you fags watching Sharknado?

0  2013-07-12 by opiesucks


I don't accept this new we're-in-on-the-joke SciFi network.

Agreed. They're being fuckin' schmarmy, dude.

Duuuuude you got your shark you got your tornado duuuude

you take your chainsaw. boom. you cut your way out of the shark. boom.



I was trying to think of what Patrice's take would be on this. That is exactly what he would be saying about it.

See what /u/kakej3lly posted in this thread. Patrice and the gang talked about syfy original movies a while back. Not in the way you requested, but its still funny and it never hurts to listen to a Patrice bit.

Yea I've heard that bit a million times.

No way, you would die before you got to a million listens.

Oh literal Chip responding to groty Chip.

i watched about 6 min, wife looked at me and said "for fucking real ?" I changed it to American Dad

PUSSY WHIPPED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a bag of fun she must be...

she is, just couldnt believe i was wasting time watching that horrible POS show. She was right

Maybe if she was more fun your name would be meatbeater. Unless you're a fucking cauk suka or sumptin tss

Fuckin good one chippah !

But it's ok to waste your time watching American Dad? That show is a piece of shit as well.

You nuts ?! It's way better then sharknado.

Fuck yeah I am. I was all in before they ever mentioned it.

No. I was busy drinking vodka.

I managed both. I are multitasker

Doubletasks, you cocksuckaaahhhh

I had it playing in the background for about half the movie. I saw a guy jump into an open mouth of a shark with a chainsaw in hand and then cut his way out of the shark. That was worth it alone.

My favorite movie from Syfy is Moby Dick 2010. Steve Urkel in that movie, and the whale jumps over an Island. Nothing but legendary.

the main character dude looks like a mix of Opie and Bill Burr.

No way, you would die before you got to a million listens.