Live Thread: Live from Montreal at 'Just for Laughs' - Day 2 (07/26/13)

20  2013-07-26 by stevenknight

Hello! I'm back for the second, and last, live broadcast in Montreal at the Just for Laughs comedy festival. I'll be updating with what's going in the show, tweets from staff and audience members, and photos.

Useful Links

Pre-show with Sam Roberts

Start of broadcast

End of broadcast

We're off, with the Metallica version of Ecstasy of Gold...

First Break

  • And we are live. Anthony is here, he survived the casino. He woke up at 6.40am. Opie was nearly arrested for talking to hookers, they were cracked out, pregnant and thin. Oh Canada!
  • One of the hookers said she was the mother of a popular R&B singer. Who could this be? Jimmy pegged the location where Opie was, it was "Club Soda".
  • Opie played a video of R&B singer, she's not that well known it seems. Opie got back around 11pm.
  • Tom Papa has gone Hollywood: patterned shirts, new gait. Anthony picked up the dinner tab yesterday. Gary (Radio Wizard) made the staff pay for sandwiches. What a cheap, bald man.
  • Sam, Troy, Gary, Roland, Erock, Mark Zito bought said sandwiches. They will be reimbursed. Gary is poor.
  • Anthony went to the casino around midnight to "play some cards". He went from 2k, to 12k, to nothing:
  • A new album on the Opie & Anthony Facebook page is being filled:
  • The broadcasters:; the audience:
  • Colin Quinn is in studio. We all missed him yesterday, he was busy working on his keynote.
  • His writing process was interrupted on the plane due to Jimmy's farts. Everyone noticed.
  • Colin was offered the part of Scott Evil in Austin Powers, he turned it down even though he didn't have to audition and Mike Myers gave him the part. He was scared and arrogant (his words).
  • Reminded of Colin's Crocodile Dundee II rewrite, he regrets not taking the part in Austin Powers.
  • Strip club talk, Colin remembers some on Long Island. They tried to be turned into 'Gentlemen Clubs'.
  • Last night Colin did his Unconstitutional show, a club show and a gala. He's a popular man.
  • Colin is laughing at Bobby's misfortune yesterday. Jimmy said he shit in Bobby's toilet and left it there, he regrets not shitting in the bath instead. He arranged the used toilet paper to frame the shit.
  • It's the Midnight Surprise tonight, Colin ruined the surprise: he's a part of it. Back to strip clubs...
  • Jimmy talks about a pilot he did which involved a chimp, he went to a strip club afterwards: "It was great, they were all broke [..] they were all desperate and dirty." Terrific.
  • During WNEW, Jimmy fucked a women in the bathroom during an commercial break. Colin brings up Sandy Kane's "What are you, gay?" line. He loves that one.
  • Opie brings up the time Sandy Kane sued them and fucked with them by not turning up to court.
  • Guy and girl friends from the audience are spoken to, he's promptly called a faggot.
  • Jimmy wants to go to lunch with this girl, and go hat shopping. Respectful Jimmy coming up. He calls the date "tentative" and goes fishing for other girls in the audience...
  • They find a girl called Kelly, she's a fan of the show and Jimmy. This looks promising. Jimmy can't flirt.
  • Opie wants to do a "hack" dating game. Katrina and Kelly are put on the couch. Questions are coming...
  • Question #1: "What would the perfect first date with me be?" Girl #1 likes gambling and drinking, Girl #2 likes beer darts and LA Guns.
  • The dating game taking place via @DalexMTL: and the O&A Facebook page:
  • Jimmy asks questions about pubic hair, Anthony gets right to the point and asks about their public hair.
  • Kelly takes care of things, Katrina is shaved. Jimmy likes hair. He's a weird one that Jimmy.
  • Questions from the audience are fielded. One asks how awkward it is for the guy friend, one asks if they would tweak Jimmy's nipples. Jimmy asks if they like spanking guys. Anthony asks them to rate themselves how crazy they are at sex. Katrina: 8. Kelly: 7.

