OnA Listening Thread 7-23-13: The Dreaded Return Of Trayvon Talk

0  2013-07-23 by waytogo17

Did I spell Trayvon right? I don't pay attention to this case. They never let me call into the show cuz I make so much sense. What O'reilly and Cumia fail to account for is that the policies of the system have helped create this endemic lack of fathers in the black community. When you are locking up/stopping and frisking almost all the black male population of inner cities and projects while simultaneously defunding/shutting down their schools and literally moving access to hospitals out of the area that shit is bound to happen.


Then help your community dont sit back and look for excuses. Im so sick of this is "why we do this or that" mentality. Realize the issue and work on the fix. Everyone wants to complain about some shit then when it comes time for action they disappear


Thats what I thought blame the man, its worked so well in the past. MLK Jr. took the same approach as you too right. Just got on reddit crying like a bitch? Nah I think he organized and rose above


For one you are doing the same thing by assuming I see black people as lazy thats just as bad as a white person assuming all blacks are lazy. Two I am making the point that if something is bothering you do something to change it. Rosa Parks unhappy with something stood against. Martin Luther King Jr. Unhappy with something gathered people rallied against it. Malcolm X unhapp with something gathered people rallied against it. Blacks today.... its the white mans fault let me get on the internet and bitch about it. Too which you could not counter argue. Thank you


If MLK was alive today he wouldnt be whining on reddit he would be rallying for whatever he believed in. Its obvious you dont get it, keep changing your life the way it works for you, youve obviously made a difference in your community. Of course take the race approach its a card thats easy to play, you dont know me or even where I came up or what I am about. Youve made the assumption im racist why? Because I presented facts? People approaching things with your eveything should just be handed to me attitude is exactly the problem white or black. You have no clue the life I live id be willing to bet I live in a lot shittier area than you

I don't think you are racist, just confused and content with your invisible entitlement. You really have no idea what it is to be non white and be subject to ridicule. I grew up in a great area with loving parents who never gave me one iota of reason to think I was any less than anybody else but I still remember all the shit I had to go through in school and I still remember my walk home from my school bus stop in 4th grade where I came to the conclusion that my life would be better if I was white . That shit effects kids in subtle and non subtle ways. And I grew up in a good area, I actually believed racism was pretty much gone from the world. It was only when I moved out of my hometown and into big cities and met ppl from those areas that I started to see what was really, really up.

I mean I agree in general with the Malcolm X/MLK/Lupe Fiasco/Bill Cosby idea that blacks gotta help themselves. I'm just saying to say that they have been treated fairly in America is a ridiculous proposition from the day they were forced onto the boats till today when SCOTUS repealed the Voting Rights Act even though THEY KNEW Republican Leaning State Govs were chomping at the bit to institute new laws that were meant in their intent to suppress non republican (i.e. black/poor/hispanic) votes!

Not to mention the fact that no one wants to address the underlying systemic issues and instead choose to make life miserable for millions of blacks/hispanics by forcing the police state stop and frisk policy on them. I would love Stop And Frisk if they applied it equally across all of Manhattan so that everyone from bankers to old grannys were subject to it based on "furtive movements" which I've seen many a drunk rich guy in a suit outside bars in the west village make to go buy some weed or coke on the street lmao. But you won't see stop and frisk there. Only in Harlem and Brooklyn and the Bronx.

Yea the dude who goes to Andover Academy on Daddy's dime is totally on even playing fields with the poor kid whose dad was put in jail even before he was born, who is living off free school lunches and bussed 1 hour each way to underfunded Grover Washington Elementary. Yea, it's his fault he acts out in class because his mom leaves him alone at night with his baby sister to go buy crack and he gets scared sometimes. It is his fault no one is around to tell him how the world really works (not to mention only a select few of highly educated people actually know how the world really works --> most middle americans don't even know) It is totally his fault all of this happened to him. And it is his fault when all that shit thrown at him causes him to slip out of society and recreate the cycle all over again.

And I grew up on the opposite wnd of it shitty area thats frequent on first 48 Louisville KY. Best friend growing up was a black guy and to this day I remember every family get together I had worrying about one of my Uncles saying something racist because I knew at that point id be fighting my uncle in defense of my friend without hesitation. My point is that people are quick to come to the internet to complain but no one wants to take action. Im simplying making the point that activists then made much more impact than activists now. No ome rallies for what they beliebe anymore even the white community you think this NSA shit will stop? Never cuz no ones gonna get off their ass to fighr against it

Yea, I think you are right. There needs to be more organization, not just for blacks, but for all people who are getting ripped by a corrupt government overly influenced by cartel style business oligarchies. That shit is complex though and people seem apathetic. I mean we don't even get to choose our presidential candidates for us. They are pre selected/vetted by super rich people before we even get a chance to decide. This Harvard ethicist lays it all out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw2z9lV3W1g

Plus the entire media structure is against us. That's why I suggest people start going to sites like WhoWhatWhy.com that promote real, unbiased, pure, boots on the ground investigative journalism. When I say the entire media structure is against us, just analyze/read books about how the media acted during the run up to the Iraq War. They not only dropped the ball, they kicked the ball into the back closet to appease the administration and their powerful interests.

