What do we have to do to get the downvote button removed from this subreddit? I'm on a lot of subreddits, and by pure percentage this one has the worst users.

0  2013-07-31 by t_o_o

Things downvoted for no reason at all, any discussion just stifled by people and their alternate accounts just downvoted for seemingly no reason. I've seen other subs just get rid of the downvote button, this sub needs it too.


There is no way to get rid of downvotes. CSS can be bypassed with one click by unchecking "Use subreddit style." The change would be pointless, and it's not like O&A fans give a shit what other people think anyway.

Just post what's on your mind and fuck anyone that doesn't like it.

based on my posts, i thought the down vote button was just a read receipt.

The subreddit is full of opie and anthony fans, what did you expect?

Is this post just a mere self-fulfilling, down voting prophecy?

no cunt has ever down voted me,and never will.

Honestly you should just not care about up or down votes. They are useless internet points.

True but when something is downvoted to zero it isn't visible on the board much longer. THAT's the issue.

Is it?

Oh look, one of the wonderful users with multiple accounts.

Do I?

Ah I see. I never realized that. I agree though on the point that people down vote the most retarded shit. Things that I can't imagine any reason to down vote other than someone going through and down voting every comment someone makes on every thread or something.

It's an absolute abortion on this subreddit. The OA fans are the worst.

The real issue is that bag of dicks in your mouth.

It seems okay to me.

be more funny