Radio host offers Rachel Jeantel (AKA "Patrice in drag") full college scholarship. What should O&A offer to Miss Jeantel?

8  2013-07-16 by [deleted]



Dat's reel retarted, surrr.

I howled.

She complained about coming back for a second day of examination as a key person in a murder trial. I highly doubt the thought of years in college is something she will entertain.

Watch her end up following the exact same career path as Nancy Grace.


A nice Jewish neighborhood in Nassau county*

I really don't give a shit about any of this anymore.


A one-way trip to Liberia

Speech Therapy?

She actually has a speech impediment. She already had one surgery to fix it but needs another one. Not sure why the media doesn't mention this...oh wait thats because they're cunts.

The media tries to pretend there's nothing wrong with her, or make excuses about her Haitian parents' accents.

So he's rewarding stupidity, well, that's nice I guess...

Just trying to make the news

A night out with a self hating black radio legend?

A purple suit, slightly used.

Self control.


"White media — along with that nearly all-White jury — put Jeantel on trial, mocking her for her looks, speech, and uncomfortable disposition."


Her testimony was dragged out to allow time for her to horrify the all white jury who not only couldn't understand her but couldn't fathom her existence. Brilliant use of the other as a defense tool.

bobos' dick?

Reddit Gold

Maybe you could put her on the back of your flat bed and take her to the state college, Lady Trucker.

A spokesmodel job selling fake maple syrup.

A daily update on her imminent failing out of college.

I'd rather throw money in the garbage then see this dummy get a dime to college education. She is the perfect example of the person we need to work those minimum wage jobs.

A lifetime supply of blowhole polish so her blowholes doesn't dry out and chap from being out of the water so much.

Tss what is she a jelly fish or sumptin tss

Homerun, Chippah!!!!

I hate to say it by Ms. Jeantel has as much chance of graduating college as plankton does. I wish her the best but the damage that society, her community, her schools, and her parents have done is now deeply ingrained and neurologic. She needs to be removed from her household and sent to something akin to a reeducation camp.

She claims to have a 3.0 GPA... while on the 7 year plan to graduate high school.

Grade inflation must be real bad in Florida.

Fun ConspiracyMomma fact #3648363: When O&A were suspended in 2007 for "Homeless Charlie", the station I'd listen to at work replaced O&A with Joyner. Joyner was crap and I had nothing to entertain me. Realizing how unhappy I was there, I quit and went to grad school. True story.

ConspiracyMomma's grad school.

Ha! Missed you much, Hank!

I assure you, the feeling is not mutual, Lady Trucker. I'm glad they stopped letting your slovenly presence pull the proverbial air-brake on the show.

All the worst,



I'm not Lady Trucker.


Sal's job.

She claims she's smart... with a 3.0 GPA... yet she's 19 going INTO her senior year of high school.

Considering how many times she tweeted that she's a drunk driver, get her a year's worth of car service in her home town.

Starring Role in Precious 2?

Fez's virginity.

A white baby and the gift of diction.

Compound security... with a live LFTC every weekend. Tss

Just trying to make the news

The media tries to pretend there's nothing wrong with her, or make excuses about her Haitian parents' accents.

Tss what is she a jelly fish or sumptin tss