When OA&J are unaware of popular songs...

13  2013-07-10 by bigplansisay

Last year I literally couldn't believe none of them knew Gangnam style six months past it's peak and yesterday none of them knew Thrift SHop. I'm not a huge fan of either song and never went out of my way to hear either, but I am aware of them whether I like it or not. How do guys who work in radio, live in a media capitol like NYC and make a living discussing popular culture miss huge novelty songs like that? How can that be possible?

Is there anyone on this subreddit who doesn't know Thrift Shop or who learned about Gangnam Style when they did? How do you do it?

Just askin'.


This has to be kind of my favorite part of the show. When none of them know anything about music. Ant is stuck in the 80's-90's and Opie is the dad that tries to keep up with the current wave of music but is always a year behind. he's the dad-bro that'll pick up the newest radiohead album only because he knows there's a buzz on it. I cringe super hard, yet get SUCH an enjoyment out of it.

Bro Im gonna jazz in that nuss and get her preggers

Child of the 80s maaaaaan

I don't hate Pearl Jam but Opie sucks their dicks pretty hard and I just don't get it.

I think it's because they're one of the few bands that was big in the 90's and are still relevant and remain "buzz worthy" therefor the Opster feels as if he's cool because he knows a "in" band.


Of course Gangam style was a bit. Opie wasn't even being subtle about it, lol.

If you say so.

no idea what thrift shop is and i dont want to know

It's just a novelty rap song. I don't care for it. It's one of those things I thought was unavoidable but i guess not.

novelty rap song? it was the #1 song in the country for like two months

a "novelty song" isnt what you think it is, plenty of novelty songs stay at #1

most rap is novelty - the music seems to have little staying power --- I think, much like humor, there is an element of surprise and once gone, it's gone

Unless you count hundreds of albums from the late 80's through the late 90's that continue to sell hundreds of thousands of copies and are considered legendary albums, even in regular music circles. (Tribe, Beasties, Nas, Biggie, Dre, Snoop, Busta, I could go on...)

I talking about radio play - the genera is going on 40 years old and there is no real oldie play --- also, I can't go to a party where the older music is played and an entire song finishes

I'm with you. I still don't know what Thrift Shop is. Is that the song they were trying to figure out the other day?

Also, I first heard of Gangnam Style when it hit SNL.

I'll be honest, when I wasn't working in retail forced to listen to the same top 40 pop songs, my only exposure to top 40 is when out getting lunch in a fast food place.

I think this is the case with most adult males.

someone like anthony doesnt have to work in retail, nor eat in fast food joints, so i wouldnt expect him to know shit (other than the girls he bangs playing it on their ipods)

I'm 100% sure that I only know these particular songs because of the internet.

I thought that was kind of a "bit"... when Op/Ant/Jim would say "Gangnam Style, this brand-new song is gonna be a big hit, I know it", Sam would say "uh, no, that's actually not new, it's been around forever."

Which reminds me of one of my favorite bits recently: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfoESZsrJFY

Anarchy Radio was such a good fucking bit. To be honest, that whole period of time with the hurricane etc was AMAZING radio every fucking day.

Maybe a bit I guess.

I mean, it's plausible that they wouldn't know.

Of course it's plausible. I just wonder how people do it. I've never gone out of my way to hear Thrift Shop. It's just... there.

When I'm in my car I'm listening to the O&A channel. If its a replay I hit up my other favorite channels. None of which are pop music. So it is very was for me to not hear currently popular music.

I've heard the songs but it usually takes me a few months to figure out the name of the song and/or who sings it.

I know OF thrift shop, but I've never actually heard it.

You probably actually have, in commercials, movie trailers and such, and just don't know it. I finally heard it and I was like "Oh fuck, it's THIS song?"

I looked up thrift shop just now, I've certainly heard that beat a bunch in trailers/commercials/bumpers but I've def never heard the lyrics.

How do you do it?

I don't listen to pop radio, or watch whatever show music videos come on anymore. I'm aware of things, but don't really put two and two together since I'm just not that into that kind of music. Like, I've been aware that there was pop music being made by 'Macklemore and Ryan Lewis', but to be honest I always figured it was some sort of indy rock collaboration so I just never bothered checking it out or watching SNL when they were the musical guest.

They're in talk radio not playing music. Sean Hannity is on the radio too, my guess is he doesn't know those songs either. Just because you're on the radio doesn't mean you're up on all the pop culture. They're also in there 50's. Opie has young kids. Those type of songs aren't on there radar. My bet is depending on your age, and if there still living that your parents don't know those songs either. I'm much younger than O&A and didn't know about Gangnam Style til they played it. Anyway, who gives a shit? They're shitty songs anyway. I doubt Opie or Anthony is going to the dance club on weekends.

I don't go out of my way to hear this stuff but I can't avoid it. I'm close to their age. I feel like it's impossible to avoid this stuff.

Anyway, who gives a shit?

I was just asking.

I had no idea what either was. I think I finally bothered to find out what Gangnam Style was not far before them. I only knew it was a song after so much context online...

It's probably more and more of a symptom of these times... with iPods, Spotify, satellite radio, et al... you just get what you want. Which, to me, is perfect. Things have changed since the days of radio and MTV.

That said, I have yelled at the radio when they forget classic stuff.

(But, then again, they do impress me sometimes. They know their Deep Purple, etc.)

They know their Deep Purple, etc.

