I've been listening to Ron & Fez for two days...

30  2013-08-01 by stevenknight

I'm a huge Opie & Anthony fan, obviously, but the Troy fight got me to listen to Ron & Fez. The slow pace, calm nature, dead air and more level-headed discussion is a wonderful antidote to the, usually, hectic and fast nature of Opie & Anthony (which I love, of course).

Anyone else feel this way?


Ron and Fez are like smoking a slow-burning cigar for 4 hours.

O&A are like chain smoking a pack of cigarettes in 4 hours.

I feel most days when o&a are talking about the news it's "fox and friends xl". Not necessarily the repub angle but its a reading of headlines by middle aged men, with little or no thought about it.

Mr B is by far the most enlightening and intelligent person on the channel, probably platform.

Ronnie B in my opinion is easily one of the greatest radio hosts of all time. When Dave left and before Pepper took second mic, with Fez locked up, he carried the show by himself. The Ron and Pepper show sounds good to me.

There were a few months when Fez was out, O&A were suspended, and the entire channel rested on Ron.... Hate to say it but it was amazing

Ronnie B is possibly the coolest man to ever walk this earth.

I emailed him once. He wrote back brief note, it was great. That is all.

It's definitely more subtle, and the silences crack me up.

Sometimes I reach for my phone thinking the app has paused itself for inactivity only for Ron to chime in again.


i was listening to the OnA podcast, Fez came into studio during the Superball challenge. I forgot how fucking funny he used to be.


Have you ever heard of such a thing happening like what has happened to Fez? I mean, someone forgetting how to be funny?

I was trying to think today of a famous comedian who just suddenly couldn't be funny anymore. Fez certainly has reasons, and like Ron said today, Fez doesn't have any skills, so Fez must be terrified that Sirius will cut him loose. Is that fear what keeps Fez from trying out lines on the show? The things Fez says are nearly always unfunny, and Ron normally just blows by them to spare Fez the embarrassment. Today was pretty funny though, with Pepper and Shelby giggling at Fez when he said something weird.

It's not only that he's not funny anymore. He doesn't fucking talk. It's the weirdest thing, he talks for a living, but can't (or doesn't) talk.

I really have no theories on it, because honestly, it's so fucking weird. But I do wonder a little, if since its gone on for so long and is now such a major part of the show and who Fez is, if he could ever change. It would be such a big deal if he just walked in one day and didn't shut up. I don't think he can handle that kind of pressure.

it's a shame because when he does chime in now I usually don't want to hear it. Especially when he is being a whiny bitch - like he was about Troy.

I was trying to think today of a famous comedian who just suddenly couldn't be funny anymore.

Chevy Chase. Eddie Murphy. Steve Martin. Jim Belushi. Martin Short. Joe Piscopo. Roseanne Barr.

Wrong! Martin Short and Roseanne are both still funny.

I'd listen to Ron & Fez if someone can guarantee Fez wont be talking that show. I hate that guy. His emotional, pissy eyed bullshit annoys me.

the brilliance of Ronnie B almost makes hearing Fez worth the effort

the show is totally unlike O&A - if you can find an AFRO show online, the chemistry between the 4 is great

also about a year ago (maybe more) Ron sat in with Opie - Jay Mohr was in studio --- it was hysterical

I started out with Ron and Fez first, i started listening when i was 15, 11 years ago when they were on WJFK here near DC, and it was during the Al Dukes pinball machine fiasco (Al bought Opie a pinball machine as a gift and Opie smashed it to bits on air, or something like that it's been a while), that's where I first was introduced to Opie and Anthony and started listening to them daily as well.

I slowly stopped listening to Ron and Fez for no particular reason, probably just not enough time to listen to both i guess, but have still listened to O&A every day since the pinball machine incident. I'll catch Ron and Fez still every once in a while. Fez used to be really entertaining, I used to really look forward to the Friday Fezitorials. Had a Big ASS card too, it's probably still around here somewhere.


