Opie & Anthony Aftershow: Troy Quan vs. Mark Zito (07/30/13)

48  2013-07-30 by stevenknight


Every Ron and fez listener knows zito is a little snake. But troy comes off like a straight up piece of shit. My solution fire zito, troy and fez, hire east side dave with their salary.

I like that, and I'm not even an ESD fan.

what!? what!?

Ho!? Ho!?

[Makin' cumsies!]

Ron ESD and Pepper.... i would kill to listen to this every day

I'd even sneak an Earl back in the mix.

But Black Earl would kill Jesus if he had the chance.

Damn that's a nice plan. Good work!

It'll never happen, because damn that's a nice plan.

I haven't gotten a chance to listen to all of this yet but yes...Troy comes off fucking terrible in this.

How so?

ESD is a wasted talent, wtf is Fez on a major show for? Troy was good when he fought with Joe Derosa, he exposed to me how weak Derosa is on the spot. Who couldn't get up on a self absorbed wanker like Troy?

It's the same bullshit Danny used to do. Puff out your chest, talk loud, talk fast, speak in generalities without saying anything meaningful, and act like you're "winning" the argument.

He picks easy targets because he's insecure. Just go back and listen to every time he gets challenged on air. You'll never get more than, "well... you know..." followed by some rambling incoherent thought.


He even admitted it when Derosa called him out on it.


I'm paraphrasing but Joe said something like... Joe - " You wouldn't call out someone like Patrice or Burr like this because you wouldn't be able to hold your own against them!" Troy - "Yeah, well that's just how this works!"


Why? It's great radio.


About 15 minutes into the Worst-of from 3-29-2013, Troy gets called out for trying to call out Sam and Erock for their wrestling infatuation and toys. Easily gets pummeled by Sam and can't defend his skateboarding or hipster douche-dom


The more i think about it, the more right it sounds. Troy has gotten into shit with Mark Zito, Joe DeRosa, Sam, and Francine. He even tried to start shit with Denny.

I love how much he hated Francine for trying to get things based on her looks, but he'd let the dumb stripper from Jimmy's Birthday get away with anything because (drum roll) her looks.

Francine really deserved it though.

How is he picking on an easy target when the only reason he was brought up was because opie was saying he didn't like him?

Yep. You pretty much nailed it, sadly. I really liked Troy for a while but this fight was just far too Danny-like for my tastes.

Exactly. He just repeated "faggot" 100 times and get saying fuck you lets fight you suck managements dick. Like he could have had some legit point and just said it calmly and maybe it would have been legit. And to add, I HATE when people just do the mocking repeating of what some one says but with a more retarded, for lack of a better word, "twitter-guy" voice.

nah, danny is a slimy passive-aggressive cunt. troy at least is in your face and doesn't back down. but the thing about zito's gf was not cool, though.

Not backing down isn't a good trait when everyone knows you're in the wrong.

I wouldn't be surprised if Troy was fired soon. SiriusXM has proven time and again they are a big corporation, and those type of businesses are terrified of lawsuits based on discrimination. Human Resources will fire Troy instead of risk a lawsuit for allowing a "hostile work environment," and it's ALL on tape. In addition to all the gay talk, Troy also challenged the guy to a fight, then challenged him to a fight outside his home.

I don't know much about Troy because I was a WNEW listener who just started listening again this year, but I don't know if even a host could get away with an incident like this. A host might get suspended, but a behind the scenes guy will probably get canned. If he does get fired, it won't be Fez's fault, it won't be the fault of the guy Troy was fighting, it will be HR believing their hands are tied and they simply risk lawsuits by keeping Troy around.

Good, Troy was out of line. At the end of the day, Sirius is a business and that was the opposite of being a professional. Troy is a man child.

Don't worry guys when he's fired I'll make my "This is bad for everyone" speech, like I do everytime someone is fired.

if this had happened off-air, I would agree with you, but the executives know better.

Fez has bashed interns just as bad On-Air before. I'm guessing it's all a bit anyway.


"country ham ears"

This might have won me over. Fuck Troy.

Great, now I'm starvin. Does anyone have any country ham?

I feel the same way when Sam gets on his superiority complex about the interns.

I don't love Zito but seriously Troy should not feel free to act like this at his place of work. Troy is an animal.