If anyone thinks the president is the one really calling the shots then they need to wake up Obama is the face to a party that calls his shots

And to your point yea no one fights anymore. Everyone could call ATT and get out of their contract for free because they illegally breeched yiur contract with a new charge they added to your bill. Instead people say o its just a few pennies no worries. Meanwhile ATT just pocketed a few extra hundred million doing so

and what happened to him? Killed by a "lone nut" gunman like JFK and RFK. Don't forget the military had a spy ring running against Nixon and how pissed would the Joint Chiefs of Staff have been after Kennedy vetoed their crazy Operation Northwoods plan that they already signed off on.

Shows the difference in the world today huh? People in the past would die fighting for their cause. People now wont even fight for it

dude white ppl are the New Slaves too. don't worry. your day is already here you just don't know it yet.

Yea, lazy white ppl who get by through nepotism always seem to be the ones to think that black ppl should be able to pull themselves out of systematized poverty within 1 generation. Like they made it from the toga to the ivory tower in one generation and not two thousand years.

and it def makes it harder when there are all these voter id laws and gerrymandered districts. don't forget what happened in florida in 2000 where many thousands of blacks were unlawfully disenfranchised after a no bid contract was awarded to choice point (look that shit up).


Why are you replying to all of your own posts?

Cuz I'm a dummy. I write something but then I come up with an additional point. What is the correct etiquette on reddit, should I just edit my original post and add it in as another paragraph or add it in as another reply to the original comment I was replying to?

I sometimes have a hard time with the white dude's "help your community" argument. Not because black people shouldn't try their best to pick themselves up by their bootstraps, but because simply leaving the argument at that will ignore some of the institutional aspects that fuck black people over. I'm not saying racism still plagues the criminal justice system, but there are a couple things that really unfairly affect black people.

For example, take a black kid who is born into life in a really shitty neighborhood in Detroit. Not his fault, but that's how the die were cast and that's what is life is. As much as he wants to better himself, the city infrastructure and school system around him isn't just god-awful and corrupt, but the people (teachers and administrators) are totally indifferent to this poor kid. So he turns to drugs, since every kid on the block does it and is making more money than the kids who stay in school and push shopping carts for minimum wage. Now let's say this kid gets arrested for dealing. Punishments for drug-related crime have become insanely high in this day and age. Things like mandatory minimum sentences don't help black people or disincentivize them from dealing, all MMS's do and all they were set out to do was to keep these black thugs imprisoned and away from free society. And once they get out of prison, the federal government requires that they list all felonies on their record when submitting job apps. Since no employer is going to hire a guy who just did a massive MMS, that leaves the guy essentially with nowhere to turn but a life of crime - again. And since plenty of states also have laws that ban convicted felons from serving on juries, many states have essentially reinstated de facto all-white juries since this type of crime disproportionately affects blacks, disproportionately incarcerates them, and severely decreases their numbers in the jury pool. More white juries leads to more jury decisions that tend to work in favor of whitey when faced against a black defendant in a court case. Thus the entire cycle perpetuates itself all in the name of a system that claims to be colorblind.

dang, this was well said.

Absolutely detroit is fucked, I was raised by two alcoholics that frequently smoked weed and a brother that popped pills loke they were candy. What did I do? I seen how shitty that life seemed got a job that paid for college and put myself through it. It is so easy to get a grant these days its unreal and the youth just has to realize hard work pays. Look at Neil degrasse tyson raise in the bronx when the bronx sucked and look at him now. There will always be racism because their will always be simple minded people, but how you choose to overcome is just that, your choice.

While I think it's worth applauding the success stories of black folk like Neil Degrasse Tyson who originally came from poverty, it should be mentioned that there are far more untold stories of poor black citizens whose stories did not follow that same trajectory.

O definitley but these people arent idolized instead rappers who talk about dealing to get luxury quick are. Id be lying if I told you the first time I heard the hot boyz that I wasnt persuaded to live that life. Im just saying all the focus is put on the wrong people and no one in either communtiy wants to fight to change that. We literally live in a time where there is a black president. If I was in the black community id look each kid in the eye and say that could be you if you want it to be

Are there enough grants for every single person in the hood? I honestly have no idea but I suspect not. I think you are the beneficiary of low expectations for ppl generally in ur situation but props to you cuz u deserve all the help u got cuz of ur hard work and determination and what not. I hear rumblings the student loan bubble is gonna burst, then we'll see how fast academia implodes for both white and black ppl.

It's based off of income so if you're low income yea you can pretty much go to school insanely cheap. I worked at UPS they paid for my college. Louisville is where their HUb is so pretty much anyone that wants a shot at a good life does this.

They're still talking about the Zimmerman case? Jesus.

So its a good day to catch up on podcasts? I really thought this was done.

Three days a week Howard bash was hilarious.

I thought it was hilarious too!


