The Opster just Pmed me on twitter! I'm gallonofpcp1.

116  2013-07-31 by gallonofpcp1


Opie is really appreciative of the fans he DM's people all the time.



Seriously. The effort you put in is invaluable

Jumping on the "thank you" train. Hopefully you notice and appreciate it.

thanks bro.


If you haven't yet, check out Jasonayeiter's channel. He does a really good job at taking a topic the show discusses and putting all the relevant clips from multiple broadcasts into one video and he's been uploading a shit ton of material lately.

who the fuck is omgwtfitssteve?


Odds that he sent this from the toilet as 2 kids screamed outside?

new O&A bit. Appreciative Opie.

Opie really care about his fans. So when he reads hate mail about his dumb high pitch voice and hooolllllyyy fuuuuccck it gets to him. He's an emotional guy.

What is up with all the weird ass voices he's been doing lately? Today when Kennedy was on, it was the weird low key mumbling thing, "I lovvvvvveeeddd Layne Staley's voice...." But yesterday he was doing the high pitched screaming thing, mixed with his impression of Brother Weese's stupid laugh.

He's an expressive guy.. If you read his twitter he does all the annoying typing stigmas that just annoying like he's raising his voice in text by using !!!! And TYPING some words in all caps. He's not funny but he still needs to talk so he has to add something.

If he learned from criticism instead of shitting on it, he'd be respected a lot more. It's almost as if he takes it as a challenge to prove that it works, like he has to show he can be the controlling voice or that he can be as funny as his co-hosts. No one shits on Opie by saying he's a piece of shit, it's that his ego and lack of awareness gets the better of him.

Actually lots of people say he's a piece of shit and doesn't add anything to the show. Those are the people calling in and hating and Opie rants about.

Well he is shit and doesn't add anything to the show - I'd say he detracts from it - but he's not a piece of shit, meaning he's not an outright asshole. Well, I guess that's actually kind of his shtick, isn't it? I get the confusion.

Ope moves the show along and keeps in on track when Jim and Ant go on too long on a topic or Alex Jones goes on a tangent and his stories, sneaky shit stirring and outbursts are great and entertaining.

Not enough people understand this. As long as I've been listening (since 2002 / 2003) he's been the conductor of the show, so to speak. The show can't go on with a prolonged long-term Opie absence (I'm talking several months).

Not true at all. The show would be fine without Opie. He steps on people in the middle of stories and anecdotes. That isnt being "a conductor" or "moving the show along", its just being an inconsiderate asshole.

Opie used to have a sense of timing, but the past 5 years he's just been an attention whore.

I'm on your side bro, he knows he's not funny and knows he has the role of conductor so he tries to keep the topic moving but really just interrupts a funny flow the other guys have going, and when he interrupts with "hold on.. HOOOOLLLLDDD OOONNN" he usually asks a completely uninteresting question. The guy is a shock jock only and now he can't be.

When the "HOWLING" video was made, Opie stopped saying it so much. Valid criticism needs to be presented correctly to stand out amongst the trolls and assholes.

He's not the only one that responds to criticism by shitting on it, Norton does it too. Opie and Norton acknowledge feedback and respond to it. Ant acknowledges criticism by either yelling over the critic, or bouncing them from Paltalk.

I always enjoy it when they acknowledge Twitter haters and fight back, because the Twitter idiots have no clue what they're talking about and need to be educated. Norton responded to one of the dumbasses that thought they were saying "nigger" just because they felt like it. "THAT'S NOT WHY WE'RE SAYING IT, YOU DOLT."

Gregory is such a sweet boy.

checkin' the numbers, I see.

That's really nice of Opie to respond and connect to fans like that.

Can I touch you?

Good Guy Opie :)

I've had 2 from him, one was a thanks for the RT, the other was calling me an asshole.

what a nice guy.

The Opster would've told you to fuck yourself; Gregg Hughes says "Thank you, kind sir"

We once got into a fight over the Nets on PM. We ended up resolving our differences and told him he was right. He said he was sorry and sent his wishes. What a nice guy

Perhaps you guys got off on the wrong foot.

I think we all know that the boys from the show are really nice guys IRL.

can I have your autograph?

he said to the fat blond actress

One time I sent him some Francesa audio. He favorited the tweet and they played it on the show a few days later.

Dude, plug in your phone.

I got it down to 1% after this, panicked while trying to plug it in. Made it just in time.

I got it down to 1% after this, panicked while trying to plug it in. Made it just in time.

Well... what do we got here?


It was a hot summer night?

What a fucking douchebag.


This is hardly exclusive to Opie. I've had contact with a bunch of staff outside the show and they're all great people.

Most people just don't find out about this because they'd rather act like faggots. Not being an asshole will take you places.

Opie's a gentleman and a scholar. Stand up guy.

I didn't know they made pcp in liquid form.


A whole gallon!


Tss, fukin homerun chipperson

What's that