I'm a classic rock guy so I was impressed by Anthony's knowledge of southern rock.

I personally didn't hear about Gangam style until probably about six months after it hit.

I wonder if I wasn't on reddit how long it would have been until I came across it.

That's a good point. I wasn't on Reddit until after that craze had already passed. And I don't listen to radio or watch much TV. They never mention Gangnam style on reruns of Seinfeld.

I live in a college town. I heard that shit non stop. At parties, walking down the street, etc...


why should I know about any minute of this expiration-date music?

I didn't say you should, I was asking if you had.

Opie is the only person on that show that I think has an open mind musically that isn't trapped in and exclusive to their 16 year old selves, but even then I don't think he knows anything other than the hits. I know he digs the Dead and Panic so he's cool with me.

Derosa definitely knows his shit.

Name a song from this year. NEVER HEARD OF IT.

That's why I like when Sam schools them on pop culture. I'm 22 so it's hilarious hearing them know only the surface of new music

It does surprises me a lot when they're oblivious about what I know to be huge and popular....but then again, I'm a 24 year old girl and they're 40 year old men and have much more substantial shit going on in their lives , so I kinda understand how some things pass them by...

Fair enough.

I, for one, enjoy the 90s music break EVERY time they do it.

E-Rock, comment?


a truly wonderful rendition of thrift shop... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWUPCmDRIO8

As a listener whose been around since 2005, (started listening when I was 16) they are ridiculously out of touch. Not really a huge deal considering their age, though I guess they should be up on shit considering its part of their job. I think Jimmy is the worst with this, I get a little frustrated when he talks music. He can rattle off every song on a Lady Gaga album but only JUST started listening to the Ramones.

Definitely not a huge deal. Just a poorly thought out post on my part

im 22 and i used to be up on new music but latley ive been too lazy, and theres too much new music out everyday and most of it is shit

Well at your age you still have a lot of awesome old stuff to hear for the first time!

I don't know what Thrift Shop is.

Yeah, turns out I'm in the minority of the O&A for knowing it!

I don't know thrift shop and maybe heard hangman style necessity attack of the show showed it. Just because its popular, doesn't mean I give a care.

I'm in my mid-20s and have no interest in any current music. None. I don't know about any of the stuff Sam and company bring up.

wait until you hit your 30's

I learned about Gangnam Style from remixes on the Net, never heard it until O&A played it

I have no knowledge of either song you mentioned other than the show --- I simply do not listen to those type of music stations

if I am out shopping, I tune most music out - the bars I go to don't play that sort of music - why would men of that age listen to music designed to appeal to teenage girls?

if you are not under 30 or don't have exposure to kids of a certain age, you aren't going to hear those songs

I am a Todd Rundgren fan - here is a guy with several top 40 and at least 2 top 10 songs - he has produced one of the biggest selling albums of all time and one of his songs (so I am told) is played in sporting arenas - almost no one other than fans has a clue who he is - I am more amazed by that

why would men of that age listen to music designed to appeal to teenage girls?

For the same reason they'd know about Amanda Bynes' twitter "feuds." Because it's popular culture and that's a big part of their show. Both of these particular songs were also viral videos and god knows the show likes to dwell on anything viral. That's how I hear about songs like this, as videos everyone was talking about on reddit and facebook and twitter.

Bynes made national news and was most likely front page in the NYC trashpaper --- that was news, or what passes for it

as for viral video, they seem to drift toward quirky, odd or outrageous, not music

I have no knowledge of these songs, I notice many of the comments it the thread say the same thing - I know people who never heard 'call me maybe'

I listen to rock, blues and jazz not pop --- pop is mostly aimed at teen age girls (Ronnie B said it, it must be truth) - it isn't music being played where I am or go

location might also play a part, I imagine in a town with a large population under 30 there is more pop music played in public places, however it isn't hard to avoid or ignore

I had a teenage daughter during boyband peak years, you'd be amazed how little of that I heard, even when it was playing in my home

I know people who never heard 'call me maybe'

That's impressive. I don't know how someone could avoid that song.

depends on the world you live in - the person was my daughter, she has two small children, lives in a small town and doesn't watch much tv - the local radio is a hold over form thew 50s

I knew the song, she was clueless but ask her about boy bands from the 90s and early 2000s and that is a professorial dissertation

*edit - I bet I have several friends who don't know the song - you'd be amazed how little pop culture matters as you get older --- most of my friends would say it isn't music and don't even begin to discuss "that hip-hop shit" - if you were much over 30 when it became very popular, you don't know or like it

What the fuck is Thrift Shop?

I don't listen to top 40 music or hipster music. I like 1940s and 50s jazz, country and rockabilly.

I hate to tell you, but 1940s and 50s jazz is kinda hipster.

And rockabilly DEFINITELY is hipster.

They can be, but in my case I'm just a close-minded old man.

I don't listen to top 40 either. I'm not sure what hipster music is. I'm stuck in 1977 myself.

I think it's like indie rock.


I get the feeling that Jimmy lies a lot about not knowing what things are. It's the most obvious stuff and he just acts like he's never heard of it before. He comes off as a hipster douche and I know he isn't.

I dunno. I think his tastes and knowledge are just really fucking narrow.

the guy admits he likes lady gaga...how more honest can he get?

why should I know about any minute of this expiration-date music?

I didn't say you should, I was asking if you had.