Was Patrice this well liked by the fans while he was alive?

34  2013-07-19 by KingTutsstache

I became a fan of O & A after Patrice had the stroke. So, just wondering was he bashed before he died like a lot of guests and comedians by O&A fans, or was he well liked to this extent even before he died?

The only thing I can think of bashing him on is maybe the conspiracy theories. But even those were funny, even though often faulty.


People liked him and loved his show appearances, but it grew a ton when he died. Couple this with the fact that no one has been able to replace his role on the show, it really stirs up nostalgic feelings when they talk about him

I may be wrong, but I dont think he was ever bashed...certainly not to the extent as DeRosa and Vos. He always had a very unique, yet simple take on things. And I'm fairly certain that this was recognized while he was still alive.

Chris Rock came the closest. He didn't exactly bash Patrice but it was the first and only time I've ever heard Patrice play second fiddle to someone else in the room.

Pat Cooper interview is hilarious.

And Gallagher

What about the beef with bill burr? He got schooled pretty bad on air that day

Well, like you said, that was beef. And both of them were on the phone, not in the studio.

I read that as "that was the beef. And broth of them"

reddit puns have ruined my ability to read.

Colin owned him pretty bad.

I'm not sure which one you're talking about, but you're right. I forgot about how Colin hardly ever backed down from Patrice.

He never backed down from anyone.

because even Patrice's gf Von said that Patrice secretly looked up to Colin as a father figure/mentor

What did him and Bill Burr have going on? Never heard any of that shit.

I've listened to that segment close to ten times because I love it so much, I wouldn't say Patrice got schooled. I actually kind of agree that Bill didn't stick up for him, when Mancow asked Bill if he knew Patrice he wasn't like "yeah he's a real close friend of mine" he was just like yah I know him.

Patrice was unbashable. But If you tried and he respected you he'd laugh

That's what I loved about him. Took a beating from his friends and laughed about it. And that laugh.

Pretty sure he would dismantle 99% of people that tried in a funnier, more clever way.

Patrice wasn't always the most clever guy in the room. When Colin was bashing him he tried to talk over the laughter and change the flow of the conversation. It was part of why he was so dominant. Even when he didn't have the fastball he was still able to have enough movement on his sinker to keep you on your heels.

"How do you say agoraphobia in ebonics?"

"Just say agoraphobia you fucking racist!"

"I didn't want you to confuse it with one of your cousins middle name."

The one percent. You are completely correct.

Edit. I knew there was someone that had the better of him.

I know I am. Quinn, O'Neal, Voss, Pryor.

He had a way of acquiescing to a point without giving any verbal ground. He got into some Tough Crowd baggage.toward the end w/CQ on the air, and Colin did a little "look little man, this is showbiz" on him. Patrice eventually backed off, but I don't think he admitted (or should have) any error.

He would've made an amazing statesman.

Fans knew about Patrice. After someone dies there will be those people who try to claim that they were closer then they were. But make no mistake we knew of his genius at the time. It is why people who seek out this channel, enjoy it. People like Ant, Ronnie B, CQ, Big J are not mainstream. But if you've found this channel you know what a comedic mind is capable of and that's why you sought it out. All you have to do is listen back to Patrice's shit and see how everyone around him is totally invested in what he has to say. How there were times when he could make Anthony step back and think about his argument. (Jimmy does a shit job at trying to play devil's advocate {absentee landlord} these days) There is a huge void left in the show now because he was irreplaceable. His unpredictability, was a huge part of it. and it bothers me when OP or Jim state that Patrice would have said this or thought that. If he were as predictable as that he wouldn't have been as irreplaceable.

That's a fantastic point about his unpredictability. I don't begrudge a friend saying something like that about someone who passed because that's a coping tool for people who have lost someone, but it does bug me that they say things like Patrice would support the intern bit on the show. They don't know. I don't know. None of us fucking know. He may have been for it, he may have been against it, but after hearing his argument I don't think anyone would disagree with his opinion, and the bit would live or die based on his input. In many ways he was a prophet like that.

Well didn't Jimmy know him for like 10 years before his death? That's a long time to get to know someone's tendencies.

I think he knew him about 15-20 years actually

Patrice should of no doubt been the fourth mic for the show. There was never a greater chemistry nor a funnier moment on O&A when Patrice was in. He was every thing and had every perspective that Opie, Ant, and Jim don't have. He was the perfect friendly contrast to everyone, and had something in common with all three of the main hosts.

