since harassment like that could absolutely lead to a lawsuit. But that's not what got Danny fired.

His potential firing will be for threats of violence, not necessarily for shouting fucking faggot a hundred times.

He said he was going to attack the other guy where he lives. Yes it was on air on a comedy radio show where they go there all the time, but Troy isn't a funny guy and it just came across serious and cringey.

Fez reacting like a gimp over the use of the word faggot, probably helped Troy as it turned it into a homophobic thing which would be absurd grounds to fire someone on the O&A show.

Yeah that's most likely it.

fired, so fired.

but shouldn't be and once again the show will suffer

It's all a conspiracy. Fez&Zito did 9/11.

It's a Quan-spiracy... spiracy.

that echo

Whether you like Troy or not, it's not a good sign for the future of the show if he gets fired for an on air fight. The boys have always said that the staff is safe on the air. This may not be the first time however, didn't Ben get fired for saying he was going to punch Jimmy?

And "assaulting" a stern fan, being a belligerent drunk, combative with staff, among a host of other things.

The show is winding down in 2014 anyway, so they'll coast till then.

I thought Ant had intimated that they resigned for four years in Oct of 2012?

Nope. 2 years once again. Every contract seems to be 2 years at a time. Also, the show is really good lately and they have no real reason to call it a day.

With Jocktober arriving in less than 2 months it would be perfect to kick off the month with a brutal Fez bashing to prove how little he does on the show.

Is there seriously anyone here that didnt think he was going to get fired? As soon as he started in with the F-bomb I knew he was done. He's an idiot.

Isn't Troy close to retirement age anyway?


Fuck that faggot.

I'm SO glad Troy is going to be gone. Danny is gone, Troy is gone, everyone shitty is now gone.

Fez is still getting a check


Who doesn't love Sal getting bashed?

I like Sal.

He's not an annoying hypocrit. He'll get there

Maybe management can agree to go to send him to "sensitivity training" and maybe that will be enough to calm down that waste of space, Fez.

I used to say Fez for ESD is an easy trade. Now I'll trade Fez for Troy. Or for $10. Troy Quan or $10...

...I'm just fucking sick of Fez.

Your move, SiriusXM.

Management needs a new mantra: What Would Eric Logan Do?

Leave and get a better gig.


Troy brought this upon himself. From the story it sounded like he hated Zito and started this whole stupid mess. Goodbye good production on the show, hope it was worth it, asshole.

I like turtles.

I hope they call out this slug Zito. Fucking cunt should have his hat removed.

Zito didn't do anything.

Especially in Montreal. But yeah, Zito came out clean from this one, douchebag or not.

He flagged every Youtube video of the argument. He is a different kind of cunt from Troy but a cunt nonetheless.

Someone flagged every youtube clip. Mr. Jenzel Washington

I mean...I was on his side during the argument, but it turns out both of them are just pieces of shit.

They really are sticking up for Troy and defending what he does outside the show...really shows you that these guys are just characters. Except Zito, who has vigorously pursued action against anything sullying his "good name" on Youtube.

Zito has really gone down several notches in my books.

Zito claimed it wasn't him. Wouldn't make it more sense if it was Troy? The guy seems to be in deep shit because of all this...

Amazing how people bought that so easily. Then again most fans have the mental powers of bobo.

Tss yeah it said zito so it must be zito Who else could it be?

-chippy d

Zito was tagged by Ron a long time ago. He is a Corporate Narc.

It was never a mystery why he was pushed out of the show. He would go and rat out everyone.

That being said. Troy was a complete idiot for going after him.

As stated on Ron and Fez that in Montreal - all they needed was Opie, Anthony and Jimmy (with the possibility of Sam). The sound guy was a contractor.

Zito wasn't pushed out of R&F.

He certainly wasn't embraced and held on.

He was not pushed - more drifted.

He took a job with more responsibility. Pepper is the producer/2nd mic on Ron and fez. Zito wasn't getting past that roadblock.

How many Exec Producers have Ron and Fez had over the past ten years. Everyone moves on.

To be honest - Pepper is great but he is the most likely to crash and burn when compared to Earl, Tuttle, J-Dubs etc etc.

