From today's show: Ant & Danny had a falling out...

58  2013-07-09 by stevenknight


I wondered why he wasn't at the Compound party last week. This is good news for Danny haters.


Now he's trashing the O&A channel numbers:

...yeah, Danny, because you clearly have SOOO much to do with the creation of GTAV.

Isn't he like the lowest level of an employee on Rockstar that you can be? He only has a high-school degree, and he's a games tester, right? Anyone can be a games tester. It's like someone working as a paper-boy bragging about how he's involved in the creation of an issue of the New York Times. The ego on this guy...

According to Grandma's Boy, yes anyone can be a game tester.

Does he sleep in a racecar bed, though? His roommates probably bought it for him.

My roommates are going to get me a CB for my birthday so I can talk to other racecar beds.

I don't believe him.

Obviously he's full of shit. Even SiriusXM isn't dumb enough to sink millions per year into a show that only broadcasts to 10,000 people per day.

If the show had trouble hitting 5 figures (which would mean hard to hit 10,000) they would not have their new contract. Bruer let slip the size of their contact for 4 years and it's not small.

At 10000 listeners, that would mean the station brings in 200,000 a month from listeners, so 1.4 million a year. That 5.6 million over 4 years. Throw in advertising dollars then the show would bring in maybe 12-20 million over 4 years.

Their contact is larger than that, and with the staff being SiriusXM employees their contract is mostly for them. So Danny has no idea what he is talking about. Plus, this would mean that the company is taking a hit on keeping the boys when in reality they are making them a profit.

This is what happens when you lose your dream gig and start to alienate those who still have it. Anthony was his last supporter and he did something to ruin that. I hope the boys call out his BS tomorrow. Ant wanted to keep it private, now he is attacking and his lies need to be called out.

Additionally, the boys have said numerous times no one is told numbers. SXM does not share ratings so how, if the boys and media don't get the numbers, can he know what they pull in?

Edit: Spelling and grammar because I'm using Mobile

I still think "billing five figures" means ad rates, not litsener numbers.

Breuer said how much they make? When was this, I listen every day. I also thought the contract was a 2 year contract. Remember when they re-upped opie kept saying "so we can hit an even 20 yrs together and end this on a nice number"

I hate to get into this because I don't know for sure, but "billing five figures" sounds like ad rates rather than listenership. like a block of commercials costs in the thousands, rather than tens of thousands. Are you an inventor? Do you know an inventor? Would you like to meet an inventor?

negotiated adrates are about 200 a spot in the main show (with lots of bonus), live reads are considerably more. Even the sales team doesn't know the numbers behind the shows they sell. No way Danny has seen this...

Thanks for that. Very informative

In a way I'm kind of bummed because I missed that broadcast where everyone was calling in and shitting all over him. I would've loved to hear that.

Maybe Ant will post it now that he hates Danny too. Wishful thinking, I know...

No way, Ant is balls-deep in the Zimmerman shit... but yes, wishful thinking.


I thought I saw him on the LFTC. Must have been some other bald cocksucker in a yellow hula shirt. Fuck him.

The night that Danny was fucking with Big Kev at Ant's house during Kev's show, Kev warned Danny that one day it would all be gone.

And so it has come to pass.

Is that the same night he took calls?

What makes me laugh is that most of this can be traced back to the One Direction Raffle and the fact that out of all the people in the company, Danny won. It's like divine intervention.

I love O&A gossip.

Of course you do, you're a woman.

FACT: ConspiracyMomma is Lady Trucker.





Me fuckin too! I'm a woman also and I will freely admit I love the gossip and behind the scenes stuff.

Another O&A gossip loving chick checking in. I really hated Danny so this is fun.

fuck him, miserable asshole.

EDIT: aww, what a butthurt


I liked him until I listened to his argument with Little Nicky. Little Nick came after him in the funniest way possible and Danny was butthurt and upset. He could dish it out to everyone else, but not take the heat.

That feud did give us "CO-FUCKING-CAINE" which I thought was pretty awesome.

As soon as I figured that out, I lost all respect for him. For me, it was when Steve C. threatened to hurt him and Danny threatened to sue him...of course, Patrice called him out on it.

Danny was completely right that if Steve punched him, Steve would be out of a job and Danny would have ultimately won. The entirety of the staff was against Steve anyway and he was being a bitch by threatening Danny instead of just doing it.

Here's what Jimmy thinks when someone on staff threatens to bring in physicality.

Danny might be an asshole but at least he never physically threatened a co worker.

BTW Patrice didn't call Danny out, he just said that when you want to punch somebody it pisses you off more when they say they'll sue. He was saying that Danny was successfully aggravating him.

