Is Jim Chandler a P.C. Asshole?

16  2013-08-02 by waytogo17


Speaking of "X being destructive to X," giant fucking red "next" arrows are destructive to anything that could be considered good webdesign.

It allows them to get more traffic on multiple pages, instead of just one. Wonder why? You guessed it, the same thing that makes for shit radio, advertising $$$.

Absolutely. And it's sadly common practice amongst many content-driven websites nowadays. But only a radio mindset would take the concept of spreading out small amounts of content over multiple pages and then label it with douchey red-buttons that would be considered too big on phones made for the legally blind.

Radio deserves Jocktober and Jim Chandler's cries are falling on deaf ears. He should listen to his old pal The Opester and take some fucking pride in his work.

I dont think it has anything to do with being PC, I think its about him viewing Jocktober as destructive to radio, and wanting it to stop.

The current state of radio is the most destructive thing to radio right now. How many stations have they found running that annoying promo where you have to guess where the 'thief' is? And yes, it's so awful I can't remember the name of the bit.

The <insert station identification here> bandit

Like I said I don't disagree. I'm just saying that this isn't a question of political correctness.

Jocktober is awesome and it is not destructive to radio. OnA are a small satellite radio show, nobody takes them seriously. It is all in good fun. Jim Chandler taking them so seriously is what is lame. Everyone who does that hack radio know it sucks, it is just a way to move ads and promos through to viewers in between music breaks, no real creativity or entertainment to be found, even if u were forced to not swear or be edgy you could still be damn funnier than the guys they jocktober.

I think if fans didnt go after facebook and twitter and whatever else the radio show they jocktober does, Jim Chandler wouldnt give a fuck. I think he sees that as the destructive part. Not saying I agree, just saying.

Who gives a fuck what Jim Chandler thinks? He's a fucking hack. Just because Ope roomed with him doesn't change his content.


Jocktober is the funniest thing they do

It's also probably the most honest thing they do. The Jocktober bits they do on their past are some of the best radio segments they've ever created. How many radio shows out there would not only admit to that behavior, but allow themselves to be crucified for it on-air? Maybe Ronnie B? Howard sure as shit doesn't have the balls to do it. O&A deserve a lot of fucking respect for that.

The worst thing about Jocktober is the fact that regular radio is dying off so fast that it's difficult to find new programs each year.

There's a show out here in Buffalo that's ideal for Jocktober, and is so consistently bad that it might even be a contender for replacing John and Jeff as one of the annual bashings. But unfortunately the boys have tons of connections at the station; Opie started out there (as Spuds Buckley), O&A used to air on there when they came back to terrestrial after sex for sam, and Norton has done live reads for the show. If they could give less of a fuck about their old ties here, the bashing that would ensue I bet would be epic. Maybe I'll Twitterbomb Sam with it every day and see if it sneaks in.

It's the best because it's what they do best. When they riff on stuff like other stations, movies, music they are in a class of their fucking own. It's just all the race talk, media shit that fucking is not funny or interesting.

Because you don't understand it probably. You think Neck Beards are funny so...

He does bring up a good point, a lot of shows that are Jocktobered don't fall into O&A's demographic. They're for the lonely housewives or overly involved community members who are easily entertained and wouldn't know there's thousands of $50 fugitives around the country.

That said O&A probably don't have much tolerance for lazy radio because they've worked too hard to get to where they are. Remember, this is a show that has put their entire careers in danger many times, gotten fired twice, and took a big risk joining satellite radio just so they could stay ahead of the game. When they hear some small market radio station using prepburger-ed song drops, it probably makes them feel they wasted all that time and effort, or they just plain don't like lazy radio stations.

I doubt O&A give a care enough about Jim Chandler to halt Jocktober. It'll go on as usual.

How is that a good point? They put their stuff out into the public therefore it's ripe to be made fun of. I don't understand how someone can claim bullying on facebook or twitter. These are opt-in social media devices. If you don't like the responses you get, you can always turn them off. Hence the stage 1, stage 2...etc. There's no such thing as free advertising, and this is the price of an open forum.

Jim is just being a bitter baby. Of course he couldn't just call up the show and laugh at himself for five minutes, he's got to make this big deal of putting an end to Jocktober and being flown to New York like a superstar.

Oh I'm not saying those shows are legitimately talented or should be "protected" from Jocktober abuse. It's just that part of the reason some of these shows don't sit well with the boys or the pests is because those shows are completely out of their element based on demographic, content, etc. By extension, if you were to sit down Alice from Williamsville or Racin Randy to listen to an O&A show, they probably wouldn't last 5 minutes either. It's two separate worlds.

I love Jocktober and the Facebook/Twitter attacks, but I do see Jim's point that the show O&A put on and the shows terrestrial puts on.

That whole response is just fucking eeeewwwww. He wants everyone to wear their underwear on the outside? The guy has been in radio for just as long as Opie and that's the most clever thing he can come up with? Why does he think they want him on the show for anything more than a 3 minute phoner anyway?

This hack deserves a jocktober beating once a month.

This is the same argument Derosa put forward when Troy said he wasn't funny. "Don't attack my livelihood man!"

Honestly why can't everyone just realise that eight thousand requests that you die of cancer and aids are all meant in good fun?


He also implies that they spend an entire month's worth of shows doing Jocktober, when in reality they spend one break a day on a show. While they'll check back in periodically, they pretty much continue on as usual with the show. The joke will be on unoriginal jocks like Jim Chandler when they're out of a job, pushed out by news/traffic/weather on the ten's and voice tracked recordings of Scott Shannon. Aaaand! Instead of "pointing out the faults of other media", they point out the faults of antiquated, "stuck in the mud" media, while promoting newer waves of media like podcasts. Jim Chandler is a bitter remnant of a once great industry. Even Denny has a sense of humor about himself.


How about asking for Opie's kid to be on air? Civilians are off limits, period. You don't call out a guy by asking him to put his toddler son behind a mic, probably to ask the kid uncomfortable shit.

I sense Chandler has a dark streak*, and would love nothing more than a shot to tear Opie apart on free fm.

*Yes, he has shitty underpants.


Jocktober is one of those things where they channel their older, meaner selves. I enjoy it, 99.9% of fans enjoy it. They aren't going to stop, Jim Chandler needs to not be a hack.



summary: jim chandler stinks

Haha thanks for that

Just joshin' ya. I agree, fwiw.

i read that note in a bane voice. he is truly an evil man and a menace to good radio and our sacred holiday

Fuck this guy. I sense a little jealousy

"But if it's wrong for me, it's wrong for everybody" hahaha

I think if fans didnt go after facebook and twitter and whatever else the radio show they jocktober does, Jim Chandler wouldnt give a fuck. I think he sees that as the destructive part. Not saying I agree, just saying.