The titties as discussed on the show ATM

Also that dumb lake bitch was extremely irritating


shut up

Not saying that it is an excuse. like Bill Cosby and Lupe Fiasco argue, it is up to black people themselves to rise above the bullshit thrown at them. As a fellow non white myself though, I salute them and their struggle. I rule.

Lol, black fathers aren't running away from children because of shitty hospitals and schools. That's asinine.

Yea, well they are locked away from their family cuz of ASININE rockefeller drug laws.

Yeah, I'm sure they'd be much more successful parents if they were allowed to smoke all the crack they wanted.

and good luck getting a decent job after that.

and then good luck to ur son to grow up in that impoverished area and school system surrounded by ppl who are getting jailed and stopped and frisked, good luck to him to lead a decent life. its so much easier when ur dad was a president and his father was a senator.

If they're getting jailed it's because they had something illegal on them or were doing something illegal. Just dont do that. Anyone can stop and frisk me as much as they want to, i never have an illegal gun or drugs on me, so what do I care.

Have you actually lived in an area where blacks and hispanics are heavily stop and frisked? Just wondering. Because I have and I know what it can do to your psyche, how it can make you feel less than. All the snide things cops whisper into your ears if u give them even a little push back. Do some research on the Jane Elliot experiments. It is one thing to get jailed 5 years for selling crack. It's another go to jail for 5 years for holding a twenty back of weed.

LOL. I've lived in areas like that. You don't go to jail for 5 years for a 20-bag of weed anywhere in this country. Even if you're black. You just completely made that up. And if you get caught selling crack, you deserve a hell of a lot more than 5 years in jail. But that's part of the problem... blacks selling poison to each other was a huge factor in the development of black America into what it is today.

yea you are absolutely right you don't go to jail for 5 years for a 20 bag of weed anywhere in the country. But shit can happen and it sucks. I know lots of people who have had to suffer the money suck, time waste, ignominy that come with a weed arrest and yes, even jail time sometimes.

and u give no bid contracts to all ur friends. lol i could go on and on. fuckin' white ppl.

Lol yes that is a white exclusive issue.

Yea it was reductive for me to single out white ppl, but in general it is true and ppl are reductive about black people all the time, all over this very thread.

Wow. You are VERYYY angry towards "the system" Whitey trying to keep you down MAAAAANNNNN?

If you actually knew your history and what was going on right now and the last 50 years you'd be mad too. Go to whowhatwhy.com, start there.

Just like 911loosechange.com? /r/conspiracy must be calling your name.

ur crazy. whowhatwhy.com is a respected site created by a respected and highly credentialed team of journalists who worked for mainstream organizations and got fed up with their lack of candor because of their corporate and governmental overlords. They are not conspiracy theorists and they are not to be taken lightly. It is dumb buns like u who refuse to actually do a little digging and questioning who continue to to buy the lies.

whowhatwhy.com is much more in the vein of the famous I.F. Stone Weekly (which u can look up to see how cool it was) than fuckin' infowars.com.

Did anyone listen to the after show yesterday? Towards the end, a young Veteran called in and mentioned he has a blog or book about mental health issues that Veterans face. Did anyone catch his name? I'm also a Veteran and I'm a licensed mental health provider. I'd love to read what he's written. Anyone have his name?

The book was called "The song each bullet sings." Didn't catch his last name, but he said the book's on Amazon.

Thank you!


"They never let me call into the show cuz I make so much sense."

This is why I can't take liberals seriously.

lol that was a joke. the truth is when I call in it is always busy or they put me on hold forever.

and good luck getting a decent job after that.

Yeah, I'm sure they'd be much more successful parents if they were allowed to smoke all the crack they wanted.

I mean I agree in general with the Malcolm X/MLK/Lupe Fiasco/Bill Cosby idea that blacks gotta help themselves. I'm just saying to say that they have been treated fairly in America is a ridiculous proposition from the day they were forced onto the boats till today when SCOTUS repealed the Voting Rights Act even though THEY KNEW Republican Leaning State Govs were chomping at the bit to institute new laws that were meant in their intent to suppress non republican (i.e. black/poor/hispanic) votes!

And I grew up on the opposite wnd of it shitty area thats frequent on first 48 Louisville KY. Best friend growing up was a black guy and to this day I remember every family get together I had worrying about one of my Uncles saying something racist because I knew at that point id be fighting my uncle in defense of my friend without hesitation. My point is that people are quick to come to the internet to complain but no one wants to take action. Im simplying making the point that activists then made much more impact than activists now. No ome rallies for what they beliebe anymore even the white community you think this NSA shit will stop? Never cuz no ones gonna get off their ass to fighr against it

dang, this was well said.

Absolutely detroit is fucked, I was raised by two alcoholics that frequently smoked weed and a brother that popped pills loke they were candy. What did I do? I seen how shitty that life seemed got a job that paid for college and put myself through it. It is so easy to get a grant these days its unreal and the youth just has to realize hard work pays. Look at Neil degrasse tyson raise in the bronx when the bronx sucked and look at him now. There will always be racism because their will always be simple minded people, but how you choose to overcome is just that, your choice.