I'm a firm believer that if Patrice would of become a permanent host like Jim, that O&A would of went down as the best radio program of all time.

he had the black Phillip show for a little bit and they always talked of him getting a new show but I think the money was not there siriusxm would rather spend it on jamie foxx.

Great call. Dunno what else to add, but this analysis is perfect.

He was the perfect friendly contrast to everyone, and had something in common with all three of the main hosts.

Great point. What I really enjoyed about Patrice was how he would always formulate his contrasting opinions. It wasn't "here's my emotional counter-point", rather "OK, here's my complicated point shown in a clear and relatable way". It's how he was able to consistently disarm Anthony in race-related debates.

He was very well liked. And couldn't really be bashed, per se, as he took anything thrown at him in stride. I mean, they never dumped on him like they did Vos, but probably couldn't if they wanted to because of how Patrice carried himself.

As seen in the Face-off bit. The way Patrice just turned after Norton insulted Face-off was hilarious. "You're right...it does suck!"

This should be on /r/contagiouslaughter if it isn't already. Jim totally dismantled that movie in a way that would make even the people involved with the movie change their minds, and Patrice's laughter had me cracking up.

One of my favorite moments on the show of all time..

By far the best regular. By far. People saying he should have been forth mic, I don't know. He could be a little exhausting with the amount of energy he had. But I would have loved to see him more often, maybe weekly.

I can't add much original stuff but I want to add on to some peoples comments.

/u/Carthac- Yes a lot of people truly realized how great he was after his stroke and death but I believe a lot of us hard core fans knew. When he was in you knew the show was going to be a great one.

/u/alkrbe- He was never challenged because every comic knew that they couldn't test him that way. I think Patrice was a great definition of a comics comic. A lot of the guys were in awe of how great he really was.

/u/chip_chipperson- I didn't remember the Chris Rock Patrice show in a while. I don't think he was second to Chris or challenged by Chris, it's just that Rock knew that Patrice could have been great if he wasn't such a tough guy to the CEOs and other guys that matter. Patrice would pull what Danny pulled to a lot of the head guys he came across, something he later said he stood by but somewhat regretted. I think Chris was talking to P one on one the way he did because he wished P would have taken a different route. Chris was a fan on his, much like most comics, and was giving advice to him so he could take that next step that he rightfully deserved.

I was always a huge fan of his and was in awe of everything he did. When he was on Fox News arguing about funny and explained an Angry Pirate was such great entertainment. Patrice was as good as any one can get and I think his attitude to people who didn't get it (CEOs, production guys, and others who could get him shows) is the only thing that held him back from going full blown mainstream. He couldn't take advice from people who weren't comedians because they didn't get it and he knew he couldn't listen to them because it would hurt his comedy.

He got a 16 hour Best Of after he died, idk any other comic who was not on full time could get that. I would really recommend listening to that 16 hour show. And if you want to get into Patrices mind, listen to the great interview he did on "Unmasked with Ron Bennington". That interview was great and will help any one new to him truly understand his mind.

Sorry for the long post but I try to turn people on to his whole category of stuff. From the Unmasked "inside his mind" stuff to the Fox News "I'm going to school you"to the stupid but funny "Bobo up/down game"and everything in between you're only hurting yourself by not searching out EVERYTHING he did. RIPI to that genius and I hope he knew/knows how much people truly appreciated and understood him and how great he really was.

YouTube: Unmasked- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcKqLS_SXs8 Fox News Schooling Broad on Funny- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjIuPSuYSOY

Colin challenged him and shut him up many times. Patrice said that Colin was Frank Sinatra with skinny legs.

I never heard that, would you happen to have a link. Colin seems like the grandfather of all those great comics.

I'm not going to try and find one but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong but GuineaJay may have it. If it was something more specific I'd search it for you but they appeared maybe 5-6 times on the show together. They're all worth many re-listens.

Patrice made everyone around him a better mic.

Simple as that.

Met Patrice in front of my apartment had no idea who I had met and how much of and impact he would make on my life after his death. Didn't really go in till I watched his special on netflix then I watched a small documentary on him, then o&a worst of with Patrice then I listened to the black philip show and changed my life. Now I'm almost done burning through 12gigs of his appearances on o&a

He was liked so much we basically had to petition to get the Black Phillip show on Saturday night virus. And that was late compared to the people that were into him from the Tough Crowd days. So many people discovered him from the Charlie Sheen roast and he probably would have taken off like Amy Schumer is had he not died.