He is more likely to self destruct. Although he has been there longer than Ny of those guys and with way more responsibility at least on air.

Yeah, just bring 4 of them, and maybe Travis. Why did the whole show have to come?

I think the take down stuff was someone trying to smash Zito even more. I don't think that was him. Leaving the audio up helps Zito and hurts Troy.

Which notch was he on to begin with?

I actually wrote Sirius/XM and told them how offended I was by his gay slurs and threats. Not because I was. Just because I hate him.


Please tell me you didn't actually do thsi

Hoodies Up for Troy Quan

So what about when Zito wanted to throw down with Fez?

I get it, Troy went too far, but jesus, there have been way worse fights.

Narc Zito instgated this, yet gets nothing? Bullshit, I feel for Troy

Zito has been pulling down YouTube videos of the Zito-Troy fight. SiriusXM management will probably give him a raise and a medal.

Learned my father died moments before reading this headline. I don't know what I'm the most upset about.

Save Troy

I didn't listen last week. What day/show did this go down?

Here it is, probably not for long though.

IIRC the incident happened on the aftershow of 2013-07-31 and was discussed by the guys during the first hour of 2013-08-01. I think Mark Zito is working to have the clips pulled from Youtube though, so you might need to find an alternate source.

Wow, Mark Zito may really be a faggot.


Been on vacation... Can someone brief-explain what happened?

Wow. I appreciate the link, all I could find were deleted.

First I heard was the link OP posted from today's show and thought management was overreacting.

Troy was beyond "taking it too far". Unprompted, unnecessary.

Who can we email to voice our support in favor if getting this shtbag fired?

The boys have been silent all day. I wonder if they're just saving it for tomorrows show or nothing happened.

Troy also mentions the sucking of managements dick several times among other slurs about management.O A and Jim can get away with that sort of thing but i don't think Troy should be pushing that line.

I don't think that's even a problem. That would be acceptable on air arguing I think.

who knows.Just throw it into the mix.

Its hard to believe that Artie actually tried to attack Ted by charging at him like a raging bull in the same building as Troy getting suspended for this.

With that said I don't really like the 40 year old hip skater vibe he gives off, but still he shouldn't be getting fired.

So if Troy gets fired, how are his prospects looking at getting hired anywhere else on radio? Seems he should just tone his shit down, maybe until he is important on the show.

Opie has just announced that Troy Quan will not be fired.

I wonder if Fez will ever have even a clue what an utter retard he was being.

And Zito is apparently happy about it: https://twitter.com/markzito/

Well this would be the motivation for Troy to pretend to be Zito and send youtube takedown orders.

Or any one of many retards who dislike zito. I don't have much of an opinion on him. He did a good job on Ron and Fez stirring up Fez.

So I missed some of the action, but apparently the boys were summoned to the boss's office. Opie refuses to go because he's convinced they will only be told the Troy is fired. Shows over now, guess we'll find our more tomorrow. Hopefully Ron and Fez discuss

"I just have questions"

Now you've got no job.


If they escalated the argument for the show he should keep his job but if was totally for real I would assume he would be fired, you would be anywhere else

Yeah but talk radio isn't accounting.

that’s true, but it’s pretty much standard procedure for a big company. Let’s say I knowingly kept Troy on as an employee after the Zito incident, and later on he by some freak chance assaulted another employee, and that employee sued the company, you wouldn’t have a leg to stand on because by keeping him on as an employee you are basically condoning his actions. I had to fire a warehouse guy a few years back for something similar for that reason, and like troy he was a good employee and I would of kept him if I could. It sucks but thats the world we live in now, I didn't mind Troy

Can someone explain what the fuck has happened? Been unable to listen for a while.

The show went to Montreal. Corporate made Mark Zito go. According to everybody, Zito did nothing and didn't need to go. Back in New York last week, Troy went on the OA show and bitched about Zito and his work ethic.

Fastforward to the Sam Roberts Shit Show, Zito confronts Troy and they get into a fight. Troy threatened to beat up Zito, called him a faggot, and said his girlfriend sleeps with everybody.

