LFTC Recap Thread

10  2013-07-07 by waytogo17

I missed yesterdays insanity and I know its not gonna be saved for posterity so if anyone wants to dish on the highlights of last night, I (and I'm sure others) would love to hear it!


I love Ant but man, this LFTC show was hard to watch. It was cringeworthy, mean and just douchey throughout almost the whole thing. I went to the Cleveland show and I hung with Bobo a lot, we got thrown off stage by Danny during a break, and he seemed like a superfan who really does have problems. I get the boys have on air personas but Bobo really came off like he was not fulling understanding everything that was going on. I remember one guy came up to me and Bobo and actually told Bobo he was "a fucking dumb retard who deserved to die of AIDS". Bobo went with it and tried to laugh it off but what the fuck?

Honestly, I love O&A but I really don't care for their personal lives and this LFTC made me realize that 100%.

What does Opie do in his personal life that annoys u? Just wondering, not saying Opie is free and clear here from personal baggage.

Nothing. Opie keeps his personal life personal.

What I caught: Bobo was encouraged to chug a drink by a caller. He then vomited on the floor (carpet?), with some of the waste getting on the desk and headphone. Plus, a "dot" was discovered later to have landed on Ant's laptop. Ant went ballistic on poor Bobo. It took Bobo about 20 minutes to clean up the mess, going through an insane amount of Bounty paper towels in the process. It looked like he never cleaned up anything in his life. Ant sprayed Fantastic on Bobo and hit him with the bottle and broom a few times. Bobo cried and it was so sad. Anthony acted like his father, so much so that I was waiting for some spaghetti to be thrown at the wall. He'd also play both Good Cop ("I invited you into my home.") and Bad Cop ("retard", "piece of shit", "cunt", etc.) with Bobo -- true psychological abuse. Eventually, I turned it off because it was just too much for me to watch. I don't even want footage of it to get out because I feel like it could be edited in a way that could end Anthony's career.

your wording in the last sentence reminded me of when Louis CK was in studio and talked them down from a BoBo incident by doing the newscaster voice: "A mentally retarded man was sexually abused on a satellite radio show today....."

Man, this all sounds crazy. moegolden do you happen to know what Louis CK show that was? I would love to listen to that clip.

I dont remember. most likely 2 or 3 years ago.

You left out Ant hitting Bobo with the Clorox wipes while saying "Clean this shit up, you nigger!"

I left that out on purpose.

Did it get much worse after he started talking about fucking Jackie? I saw something in the thread about him admitting to sniffing her panties while he jerked off. Sounded like he went deep into crazy land.

Woah, I want to hear more about this angle. That really happened?!

Ant started talking about his cousin Jackie being that one relative that he would have fucked, she was sitting on his lap at the time. She got embarrassed, he tried to smooth it over by making like it was a joke, then he went deeper. Her son (her yolked son) came over to Ant and told him he didn't appreciate that shit, Ant tried to play it off as a joke again....then apparently (wasn't watching much after that because I felt embarrassed for him) he started talking about how he used to jerk off while sniffing her panties.

I made some gifs last night while it was live....







Ok you should have clarified it wasn't intern jackie

Sorry about that. I forget the interns even exist sometimes.

whoa whoa whoa. what?

Ant went off the deep end.

Anthony is a pretty funny degenerate though

I agree.


Big A has some clips of the post throw up on his youtube page: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUaFkGT2-Vs7gzjJWUlUqIJQ

Holy crap, that is tough viewing..I'm a huge fan of Ant but he's being a mean bully in some of these clips.

Based on these clips it seems like Ant thinks he is doing a show. Whenever he lambasts Bobo he then gives him the mic as an opportunity to respond. Whether he crosses some hypothetical line during his interactions with Bobo that night is obviously open to interpretation. I wonder if Bobo will even remember any of what happened.

Yes, Ant was mean to Bobo, BUT, after the beating he was nice to Bobo so he'd stop crying and gave him a hug (http://i.imgur.com/cJqaPbq.png) and later on Bobo was seen sober, singing karaoke and laughing having a good time, he also tripped off the stage.

I think everything is fine.

I think so too, I think everyone's making a bigger deal out of this than it really is.

It was really sad and cringeworthy. You have to think who bobo is and how short or long his memory can be in the moment. And in the hour or so of his bashing he was being crushed. The hug Made him better but that's his retardation over simplifying the current events.

