Listening to the shit show, pretty sure Sam is on coke

0  2013-07-15 by loonybinKKK



yeah, if Sam is on anything it's Jenkem.


This was my other reason it's not possible. He wouldn't spend that money.

A reminder: his wife works in south america every few months. Her boss is from there.

is sam straightedge? or just a fucking weirdo?

These things... they are different?

Sort of. I mean straight edge people are weirdos, but not all weirdos are straight edge. Rectangle/square.

But there are some straight edge weirdos who are straight edge without being straight-edge, if that makes sense. They don't flaunt their "xSxExCOREx"ness around notifying people that they don't participate in their stupid chemicals. There are people who just simply don't do anything.

Oh, literal dazwah...

Isn't he anti every drug. Even Tylenol. Not that it matters, but he's a nasally sounding person.


Even if Sam had a gigantic mound of it in front of him, he wouldn't even know what to do with it; he'd just look at it and giggle uncomfortably.

He'd goad some other dolt into doing it and then laugh when their heart exploded.