Fastforward to Ron and Fez, Fez is all bent out of shape about Troy saying "faggot" and said he didn't feel safe around Troy.

Now, we found out that Troy has been suspended without pay for a few days. The rest I think you can get from this thread.

I don't get why people would want him fired. He's been told on the air fights are safe. I think he's a faggot cuntbag hipster but he shouldn't lose his job. I hate him far worse than douchebag Danny but he shouldn't be fired. If he actually was going to hit Vito then I'd understand but even Sam said it wasn't to that point. We all know it's Fez who said something or did something about being a scared little faggot that got him fired. I can't stand Fez and hope he has another heart attack and dies. He gets a shitload of money to do nothing, and they can't fire him because it'd be discrimination. He also has no logic or reasoning abilities whatsoever. He doesn't get Trayvon would of hated and beat his ass if he ever talked to him on the street. I literally can't dislike anyone more than I hate Fez.

Yeah, Troy is a douche but the production pieces on the show are pretty good and he shouldn't go out like this.

I hate him so much I want him to stay. I wish Ant would bash on him more.

Zito isn't tryin to get Troy fired


Tweet deleted.

Was him explaining to someone he didn't want Troy fired at all. He also didn't go to HR.

No way he should get fired. What makes O and A great is it's raw. It's not like O and A listeners will have been offended. If the staff, both parties are fine with it now, management is just being a bunch of silly geese.

Thanks. In my 6 AM haze I tend to miss out on what they talk about sometimes, I just caught them complaining again about management.

I admit I'm kind of surprised, as what he does on the show is just a pussy act and a "character". I hate Troy very much, and part of me wants to gloat over this asshole dick getting what he deserves, but he shouldn't have been suspended for this.

Sounds like he's gonna get fired

I'm conflicted on this, because Troy is one of my least favorite characters on the show. He is an arrogant dick who bullies others with verbal jabs, while yelling in an irritating voice.

That being said, there was no physical contact at all during this argument. This was just an intense argument. Jim is pointing out now how he had an argument with Jesse Ventura in the past, and no action was taken.

These were just empty threats from a pussy boy like Troy trying to talk big. And they should be treated as such. Troy is just a wimp, but he shouldn't be fired for all his false bravado. Even if he is a fucking dick.

Say what you want about Troy on air, but he's a hell of a producer for the show. Technically speaking, he's probably one of the most talented ones they've ever had, so he's not just a dead weight drama prettyboy.


I have zero experience or education in communications, but there are dozens and dozens of instances where you can tell one producer's work from another's.


You just have to be familiar with the show and listen to it a lot. I can usually tell.


It amounts to a gut feeling, but when you break it down it's a matter of the experience listening I was referring to. For example the kid rape one where the little girl saying "noooooo-ooooooo" is dragged out ridiculously, that would only come from troy because he tries so hard to be edgy and has to prove he belongs.

Troy has uplaoded several things to soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/troyquan

The Boboner song is phenomenal.

Yeah, there are always multiple producers on the staff who have various jobs. I didn't mean that as a knock on anyone else on the show, but with his side hobby in electronic music he does a great job putting music related production work together where some of the other guys would just grab some instrumental bed and put stuff over top of it and it wouldn't sound quite as polished as what he does.

Take this for example, an intro from 5 years ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIOi9TA4bd8

Contrast that with some of the more recent intros or promos they've had like the 50 cent one or some of the other work promoting their podcasts.

Everyone hated Danny but I hated to see him go because I found his production work entertaining. His weren't musically defined like Troy's but I always felt he was able to cobble together some funny stuff for the repurposed bits and what not.


I bet he was asked to "apologize" and go to "intensive counseling" so he learns to "respect" other co-workers. Fuck PC.


He did rip Zito's shoe

Troy is like a reality show guest. He brings drama. Nothing else.



Honestly I hated him till he started killing DeRosa. Now I fucking love the guy.

Its pretty simple. You go into your job and threaten to beat up a co-worker who is well connected with upper management (also threaten to show up at this co-worker's home to further terrorize), and expect to still have a job.

This makes sense.

I enjoyed the segment, but not because it was a comedy bit, because a grown man was having a meltdown on live radio vs a person who is connected at a higher level than he is. It was a train wreck, but you generally don't get to repeat a performance like that.

