Tuned in late. Who didn't want to stop by?

4  2013-07-11 by [deleted]

As I tuned in the were talking about someone in the building that couldn't/wouldn't stop by. They mentioned Superbad and I thought I heard McLovin. So, is that who it was? Any details would be appreciated. Thanks.


Michael Cera's PR team didn't want him on the show.

he ended up doing R&F yesterday, which honestly is a much better fit.



Did you mean Thank God?

I like Cera, he killed it in this is the end.

I agree. He FINALLY broke the mold of the characters he's played in the past. With that being said I'm not exactly sure how well he would've been on the show had he showed up today. I guess we'll never know.

He's good in arrested development and Scott pilgrim

Michael Cera. I'm guessing because the ongoing bit about his boring characters.

Except Opie was ranting and raving about how great he was in 'In The End.'

true, but he was promoting this new indie flick he's in about taking psychedelics in Africa or some shit. Cera and the director of the movie were going around promoting that.

I bet Jimmy would have spat it. I love hearing him go off about Publicists

That was hilarious two years ago when that guy on twitter said "Because of Jimmy I absolutely hate publicists, and I've never even met one."