Sam made cumsies in his pants

This must have been like Christmas for Sam.

Or Kwanzaa, or whatever that little halfling celebrates.

he handled this like a champ. years of watching pro wrestling and listening to/working with opie and anthony have really honed his shit stirring skills

He is the king

Pretty sure if you asked Sam, he would say this guy is the King

This is the kind of alpha horseshit that Jimmy hates. Troy comes off like a schoolyard bully. He has no argument other than "I'll kick your ass" and "You're a faggot". He sounds like a douche fratboy. No room for that in the work environment, hope Sirius flushes him.

Who the fuck cares what jimmy thinks? He does the exact same thing with his comedic timing that some asshole that's naturally big does with his strength. It's funny how people are called a bully for hitting someone, but is okay to bully people as long as it's with funny words.

Is because Jimmy would argue legit points rather than just telling unfounded insults over and over

these sound like the words of a violent lackwit

I dont like Zito at all but Troy had so much hatred in his voice, and like Ron Bennington has been saying he crossed the line when he brought up loved ones (people who didnt choose the radio career) on the radio.

I've never had a beef with troy but that was fucked up. Not to mention the show after the one he works for is co-hosted by a homosexual.


Well, they're the hosts of the show, Zito is just a poster-hanging narc.

And Troy is a knob twiddler and button pusher. I dislike them both but the shit about Zito's GF was too much.

Sounds like Troy has some deep seeded issues relating to homosexuality.

No way man, he'd totally kiss another dude just to piss them off.

((rolls eyes))

And totally fuck Zito just to prove Zito is gay .

...so the other day I'm fucking this guy in the ass and he turns around and tries to kiss me...What a fag, right?

I heard 45 seconds of this fight and it's already the greatest thing ever

After Troy Quan trashed Mark Zito's work ethic, clothes and more during the main show's Montreal discussion, (http://youtu.be/fx6gJYbV6j4), Mark bursts into After Opie & Anthony Live to get into a fight with Troy while Sam commentates. Who saw this coming?

I had to make the upload private for a short while. You can speculate as to why.

is it going to free up?

I just want to remind everyone that Troy is a rapist. Him and his shitty rapcore band used to drug girls and then sodomize them.

Holy fuck that is a loose translation of rape. I've heard that audio and I hardly think it was rape. Cool your jets there fucko. You don't call someone a rapist because you dislike them.

Meh. I didn't assume it was rape when I heard it, but in retrospect that does sound like how someone who was involved with a date rape would describe it later on. It's definitely suspicious, but you're right, you can't exactly call him a rapist just based on that. It's worth mentioning, though, just not as decisively as Michelanvalo did.

What! Really when did this come out?

It was either early in 2012 or sometime in 2011. Him and Erock were discussing their time living together in the early 00s and the parties they used to have. It was in the same story where Troy and his shit band were running a train on a drugged girl, and when it was ERock's turn, he went and fell asleep with the girl.

Edit: It looks like it was early 2012, Jan/Feb/March. But I can't find the exact clip of what was said. I just remember listening and thinking that Troy should be getting ass pounded in jail.

Classic Slobbo.

They cuddled and spooned.


Wait, eRock and Troy lived together at one point in time?!

"When the hell did this happen?!"

I hate to defend Troy, but I don't think he ever said she was drugged. He just said they were running a train and when it was E-Rocks turn, he just talked with her and cuddled.

I can corroberate that statement with another's eye-witness account: she was fucked up—not beyond "no", but drunk (?)—and Bagel just cuddled up with her and had a "nice night in". She may or may not have had loads in her at the time (might be from another story).

What the fuck? Alright, Troy is nothing but a degenerate, piece of shit.

Because it doesn't exist. Troy isn't a rapist in regards to the story told on the show. He might be a rapist but not because of the event in question.

Troy's screaming is such "alpha-male" posturing. Little boy is too big for his britches. Such vaugery, such little boy playground bullshit. Would never once follow through on any of his threats. I would, if given the opportunity, pummel his face into a pulp.

Then has to scream over top of everyone actually screaming "Shut up!" like a little bitch. Sweet merciful fuck I want this shitdick fired. I hope the only positive thing to come out of his life is a fucking diagnosis.