I hated him before that, but when he started saying "going to start shit IN MY HOUSE?!?!"....cringe.

Also, if you're going to go with the "I could say some things, too" either say them or shut the fuck up about it.

The most shocking part of clicking on that was discovering cunt-head has over 10'000 twitter followers

I'm a newer listener (about a year or so) and I always hated Danny. He was shit on air, naht funny, and got all pissy eyed when someone called him out on it. Good riddance

I'm a long time listener and always hated Danny.

Also new, but from what I've heard of Danny on the Uninformed show with Burr and DeRosa, I liked him quite a bit.

But there you have 3 dumb assholes, ranging in funny from Burr to Derosa to shit tier Danny

Danny also just tweeted its better than what he calls opie

Danny's being passive aggressive? Whodathunk it?

Please twitter citizens, PLEASE goad him into saying more and giving some specifics!

Yes, this sort of gossip gives my sad life meaning. So what.

Sadly... I couldn't agree more and tweeted him earlier

He's bringing it.


So Ant is finally off Danny's cock, eh? It always thought it was weird how he would defend Danny, no matter what. It was kind of cringy to listen to sometimes.

Listening to these clips all I do is cringe at Ant. He's like the guy who knows his friend is being a huge douche but still has to be up his ass with support every time "no, no guys, he's cool, trust me" that type of thing. It's literally the only thing I didn't like about Ant. Now they're not friends anymore, so I have nothing to dislike about ant.

not surprising considering he's a huge cunt

All you need to know about Danny is what Patrice said when he called Danny out. It was perfection.

That was the one time Patrice was being a cunt as well. He wanted Danny to go on some Russian pirated movie watching site and Danny refused. He didn't want to potentially infect a company PC with a virus/malware.

But the way he was telling Patrice this was just so arrogant, he was talking down to him. So Patrice retaliated.

And you never ever want to be on the end of that.

That's that situation, but Patrice was telling him about the way he does things, his attitude. Patrice wanted him to go on a dumb site, but Danny had his typical arrogant shit don't stink attitude and it finally irked Patrice.

I have to speak up for Patrice here. Danny was the dummy. If you are smart and know how computers work it is SOOOO EASY to avoid all the viruses from those sites and to get to the good stuff.

I work as tech support for a living and I still would have told Patrice no. It is not worth the risk.

On top of that, XM was/is a media company and he would be browsing pirated media online on a company computer being broadcast to listeners. That alone could have gotten him fired.

Nor would I. But I wouldn't have been such a dick about it.

Fair enough, but IDGAF. I would have done it. This is something the shows hosts would have went to bat for Danny on unlike bringing a stripper to a one direction listening event filled with kids and then being incredibly disrespectful to the president of the company.

Got a link ?


There are so many instances in which Danny proved to be a miserable fuck. There was the Guitar Hero challenge, the Little Nicky fight, his bitch move with Steve C yesssss , the fight with Patrice, etc. The list goes on and on and on. The most recent little bitch fest that I remembered he'd had was when Ant was talking about his Xbox 360 setup for Call of Duty where he was using a mouse and keyboard, and Danny was such a little bitch about how Ant was "cheating" and was calling him out on not using a controller. It might not sound like much but he keptit going too long and it just got to be uncomfortable. Especially since you know Ant could've just torn him a new asshole but he didn't since they were still friends at the time.

Don't forget the fight with Kenny and the time he got drunk during the Super Bowl and called in 'sick' the next day then got pissy because the boys called him out for being hungover.

Jesus, Danny is even an asshole to people who genuinely like him.

Ugh, fucking douche. The fan was overly apologetic to him, yet he still was a dick to him. Danny just hates O&A fans in general. He's always seemed to, really.

Serious fucking lulz if Danny thinks he got the gig at Rockstar on his own.

Oh hell no, I've gotta believe that Anthony probably begged Lazlow to take that burden on.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I think fans who jump and scream for the attention of "celebrities" (term used loosely) on Twitter are as insufferable and infuriating as anything, but no reason to be a smarmy fucking cunt to someone who isn't even defending themselves.

Patrice was right - Danny does it because he can, insecure little cocksucker he is.

Wow, what an asshole Danny is. LOL.

Mmm... schadenfreude.

hes such a defensive ass and his arguments are as good as a 5th grader "oh yeah I have something to say to about him too!", or "if you hate me so much why are you wasting your time tweeting me"

hes a fucking loser and its so easy to see how hurt he was that he was fired and nobody stuck up for him, they wanted fans and co workers to be making a petition for him to stay and make a stink about it like they did with east side dave, and they didn't even mention it.

Best part;

Opie: So, how was John Mayer, Erock?
Sam: Who cares?

The little Erock jabs are the best.