Second Break

  • The Gary Busey bit is played during the break, CokeLogic's animation of it:
  • Chris DeStefano in studio, he's questioned as to why he didn't talk much yesterday.
  • Chris says Bobby was aggressive yesterday, everyone agrees. And DeRosa was obsessed with dick sucking.
  • Turns out, Chris can be aggressive too: he hit someone with a baseball bat, broke a chair over someones head for laughing at him after crying at 9/11. His father met with school principle, played the "raped in the ass in jail" card. Didn't work. Threatened to break principles knee caps. They became friends eventually.
  • The Cannibal Cop was in Chris' class at school, he mentions some foreshadowing incidents.
  • Caller calls in claiming to know Chris, he doesn't recognise him. Chris was on Letterman.
  • Photo of Colin and Chris on the studio sofa:
  • Chris met Tracy Morgan and gave him some advice about how to keep pussy wet. That Tracy!
  • Marc Maron is now in studio, the audience gives him a round of applause. Marc is now "that asshole on television". He's still engaged, it's not going too well. Uh oh.
  • Turns out guys aren't as interested in weddings as girls, especially seeing as this is Marc's third.
  • Anthony talks the issues behind inviting people to weddings. Now there's child talk. Spoiler: Anthony doesn't want any, ever. Will this third wedding pan out? Probably not.
  • Daddy issues foster crazy girlfriends, makes a better pairing for fucked up comics. Story from Anthony: father walked out on a girl when she was 13/14 on Christmas. Happy time of year.
  • Do the Dating Game girls have any daddy issues? Girl 1: father walked out at 19, cheated on mum. Girl 2: he's a guy's guy, still married to mother. Anthony asks if her step brothers want to fuck her. Let's hope!
  • Ass fucking talk, a tabasco joke from Jimmy. Jimmy likes getting pissed on. Girl's piss sounds weird.
  • Photos of the two ladies with Jimmy:
  • Audience member lives in 'The Konk', Colin appreciates this reference. Long Island talk. He has a personalised licence plate, must mean he's human garbage.
  • Anthony's Montreal analysis: it's quiet, peaceful, no crazy people, no horn honking. Colin said this politeness will end at the Midnight Surprise tonight.
  • Chris' girlfriend was harassed by a homeless man, nearly kicked his dog dead. Marc is too old to fight.
  • Girlfriends that provoke jealousy aren't warranted. Boyfriends don't pay attention sometimes.
  • Sam says they have to break. What a kill joy. Marc, Colin and Chris are sticking around.

Third Break

  • We're back live. In studio recap: Opie, Anthony, Jimmy, Marc, Colin, Chris and a dwarf (Brad Williams).
  • Brad says other dwarfs picketed him once, Jimmy asks about his comedy. Brad says he has to reference he's a dwarf, but his main act is observational. The dwarf jokes are flying.
  • Opie inquires about dwarf dick. Average, but looks huge on him. So there's something.
  • What's it like living as a dwarf? Everyone is interested (who wouldn't be). Little People Big World does not like Brad because he says 'midget', Opie loves that show.
  • Jimmy asks do the usual dwarf acting roles get tedious, Brad says Peter Dinklage is changing that.
  • There's a hierarchy in the dwarf world. Opie brings up the crying stripping dwarf story. Brad interjects with his own dwarf stripper story.
  • Colin calls out Jimmy for suggesting dwarfs are to blame for their own place in the world.
  • Marc Maron leaves, Judah Friedlander and Joe DeRosa are waiting in the wings. Judah joins the show.
  • Judah talks about the underlying French and English language war in Montreal. Not sure if he's right.
  • Comedy issue: club patrons receiving bills before the comics have finished, Judah wants to end this.
  • Anthony says he commends Judah for not focusing on cancer. Photo from @DalexMTL of the show at the moment:
  • Colin chimes in, talks about the problems with comedy clubs. Probably material from his keynote.
  • Last night, Anthony had fun with a French translation app. What happened to the dating game?
  • Guess who's back? It's only Joe DeRosa! He tells a story about a Bar Mitzvah gig he did once.
  • Joe mentions Colin's jab from earlier. Anthony brings up his casino visit. Honeymooners reference. Woo!
  • Erock in studio. Terrific Kool-Aid Man joke from Anthony. Erock saw Joe last night... Says Joe was drunk, and said "There's a lotta stink in this room". Tries to play it down. Joe acted like a tool it seems.
  • Some photos from Facebook: Judah and Colin on the couch: and Brad:
  • It's mutiny, Joe and Erock turn on each other. Fat, lonely and lazy jokes. Opie wants to hear from Denny.
  • Sam says we need to break again. Colin is leaving. Everyone else is staying. Where's Jimmy Carr?!