And what you just posted is different how?

Fuck Troy.

Sounds like Uncle Paul already did.

Troy is a fucking piece of shit. He's all fucking talk, as has been stated. Whenever someone makes a good point he completely dismisses it with "that's not even what were talking about" or "yeah, well". He does the exact same shit as fucking Danny did. Won't miss the fucking hipster douche once he's gone. ಠ_ಠ

I'm apparently very rustled by his shenanigans.


In any normal business establishment Troy would have been shitcanned on the spot. Hostile work environment, gay bashing, bullying, physical threats of violence, etc.

But this is SiriusXM where everyone is asleep at the wheel.


It's a bit for the air, yo.

While Sam was "playing along" a little bit you can tell he was a little skittish. I think there was more truth to that than a bit.

It was a joke. Troy is probably fucked over even though it was on the air. Which sucks, I like Troy's production. Just don't understand how Dru doesn't work for them.

btw is rockstar hiring? just curious..

I heard Lazlo needs another assistant

I thought Danny wasnt there any more....

Welp, guess Fez is going to cry for the duration of Ron and Fez today with all the "f-bombs" Troy threw out.

I was listening to a little of the R&F show during my lunch break, Fez was doing his typical locking up thing, so upset about what happened earlier, really making him about himself.

You know, what about that "Guess the Celebrity" game where Pepper and Shelby were playing only movie clips with the word "faggot" in it? Fez was certainly not in tears. The fight didn't even address him! GOD he is so hateable.

I get the difference between "bit" and "real life" but seriously, pick a side Fez.

Fez is the most Hateable human on the planet.

Now you're getting crazy.

I'm so tired of Troy and his whole "I am the judge of how everyone should live their lives".

His tirade was completely over the line today and I hope he gets fired. Will he? Probably not. Remember, they didn't fire that idiot Danny until after he mouthed off to management directly.

Zito is management's boy, so with a bit of luck that's good enough to get shithead shitcanned.

I hope Troy gets reprimanded.

I hope Troy gets... corrected.

Troy is such a little bitch

I hated Zito on Ron and Fez and I expected to be on Troy's side when I saw the title, but Troy's a fucking douchebag. Just trying to be a tough guy and yelling meaningless shit. This was even worse than his argument with Derosa, where he yelled "OLD MAN SHOES" 50 times. This time it's just like a 7th grader repeating "faggot" and "shut up". Except for when he said Zito made his own Wikipedia page. That's true.

"You look like you suck penises. You look like you fuckin' suck penises."

Did anyone else find this line to be hilarious? Not because it was actually, y'know, funny, but because Troy is literally just saying "You look like you suck penises".

fired. so fired.

I hope so

Your post history is great. So progressive and PC. Keep it up Reddit and the world need you to set them both straight.

Could be big trouble for Troy if this went viral as a hate video, which would be really easy to do since it's very condensed and filled with all that. Also yeah, Troy's being a huge douche and says nothing.

Yeah but Troy doesn't care what people think of.him ...YET WE GET THESE ARGUMENTS

He IS down for whatever, faggo.... I mean.... bro

Had this argument been scripted I would've thought it was Chip, ie the overuse of "naughty" words and uncomfortable hostility. "You look like you suck penises..." Good one Troy.

Serious fight between troy and chip would be the greatest radio of all time.

So Troy completely came apart at the seems out of ABSOLUTELY nowhere. Also, I cringe when people keep repeating the same vague insult. "faggot faggot faggot! did your balls drop? do you wana fight? lets go lets go lets go". It's just based on nothing. I'm afraid we might have heard the last of Troy.

.. did your balls drop...lmao some of the shit he was saying was the douchiest shit ever. shit he'll think about while trying to sleep.. "Did I really say 'ill fuck you in the ass to prove you're a faggot'" That's gold.

I feel like Erock defending Hulk Hogan; I really like Troy when he's at his best but sometimes it's just way too hard to defend him.

I'll still take him over Danny any day.

Say faggot again Troy

Fuck both of these clowns.

This is why I don't like having the staff on the air. The staff usually ends up squabbling and arguing amongst themselves over dumb shit, or they're vapid insightless interns who provide nothing to the program.