This is very similar to my story (except my Big ASS card was in a stolen wallet that I never got back. Still regret that). I've been a dedicated O&A listener since I first heard them in a cross-studio bit on Don and Mike, but somewhere after Sex for Sam I stopped listening to R&F. I just started listening to them again recently, and the difference between Fez now and Fez at WJFK (or even after they came to satellite) is...almost too impossible to believe. I keep thinking it's one giant bit (I wouldn't put it past Ron to come up with a really long-term work). It's simply weird the way Fez just sits there in studio silently until he's asked to chime in, or how Ron can say literally anything mean to him but Hicks can't say a word without being attacked, etc., but apparently it's all true. It's a damn shame too, because the Friday Fezitorials really were amazing. Too bad things never worked out with Fez's fiancee in Niagara Falls (lol).

Much better show IMO

R&F is way more enjoyable to listen too

I don't like the dead air... it's weird.

That and fez really doesn't talk much... it's not just something that O&A say.

That all being said, content wise, it's pretty entertaining.

Fez is the price the world has to pay for Ron Bennington.

EDIT Thanks for the gold!

Well said, my friend.

I imagine they have probably been trying to fire him for years, but they won't because they know they'd lose Ron.

[I think its all tied up in contracts. Ron is Fez's best friend but it doesn't work that way with Ron. He would protect Fez but not sacrifice his livelyhood for him. Also, I doubt management pays much attention to Fez especially when he went to them bitching about hostile and possibly homophobic work environment caused by Troy and they just dismissed him. Though I think that's because on his very own show they had the guess the Celebrity Bit and he didn't go crying to them.

P.S. Ron's best friend is Black Earl Douglas.]

It's basically the Ron and Pepper show now, and i'm fine with that. Ronnie B is the greatest broadcaster in radio, in my opinion, and his back and forth with the centaur cracks me up.


ehhh der fezsssss

I just can't get into R&F I know Ronnie is funny and quick just can't see genius though?

Ronnie's an interesting fella to be sure. At surface, he appears to be a lot like that hardcore indie guy who hangs out at the coffee shop all the time, who knows too much about things like cigars, underground music/movies and so on. Once you listen a number of times, that's when you start appreciating him and his persona.

If nothing else, he's an extremely talented individual. A beloved funnyman, an amazing interviewer, and philospher, all without the pretentiousness that many people in these fields seem to have. Hard to believe he started out as a club comic/morning zoo DJ in Florida.

It may take a few trys to see Ronnie B's genius, but that's only because it has a much slower pace and may not keep you attention for long at first. But once you get it, you'll love it. It's very esoteric.

Side note: Ronnie B. isn't so much a genius (outside of raido that is) as he wise. The dude is a modern day Soloman!

It took me a couple of listens to get past the dead air and RON-0-FEZs, but rest assured the genius always comes out.

I was an O&A fan since the early xm days, it took me a real long time to get into to ron & fez. I used to just flip them on sometimes when I'd be on my lunch break when I first got xm I was NOT a fan quite a while. Then it slowly started to grow on me and I like the ron & fez show just as much if not more than O&A at times.

I do think Mr B is a genius, he is one of the best interviewers ever, definitely the best on radio. Ronnie leads interesting discussions with everyone from the idiot/redneck/junkie callers as well as young children to some of the best authors, actors, musicians & etc in the biz. (One of the best moments in recent memory is when ESD left Ron to babysit his young son, Stanley MacDonald during the show, while ESD interviewed Adrian Peterson. Then AP came to get interviewed by Ronnie and Stan took over the show.) Not to mention ron is awesome with pepper and all the interns too.

That said Fez is an important part of the show, but makes it very very very hard to listen to. It's best he rarely speaks.

Ron/Pepper = best combo of personalities on the radio

I did hear them once when I was bored and exploring what else was on the channel. I've also heard parts of them before when they did nights in WJFK after O&A.

They're alright but I usually stop listening to O&A's channel after 10 AM.

I like the show but they usually talk about sports for a good clip and Ronnie B doesn't really have anyone to bounce things off of.

It was even better before Fezzie turned into a bawling phone screener.

Ron reminds me of Lebron James when he was in Cleveland taking a bunch of scrubs to the Finals. He makes everything around him better than it really is.

Pepper Hicks on the Davy Mac sports show...........dud. Pepper Hicks on R&F......gold because Ron uses him just right.

i was listening to the OnA podcast, Fez came into studio during the Superball challenge. I forgot how fucking funny he used to be.