Fourth Break

  • The fourth, and final break, has begun. The show is joined by Bobby Kelly, he's taking pre-emptive strikes against any fat jokes. I think he's being touchy.
  • Turns out Colin didn't leave. Bobby and Joe unleash dwarf jokes. Brad is funny. Chip pipes up.
  • The Dating Game will (or won't) be finished by the end of the show. Judah dislikes dishonesty.
  • Cannabis laws in Canada are being discussed, legal or not? Under 3g and they won't arrest you apparently.
  • Jimmy has characters, did you know? They are listed. Bobby is infuriated they are acknowledged. Joe brings up Valley Jim, no-one is a fan. No-one. Ted Sheckler is brought up; poor, underused Ted.
  • Chip asks if James Lipton ever "knocked a [whores] tits off". Who knows. Probably? Valley Jim speaks up, gets a round of accused. These Canadians, huh?
  • The Dating Game is continued. A quick recap of the girls: Kelly and Katrina. Here they are with Jimmy:
  • Colin trashes the Dating Game, I'm inclined to agree. Nothing was accomplished. Can Jimmy save it? Chip is smooth with the ladies. Anthony asks if they go on dates easily.
  • Photo via @DalexMTL of everyone on the show right now:
  • Joe asks if the impromptu dates ended with sex. They say it was just a friendly lunch. Bobby asks if they see plastic wrap in a guy's bathroom, would they shit or leave the house?
  • This leads Jimmy on to say he loves being pissed on and paying for it. Girl who hasn't heard the show before feels sorry for Jimmy, that's not good dating material.
  • Girl who has heard the show is asked if sex is a possibility, Jimmy says there's no chance of them cumming even if they say yes. Neither of them watch porn.
  • Jimmy asks if either of them have ever had a threesome. Clever. One has, one hasn't. Judah is getting annoyed at the indirect answers.
  • We have a winner! Jimmy chooses... Kelly! Which one is that? I don't know. Chip ruins the mood, again.
  • Another shot of the hosts and guests via the O&A Facebook page:
  • Jimmy with Kelly via @DalexMTL:
  • Opie, Anthony and Jimmy thank the audience, Montreal and all of the comics who appeared today.

End of broadcast

I hope you enjoyed my rundowns over these last few days. Comment away...


The interns look a lot older and developed Canadian accents overnight.

Here's my Instagram from the audience;

Jimmy, Anthony, Opie, Marc Maron, Colin Quinn, Judah Friedlander, Brad Williams, Bob Kelly, Joe DeRosa and Chris DeStefano all represented in there.

Pre-show was pretty great, loved the DeRosa bashing.

I love these threads :D

the midget was a funny fellow.

The sneering contempt Opie had for Brad Williams was weird. I don't think he has to be nice to him because he's a midget or anything but he just hated the guy.

I think it was because he kept doing the comic thing that the boys hate, where he never spoke conversationally, he just kept crowbarring in parts of his act.

6.88 < interns < 7.62

I only caught a bit of the end on my drive to work but holy shit that "uncle tom thumb" line had me dying.

Dude awesome post, I had to listen to it on delay , and your updates rocked with all the links etc.. Great fucking job. And the show was funny as hell, I love it when they go comic heavy.

thanks for all the pics.

One more from this morning, screwface Anthony;

thanks for the rundowns, man.

Fuck Jimmy Carr.

I don't know what happened to him.

'Time confusions'.

I'd rather hear him than the boring Canadian whores.

Me too, i'm annoyed he didnt show.

I'm sure we'll find out why he didn't on Monday. I was looking forward to him.

Damnit I haven't listened yet and was looking forward to him... limey bastard

Bullet dodged there. 3minutes of listening to this annoying cunt's horrific "laugh", and you'd all be begging for Tom Papa laughing right in your earhole while he fucked you dryly in the shitpipe.

Me too, i'm annoyed he didnt show.