Sam will and does bash anyone who enters the studio. That boy is a professional broadcaster.

And now he'll talk shit and create a rift with the show. Fuck Danny.

If we're lucky!

I doubt that. Despite his best attempts, his methods of delivery and his arrogance will just get anything he says dismissed.

My God I've never seen one person burn so many bridges.

I met Danny a few years back at the Traveling Virus when it went to Vegas, and he was really nice to me and my friends. Even gave us some banners that they hung up at the live broadcast they did at the Hard Rock Hotel pool.

I guess the dude is awful to a lot of people. My opinion of him definitely faded over the years with the way he acted on the air. Sucks for him that he burned so many bridges. Hopefully he will realize his mistakes one of these days. I feel sorry for him. Good luck, bro.

I wanna know everything! This friendship always surprised me for some reason. On air, Danny seemed ok. I'm not gonna bash the guy for that, he wasn't terrible.

Off air, however, he seemed hated by everyone except for Ant. He apparently must have been an opportunistic/miserable fuck trying to push down everyone around him. What reason did he have for treating Sal the way he did for example? I wonder and I can't believe this is actually news I want to hear more about on the show now that they are no longer friends, maybe more people will openly discuss him.

Danny likes to drink and could keep Ant up with the current tech stuff. Ant is pretty half ass when it comes to things like video games and torrents. Danny seems really into that. I don't really see Ant going online and getting torrented movies to watch in his theatre someone had to be doing that for him.

Yea, and the worst part was Danny was always incorrect with any tech stuff he spoke about.

Can someone give a quick run-down? I'm at work.

ERock brought up he went to a SXM event in Philly for John Meyer, and Ant asked if him he brought a stripper. Then he mentioned "miserable asshole" and another remark I can't remember but then they moved on.

Just now, the interns and the guys were talking about Quincy and an episode with a character name Danny came up and another couple of shots were taken.

At least we'll always have this to remember him by.


I consider working at Rockstar a dream job, and that's dampened by the fact that Danny is there. Couldn't be happier that this should officially be it for him getting time on the show.

I wouldn't think too highly of his position. He's a game tester. Thankfully his only input is finding bugs in the game.

No no no, didn't you see, what he worked on was on the front page 3 times! 3 times! He worked on it! He really did!

No really, he did! Did ya see?


Oh my god he must be the worst tester ever

He's just a tester? Bahahaha!





Did they let him keep his hard drive of hits when he left?

Danny. Not Denny.

Really? My bad.

Unfortunately, they aren't done with Denny just yet.

I hope this gets on air tomorrow. It just might because Danny took some public shots...

Hay guyz let's all jump on Twitter and attach ourselves to the situation!!! Be sure to @ mention Anthony, however, so he knows who to send the Compound Party Golden Ticket to!!!!

(At least a couple of douchebags have.)

I kinda feel bad about all this. It has got to be weird for Danny after spending so much of his life wrapped up in that show to suddenly be free of it. He is transitioning to a completely different way of life and for someone as seemingly insecure (or just weird and aggressive) as him it is probably really tough. Here is hoping he finds his way through it alright and maybe stops being less of a cunt (it seems he is a cunt, but i never met the man so who knows).

Nice try, Danny.

Danny did it to himself.

Danny screwed Danny

I would agree if post-show Danny wasn't pre and during-show Danny. Or perhaps if the experience of getting fired changed in him in some way.

But no, Danny is still an over-reactive, nothing-is-ever-his-fault, can't-handle-being-in-the-barrel douchebag.

I fell a day behind cause of work and didnt have a chance to come here till I was a day late and $400,000 short, but for what its worth I agree with you. I think he was the link between memes and STP, Last of Us and Goodfellas. As much as people hate Danny; seeing this is like seeing the decapetated Robb Stark with Greywind's head (Cue Opie not getting a referrence cause hes a 48 year old family guy). Btw Im the guy who made the big deal here about Danny getting fired.

Btw, you are allowed to post things that aren't always self promoting in some way.

Yes, because it hasn't sparked any kind of community discussion.

Well at least you didn't deny it like most people on Reddit. I'll just give you a friendly 'self promoting douche' tag and be on my merry way.

Enjoy your 'self important doche' tag that I've just added.

I shall do my best to live up to it sir!

Obviously he's full of shit. Even SiriusXM isn't dumb enough to sink millions per year into a show that only broadcasts to 10,000 people per day.

Listening to these clips all I do is cringe at Ant. He's like the guy who knows his friend is being a huge douche but still has to be up his ass with support every time "no, no guys, he's cool, trust me" that type of thing. It's literally the only thing I didn't like about Ant. Now they're not friends anymore, so I have nothing to dislike about ant.