Why doesn't O&A start right a 6AM?

0  2013-07-22 by thegame310

I'm a rather new fan and this has always been a question in my head.


Part satellite delay. Part them having a 5 minute intro and part them showing up last second

I think the internet delay is about 10-15 minutes.

Ecstasy of gold

I have no official source, but I think it's their way of sticking it to corporate a little bit every day.

yea but really they only fuck over the listeners then, right? i mean i rarely ever catch it int he morning, but when i do i hate listening to like 7 minutes of ecstasy of gold

If only it was just the extended version of exctasy of gold... Don't forget the 3 or 4 minutes of sound bites and self congratulatory nonsense.

But enough of this palaver... I love the boys, I just know not to tune in before 6:20

Ha, that's right I completely forgot about the sound bites. Are the sound bites longer on Fridays or is it just that it is a different sound bite?

Not sure, I rarely get to hear the first hour, but every time I do it sounds like they have a new opening. I think they switch it up every once in a while.

oh ok

They use that time to prep for the show. The talent does not show up ant earlier than what is stated in their contract.

'Why are they still following the morning radio paradigm of starting at 6?' is a better question.

This show has always worked best in the afternoons, whether was WNEW or just listening to a replay.

I do wish there was a live afternoon drive show I was interested in. When I get in the car in the afternoon it's always the same thing I've already heard.

Plus, Ellis is boring IMO...sometimes the best thing is H101 Super Shuffle...

Did the boys ever have an afternoon show on SiriusXM?

I dont think so. I never listen live in the mornings. 95% of the time the show has been afternoons for me, because of how I listen.

I wake up at 6 AM every day to listen to these guys, and it takes a toll. I'm tired as fuck, I barely pay attention to the first hour, and I just glide through until Ant loses his mind and yells at callers.

Perhaps I need coffee or some shit like that.

Shit...Steve needs to call up every morning just so Ant can yell over him and drown out his dumbass argument. Fuck, this is great.

Opie mentioned it had something to do with time zones or some shit. But I don't know. One of life's great mysteries..

i thought it had to do with AIDS.


clearly it's Opie's fault...

Oh jezz... some of you are a bunch of whiny pussies. The boys consistently provide 3+ hours of talking everyday who cares if you got to listen to 4 minutes of Ecstasy of Gold, or the show starts 10 minutes late. Go be a fan of that other guy Stern who does 2-3 days of radio a week, or sometimes just takes the week off. The b-b-b-oys give you a show even if its just Ant, Sam, and someone else from the staff talking. You think Sterns show does that shit? Pfft..

How the fuck is asking a question whining? And why is Stern brought into this?

Also, why can't people be fans of both shows?

No wonder I just lurk on this sub most of the times.

Never said you can't be fans of both shows. I love old Stern. He's one of the reasons I love radio. Just putting things in perspective. I didn't say anything that isn't true. Everyone knows Stern mails it in most the time, and doesn't care about his show as much these days. Don't be such a sensitive Nancy. Holy shit. Now go back to lurking. Also, my original post wasn't even meant for you. I never said OP. I was mostly referring to someone else's post below about the listener getting fucked over.

Ah, I'm sorry dude. I'm cranky over personal shit and went off on a rant.

Its straight. I think were all cranky assholes in the end. I wouldn't expect anything less on an Opie and Anthony forum, and if I got anything else I would be disappointed.

where were u when u hear patrice gone away

i am eat borscht

ivan call

"patrice is die"


That's terrible. I'm sorry.



This is going great

Ok terrific!
