O&A: Kevin Hart catches Patrice jerking off.

29  2013-08-04 by awsum_possum


I'm not the biggest fan of his comedy but goddamn I love Kevin Hart.

This is my second favorite O&A bit/interview/segment. (First is Spaz and the giant mosquito).

I think the better part of this clip is the bus beating story. That must have been incredible in person.

As much as I love Bill Burr, that was brutal.

A sad bit of foreshadowing when Patrice said something along the lines of, "I'm not going to be around long I'm starting to get the headaches, so before I'm gone I'm going to burn my last bridge."

Is there a Patrice Black Phillip archive?

Its on YouTube search em by episode

Hearing Patrice come in with "....Good mornin" makes my chest hurt