The only 2 staff members who should come on are Sam and Travis, and even they piss me off at times.

Damn...Troy's voice is annoying.


Where is the context for this fight?? it just started mid fight....and Troy is a dead set dickhead.He thinks he is way too important to the show.

Troy argues like an angry woman. Keep throwing illogical bombs till something sticks. Zito at least did a good job nailing him down on some specifics.

yeah... troy is getting talking to, goodbye troy

unless it was a bit

That scream was no bit. SHUUTT UP

btw arguing that someone wants their own show is not much of a point, I'd stab jimmy in the eye if it gave me a better shot at having my own show, OF COURSE HE WANTS $$$ AND FAME

"Woah bro you want a radio show bro, you want a career? what a faggot"

I was at the Montreal event and Zito interacted with fans more than Troy as far as I could tell. Zito seemed like a fine guy, not at all worthy of this bashing. This is awkward.

Ugh, I hate Troy. I wish he'd get fired, but I know it won't happen.

http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Cvr7hPE7O10/0.jpg Is this the guy everyone is scared of .LOL

Who has a pic of Mark Zito? I need a face to go with this bitch voice.

that little pussy has his own wikipedia page.

Troy basically said that Mark made it himself. Ew.

Just listened to the full show , Opie gave Troy the go ahead by slagging out Zito on the show.

of course this was planned, it's not like the two met on the shit show randomly, but whether it was a real blowout or not remains to be seen, HR will give us an indication soon

fuckin real.Troy probably thinks he can go off like an imbecile because Op doesn't like Zito.



Holy shit, I'm waking up early tomorrow. I don't want to miss O&A talking about this.

Shades of Artie Lange in this blow up. From going from calm to super pissed in no time to screaming "faggot" and threatening to beat him up, but especially that part where Zito was just talking regularly and Troy started screaming at him to shut up. Like compare this to the times to argued with Derosa or Slobbo, he is WAY different here.

Where did the video go?

I had to make it private for now.

upset :(


:( this makes me a bit uncomfortable. I like Troy. For all the reasons why guys hate him. He was mean but I don't think he's naturally this negative.

Ok, so I'm bit late to this since haven't been able to listen to the show for a while. Can someone please make a summary?

I came back and sat down and I had to rewind cause I wasn't sure if it was an ICP bit or a video they where watching lol nuts

Fuck Mark Zito. His only shining moment is when he was kicking the shit out of Sal (verbally).

It's kind of funny that people think Troy is going to get into any shit for this.

First of all it's on the Aftershow, which is not really a show at all, it's just something that Sam does if there happens to be time after the O&A show and if there's nothing better to air in that slot.

Secondly, this is hardly the worst of the fights that have ever happened between two employees - Zito himself threatened to get physical with Fez of all people.

Third, with all the "faggot" talk, two precedents for why Sirius/XM don't really give a shit: the "Guess the Celebrity" game on the R&F show; the fact that a Sirius/XM employee not even affiliated with the show (Little Nicky) made multiple production pieces (on company time, presumably) about Danny being a fag (and all the other iterations of fag/homo/faggot/etc).

I've convinced myself that Mark is Chuck Zito's son and was only hired by SiriusXM as a favor for Howard Stern. Mark Zito is an entitled brat.

Oh, he's an entitled brat alright. However, his dad is none other than tv whore puppet, Joe Zito. http://www.tvmaitred.com/

Joe runs a weekly restaurant review show where he features and "reviews" restaurants. Problem is, he won't review the restaurant unless he's paid. Total scam.

Oh crap that's his dad?

I need to move from RI.

You and me both.


that little pussy has his own wikipedia page.

Oh, he's an entitled brat alright. However, his dad is none other than tv whore puppet, Joe Zito. http://www.tvmaitred.com/

Joe runs a weekly restaurant review show where he features and "reviews" restaurants. Problem is, he won't review the restaurant unless he's paid. Total scam.

Zito is management's boy, so with a bit of luck that's good enough to get shithead shitcanned.

Sounds like Uncle Paul already did.

I can corroberate that statement with another's eye-witness account: she was fucked up—not beyond "no", but drunk (?)—and Bagel just cuddled up with her and had a "nice night in". She may or may not have had loads in her at the time (might be from another story).