Patrice used to say himself that he was well aware that even an audience that liked him might not be able to take him for more than 75 straight minutes.

His story about going to jail after the rape charge was the best radio ive ever heard.

Yes, he was beloved before he passed away. One of the best contributors to the program

Like 9/11, I will always remember where I was when I heard Patrice passed. I was in my Literature of Horror class discussing Dracula and 'salem's Lot in college. Looked down at my phone and my best friend, who loves comedy and the show just as much as I do, texted me with the news. I was crushed and couldn't stop thinking about it for the remainder of the day/week.

I've watched Patrice since his Comedy Central Presents special newly aired and you can't describe how fresh and absolutely hilarious the man was. People really don't know how much Patrice meant to me and a lot of people. He made me laugh hard during REALLY shitty points in my life. The fact that he has passed still crushes me today.

I agree completely that he should have been fourth mic (or some facsimile of that role - I'd assume he's done the show more than anyone but Jimmy).

To the OP - I do remember people bitching about how he'd take over the show when he was there - that being said, those folks always seemed like a small minority (you'd also get the pieces of garbage who basically didn't like him because he was black).

The perception was like what it currently is with Colin/Burr/Louie - you'll never get 100% of people, but the vast majority loved him even before he passed.

I'm still pretty new to the show, i started to catch up on the old shows, i started at 2004, i'm on the 3rd show of 2007 now and Patrice seems to be liked by the fans.

I sure liked that fat fuck. He was incredibly nice to me and when I went to his benefit pretty much everyone there had seen him before.

First episode I ever listened to back in 2005 had Patrice on. I was instantly hooked on the show and I've been listening ever since.

I discovered Patrice on O&A and wished he was on everyday --- he'd have done well with Ronnie B

There was ALOT of patrice hate in the YouTube comments

The only time I've seen Patrice get hate was when he bashed the red carpet interviewer who was doing the "disinterested white guy" schtick. Apparently that guy has fans.


Fan of O&A since around 2005, and a HUGE HUGE every day listener / Wackbag user / mp3 collector etc from 2008-2010, and Patrice was always a favorite. He also had a significant sized crowd who bashed him for his viewpoints on politics and race mostly. Whatever side you were on, Patrice was probably one of the few people on that show that almost no one would turn the channel for. He was usually praised by both sides for keeping the boys from getting too whiney / emotional. The rose-colored glasses always go on pretty quick when someone dies.

Deep down we all realize that everyone has faults and things that we disagree with them on, but it's only then that you find out you loved to hear your own thoughts challenged and you'll miss it. Word

I didn't know Patrice before he was on the show. After his first appearance that I heard I looked up his stuff on You Tube and was instantly a big fan.


In a word, Yes. However, I do remember some people calling in to complain about his loudness & his laugh (so weird in retrospect now that his laugh is widely considered insanely infectious) in the early XM days. I think he won those people over or they went away b/c I forgot all about that trend until thinking about this thread.

In truth, I didn't really like Patrice too much during the XM days when he first started getting a lot of air time. It took a few appearances before I started warming up to him, but once I did it was easy to recognize his genius. I think there are a lot of great comics out there, many of whom are associate with the show, but none of them really had the qualities of Patrice all rolled into one, and I would have said that if he was alive today, too. I think this was a pretty universal feeling too. Whenever O&A said Patrice was coming on you knew you were in for a great show, period.

As far as bashing goes, I can't really remember a time when Patrice said something dumb in studio and got his balls busted for a half hour because of it (although others may be able to provide examples). I always had the feeling that there was a guarded respect for Patrice, not because they were afraid of him, but because they knew and respected how he can riff on someone and quickly turn a ball-busting around.

I always loved Patrice because his take on women, people always bitched about him before he died though because he talked over everyone. He dies and suddenly everyone sweats his dick. He has always reminded me of my best friend growing up. He was a huge black guy that was loud and funny as fuck so he instantly became my favorite guest along with Burr.

I'm a huge stand up fan, so I was aware and a big fan of Patrice for a long long time. I also just started listening to OandA about two years ago so i had alot of Patrice on OandA videos on youtube to watch

idk from 2007 on OandA fans generally loved Patrice but I guess after he died he got attention from mainstream so that got him more noticed. But I thought that the Opie and Anthony fanbase always liked him a lot

That's what I loved about him. Took a beating from his friends and laughed about it. And that laugh.

I'm not sure which one you're talking about, but you're right. I forgot about how Colin hardly ever backed down from Patrice.