It was ON AIR. If you didn't notice, they didn't have anything bad happen while both were in Canada a week ago or even any time before. Is there bad blood there, sure, but it was pumped up because it was on air. I look at it the same way as a comedian wishing rape upon a woman, they don't really mean it but they're trying to get across how angry they are at the time.

On air gives tons of leeway, if you aren't messing with the teachers pet. There are always people at your job that you know are protected, those aren't the ones you go over the top with.

Just another instance that will slow up the show in the future. I hope they decide to go on their own, they can give themselves that video element that they've been wanting. I'd expect that they'd make solid money doing their own thing online. They really need to invest in themselves and go for it on their own.

I agree. It's inevitable that they move from this and finally get real freedom.

What does Troy do on the show? What is an example of something he has produced?

I don't know much about him. I think he's awful on-air, but I also think Sam is terrible, but for some reason he gets an hour everyday for his nasal voice and girly gossip.

All the production work is done by Troy or he has a hand in it, the intro songs, the inbetween break skits, and so on. So an example would be the Mike Tyson 50 Cent and Larry King song, Troy produced the beat and wrote the lyrics for them to sing. He also convinced them to participate.

Thanks! Now I understand why people would be upset. The Friday 50/King/Tyson song is great.

They should just put gloves on both of em and let Troy wail on Zito for a while. This is, obviously, something that can only be disputed by a fistfight.

I hate Troy. Management is a flock of cunts if they fire him. Zito is a shitbag, and I'm sick of Fez's shit too. I loved old Fez. New Fez needs to find a new line of work where he will be happy and stop bringing down a good show.

Fuck Fez. I hope he gets AIDS and dies.

What faggots. They look like they suck penis.


Perfect spot for the lovely Jackie to fill... Lol

Seriously though, Troy lost his shit. He and Zito should get fired if he does, but I really don't think either of them should. Sigh. What a shame. Fucking Zito

It would be hilarious after they bashed morning zoo holes all the time; yet ended up getting one for the program. Oh guys!

Another spot that Jackie would fill nicely: a shallow grave

the boys are constantly defending everyone's right to "free speech" especially peoples right to say nigger faggot etc.Fuck,yesterday they were going on about a dude having to apologize for saying the nigger word! Time to step up and put it on the line......and walk.

To be fair, they're defending Troy right now, but we'll see what management does. Considering management has no idea how to run a radio show, the cards are stacked against Troy.

They'd love to have him free, and Troy, from what they say, isn't the asshole that he acts like on the radio. Words are just words. And the boys are right, suddenly we get all offended in this society because of words! Oh no! He said FAGGOT! You can't say that!

You also got down voted by apologist pussies that can't deal with words like faggot and nigger. Once they are a little older they will see the difference hopefully. We were all stupid kids once.

Down voted by PC faggot nigger apologists. Sorry dude. Kids today have soft skin, what it comes down to. Pussys really.

Dude, you're edgy. I'm sure you hear that, like, all the time.

No you are the first. Think it would make a good tattoo like the whole word or just the acronym?

Honestly I was just born before the term PC was invented, when someone called you a nigger or faggot you either punched them or went home. Either way you learned a lesson and grew up a little. You didn't try and ban the word and make people give public apologies. When we had much thicker skin. Maybe its better, maybe its worse. I don't know, but they sound like pussies to me.

Also nigger doesn't have to denote a person of dark skin, we also knew that.

If anything happens Quan is gonna take the fall for this because he's coming off as very threatening, even though I feel Zito is a punk bitch and instigated the whole argument. In a fairer world, Zito should have received the ass beating he was asking for.

How did Zito instigate? Troy started talking shit.

Zito was sitting outside the studio blowing kisses I believe.

Troy was blowing kisses.

That happened was after Troy trashed him on air for slacking off in Montreal.

If he gets fired then fuck Ron and Fez, I never wished anything bad on Fez until he starts being a persecuted asexual queen.

I find it ironic that we all just assumed he was gay and accepted it but now that he's out he thinks everyone should be nice and not offend him. Your show built its fucking name by being douches to people.

