Good news, Everyone! 78% of young women approve of wiener.

1  2013-07-30 by Patrick_Kane


Not exactly. Drudge headlines are frequently misleading.

Users of were the population used for this poll. is a dating website that connects rich assholes with attractive, money grubbing whores. It's not a subtle thing, that's exactly what they present themselves as. So it's no surprise that the young women polled here approve of Weiner, since sleazy, powerful guys are exactly what they are looking for in a relationship.

It's a stretch to say that the userbase on can be considered representative of the female population.

Right on. I like Drudge to get news you don't normally get on the mainstream, but they can be just as bad with distorting facts to fit their own agenda. And the fact he gives so much attention to such non-factor circus attractions like this clown kind of disgusts me.

the dick pic's I'm fine with. It's the douche chilling selfies I hate him for.

Women think the boston bomber is sexy. Why would you ever take them seriously?

It's so funny how the media is skewering this man for sending consensual pics to an adult woman. I can't help but think of young naive Mimi Beardsley in the pool with JFK having popper-fueled non-consensual sex and forced blow jobs on his friends when they're "tense".

Most of the criticism is not about sending pictures, but that he continued this behavior right after a big public apology for doing the same thing.

The guy is a habitual liar and severe sexting addict. I wouldn't trust him at all as NYC mayor

I'd urge you to listen to the most recent episode of Penn's Sunday School - wherein Penn discusses the "morality" of "what wiener did."

I'm getting pretty exhausted watching this dickhead splatter himself across every page he can.

and pretty chaffed too.