after a nice O&A break, anyone else already sick of Opie?

0  2013-07-08 by opiesucks

a week off and it recharged my disliking towards dumb opie. anyone else already annoyed by his 'take' on whats going on in the world?



Haven't seen you in a while. Thought you choked on a cock and died.


You should have replied with Opie's standard "howl".

After a nice O&A break, anyone else already sick of opiesucks?

I know I am.


Shut the fuck up already ya faggot. The only two douche bags that seem to be repeating themselves is you and ya' boy Anthony Cumia. We get it already Opie sucks. Ant we get it already you hate niggers, and you want to protect your rights as a gun owner. Shhhhesshhh!

ok, maybe you're right. perhaps its time i get a new schtick.

Maybe you two got off on the wrong foot.

You really are a one-trick pony eh?


nope, opie is the only one who realizes everyone is sick of george zimmerman/racial discussions. i was actually disappointed when he said that he was going to do a lot of four day weeks.

You aren't as funny as you think you are.

funnier than opie. but then again, thats not tough.

good one.

thanks ValleyChip

yea, great story about someone elses fucking kid. riveting stuff.