If you didn't shed a tear at Sydney's last day, you should just kill yourself.

0  2013-08-02 by t_o_o

That was emotional.


Tears of joy, maybe. Shittiest bit in recent memory, now halfway over. When's Jackie's turn?

Not soon enough...

Why does someone like you even listen to the show?

Because it's a great show, interspersed with occasional moments with dumb giggly interns.

You not appreciating the bit just makes me question your motives. This is a fantastic bit with Sam putting it over the top and you think it's all about giggling interns. You're the type of person that thinks Chip is funny because of the funny voice he makes.

The quality of OA fans is so awful, I just feel bad at this point.

Some bits are better than others. Take Ant's decrepit wang out of your mouth

Do I look like a teen girl to you?

I'm glad it's over. The constant giggling was nerve wracking.

So glad it's over for these holes

That's Jackie and she's still there.


Good riddance.

Was that one of the female interns?