So Ant is getting a Bengal -- this is gonna be good!

6  2013-08-06 by LUKEWARM_DICK_SAUCE

Ant said that he likes cats, because he can ignore them. (Fair enough, I guess.) Then I heard that he was thinking about a Bengal, and I just had to chuckle. I don't know how serious he was, but considering his lifestyle, that's one of the worst choices he could make, especially if he really wants a docile cat. If you ignore a Bengal they can turn into little monsters. They need need to be played with daily, up to the point they get tired, otherwise they will start to destroy your shit.

Check this out: Here's an example from Animal Planet of a lesbian couple having huge problems with their Bengal mix. They had to start taking if for daily walks, just to calm it down.

Some facts about the breed:

This is a very active breed that needs a yard and plenty of room to run, play, and hunt. Kittens can be destructive, so preparations should be made to protect furniture and other items in the house. A variety of toys and a scratching post are also helpful in decreasing their destructive behaviors.

This breed should not be left alone for long periods of time because it is likely to find furniture, curtains, or other items to shred in its boredom. If it is going to be left alone frequently, having another cat can help keep it occupied. However, the Bengal can also become jealous if it thinks another pet is getting more attention than it.

I hope he goes through with it, because this shit is going to be one impending disaster.


holy shit he is officially tony montana

Oh, Opie was betta?

Bengals are by default little monsters. I can't wait till his shit gets all fucked up, makes for great radio.

He'll probably buy a $3,000 'cat tree' and there are plenty of visitors to the compound that will play with it, while he's in the hot-tub.

I think Ant will take good care of it and spoil it or whatever. He tends to spend lots of money on things he gets interested in, he may even get another cat for it to play with. He has nothing else to do, I see him or Ange giving it lots of attention.

Edit: Just watched that video. Holy shit, this cat is going to be some good radio.

He should just get an ocelot

Do you think he's going to spray it with Fantastik and slap it across the face when it shits on the floor?