I hope he chokes to death when he finally sucks dick.

Fuck Ron and Fez?

Maybe just Fez right?

All this incident demonstrates is why a clearly Politically Correct liberal indoctrinated college kids blog site like Reddit shouldn't be a community launching pad for anything controversial. I made my account originally to goof on the hyper sensitive reddit posters but came across this place after GTAJ Daily died off, i was skeptical this place would be useful for anything interesting and now I know it's turrible. It's no wonder this place is not mentioned on show or twitter, why would you embrace something so obviously working against you. Reddit Jews.

More buzzwords please.

Proof is in the pudding, no mention of the "thriving O&A reddit community" and it's obvious why, you're all a bunch of soft college slugs. Plus your channel is redundant with people like highest primate. With no reason to exist perhaps you should suicide.

More stock insults please.

College turned your brain to mush apparently, you're in a perpetual state of redundancy. Atleast I've thoroughly rendered your precious community with a paragraph.

I don't think I've denoted my political positions on Reddit, so I'm unsure where this is coming from.

You're a thriving reddit member, you stated it the second you decided to participate in a meaningful manner and not just goof on dummies like yourself.

May I suggest the "Reddit Suicide". You take a piece of sharp wire and tie off your neck, super glue hands to head, hang, and appear you've ripped your shit head straight off in protest against the treatment of gays or whatever cause you're championing. You space waster. How dare you consume precious internet bandwidth for something already provided by a better man.

Huh? You're babbling.

And you're violating international copyright law, perhaps your demonstrable big government preference should come back around and give you a slap on the nose for distributing intellectual property not of your creation. Fortunate for jew I'm not a reddit libtard zilch feigning outrage so if something were to happen to your jewtube channel, or this well adjusted community, you know it's not coming from the a balanced productive individual like myself. Get a real jawb Instead of splicing and stealing video clips.

Blaaah Blaaah, I'm so far beyond Reddit that I was forced to have an account for 2+ years.

Piss off bitch, you will be so happy when you are gone.

The best thing about you is your first post here...

"Do the O&A core, the guys foolishly paying the Sirius tab which ends up paying the boys enjoy the confrontations Troyquan brings? If yes that over rules nearly everyones opinion in this page, you no paying listening to live streams or edited after play mp3 leeches. With that said I hope they don't fire him, I love him battling it out with dykes like Joe Derosa."

It got no love and was downvoted. Then you got all mad at the Jewish Liberal Redditors that I guess don't get your awesomeness. Don't worry, they will come around...

Well what do the real subscribers paying the freight think? I'm sure you're probably another live stream leech or mp3 downloader so how useful is your opinion. The marketplace should decide, the real subscribers, not liberal reddit zilches pirating the show.

Sorry man, I have been paying for O&A since the first day they were on Satellite. I payed extra to begin with because O&A were considered premium content.

I am the marketplace.

Do you work for SiriusXM legal? Get outta here you RAT

Do the O&A core, the guys foolishly paying the Sirius tab which ends up paying the boys enjoy the confrontations Troyquan brings? If yes that over rules nearly everyones opinion in this page, you no paying listening to live streams or edited after play mp3 leeches. With that said I hope they don't fire him, I love him battling it out with dykes like Joe Derosa.

Which notch was he on to begin with?


Zito claimed it wasn't him. Wouldn't make it more sense if it was Troy? The guy seems to be in deep shit because of all this...


I don't think I've denoted my political positions on Reddit, so I'm unsure where this is coming from.

Zito was tagged by Ron a long time ago. He is a Corporate Narc.

It was never a mystery why he was pushed out of the show. He would go and rat out everyone.

That being said. Troy was a complete idiot for going after him.

As stated on Ron and Fez that in Montreal - all they needed was Opie, Anthony and Jimmy (with the possibility of Sam). The sound guy was a contractor.

I think the take down stuff was someone trying to smash Zito even more. I don't think that was him. Leaving the audio up helps Zito and hurts Troy.

Oh. Well, them I'm mistaken.

Zito has been pulling down YouTube videos of the Zito-Troy fight. SiriusXM management will probably give him a raise and a medal.