Colin Quinn's keynote from today

22  2013-07-26 by alexgough12


CQ to the industry: "SHUUHT UUHP, stupid!"

Jim Norton .. pause for the lack of applause.

"Adults influence kids not the other way around"

Damn, good point CQ.

Specifically, he addresses club owners and bookers as “architects of [their] own destruction.” He also encouraged comics to not get lazy with with so-called “edgy” material, pointing to rape jokes as one possible crutch: “Don’t just say the most shocking thing you can think of and try to call it a punch line.”

Uh oh...a jab at our sweet little Yimmy?

I don't think it was a personal jab, ive heard colin and vos make fun of jimmy and how everyone of his jokes ends with "puddle of aids", I like how jim has been getting further away from that style, he can do way better

bitter colin is the greatest

Oh yeah I can agree with that. As much as I love Jim, too often he goes out of his way to be unnecessarily cruel. Noteven funny cruel, like over-the-top, someone's going to smack him if he keeps this up. It gets very uncomfortable to listen to. And of course he isn't the only comedian guilty of this.

He actually makes a good point

If anything I think it would be a jab at Tosh.

CQ the God!

Making "The Konk" proud

did anyone else hear a bobby Kelly laugh a couple of times? and I swear I heard a derosa cackle
