Line of the day 7/22/13

7  2013-07-22 by DayPass

Submit your line of the day from todays show, up vote your favorite.


"It's whoo kid and who cares"


"Believe me, I seek thrills in ways that you guys would find horrifying, I just don't move as fast" - Jimmy during the roller coaster conversation.

Every line said by someone other than Dice.

Jim: "We'll take a break, I wanna see his cock anyways."

"I gotta leave now and go to jury duty" - Opie

Can someone explain Anthony's Pog joke about family photos?

The joke was a reference to the Planet of the Apes trading cards.

Ah thanks! I must have missed that.

Ding ding ding

I figured as much but I still don't get it.

the bell rings when there's a racist joke he doesn't make..

No shit.


I laughed hardest when Jimmy fucked up that line about Travis looking for gay porn. It probably shouldn't be the line of the day, but I enjoyed it the most.

I missed today's show I hope this thread picks up some steam

You fucked up! You fucked up!


Black skin head - Kanye west


I figured as much but I still don't get it.

Ah thanks! I must have missed that.