What other people said about Ant abusing Bobo. It was really weird, it was almost weirder seeing all the fat unfunny dudes standing around giggling during it, this part literally went on for at least an hour, Bobo only had like 3 drinks and he was completely out of his mind, he was crying/screaming and it sounded like a cackling witch. Ant was like roleplaying his drunk dad, really fucking weird. Also Ant was being really blatantly racist right next to a black guy, was it dru boogie?, and at one point after saying some racist shit held a giant round up to his head and mimed like it was going in, it was very awkward.

I think Jim was there earlier on from a picture I saw but I didn't catch that part, it was probably before 9 if he was there and left.(retroactively: this bit is false)

Then I tapped out for awhile and resumed around 12:30. Joe Derosa showed up at 1 and hosted for awhile but he seemed kind of underwhelmed because the party was already a little burnt out. Ant was in and out at this point being drunk, he didn't really have anything to contribute in terms of radio for the rest of the night.

Oh yeah, earlier Davey Mac called in and Ant payed for his cab fair to come over. He showed up and he can kind of never turn off the radio show host part of him. That was pretty entertaining, but Ant was too post-hammered to really engage with him when they were sitting down together. There were only two mics at the desk.

Then on and off people were doing karaoke for the rest of the night. Ant and Joe and Dave and then just Joe and Dave did a few songs, whatever. But there were unvisible non-celebrity guests at the desk talking over it all into the mics even though they didn't even know if they were on the feed. Then for like an hour or two the important people were not on the feed and the guests hosted things, a bore. But Bobo seemed to recover at this point and seemed to have a grand time doing karaoke all by himself and dancing around stupidly, it almost seemed to redeem the abuse he took, he was really in heaven at his hero's home.

Then Davey Mac came back to the green room and I love listening to existential drunk Dave talk semi-coherently to some other guest he doesn't know about Stanley Kubrick. Then Derosa came back or something but basically everything was burnt out at 3 and nobody important came on after 4. Callers were pretty boring the whole night, Roland called at some point but didn't have anything to contribute.

Also I wasn't glued to it so I probably missed things, I worked in a computer lab overnight and there were huge chunks of downtime in this thing where I would mute the show and check back periodically to see if anything was happening. YOU'RE WELCOME. I didn't pay attention to whatever was going on with the other guests because why would I?

ESD's wife (or someone at least assuming her name) on the chat feed was going head-to-head with fans who were talking shit about Dave. That was semi-amusing. No Filter Paul was sitting at the desk awkwardly silent while Ant was on his Bobo rampage, for at least an hour or so.

Also towards the wee hours of the morning, some old, married creep in a sleeveless USA shirt (Dennis? Mother Shucker?) was desperately trying to fondle some chick of minor/moderate fame in that circle - she kept "flashing" callers.

It was kind of funny but towards the end it reminded me of the depression you feel during the last hour of any horrible party when you're sober and everyone else is blacked out and shitty.

Dennis (the sleeveless douche) kept touching her tits and putting a magnum round between them, and when callers said he was a creepy douche, he kept throwing out these incredibly witty lines about fucking all our moms.

Also, people were trying to bait DeRosa into talking about Jews. That was amusing.

Jim was in Vegas.


daamn. I wanna see a drunk Davey and Joe show



At least they are getting the gay out of the show.

All I know is that Ant confessed his love for his cousin, multiple times. Then her son came over and looked pretty pissed off. Pretty sure he won't be seeing that side of the family ever again.

At one point he told her that when he was 14 he'd sneak into her room, put her panties in his face and jerk off. Yikes. She didn't seem all that shocked, though. Maybe it's a Cumia family thing.

whoa whoa whoa. what?

Just to be clear, her used panties, but yes - exactly that.

lol, that is some crazy shit.

That was really fucking weird. Ant was just overtly saying how much he wanted to fuck her right to her face, and she didn't seem very weirded out by it at all. Her son getting pissed was hilarious, though.

So it's agreed, no one recorded the show. That's terrific!

@AnthonyCumia 2:30 PM

RT @1swunt_later Are you going to put last nights LFTC up?

-No way. If you saw it live, good 4 U. Wow. This place is a disaster


I think some people did. I mean there are at least a lot of caps. I heard someone recorded 1 hour w/o audio and 3 or 4 with audio, but they might be reluctant to release it.

Why don't people ever record these, its not hard!

i was recording it but i stopped it and closed the app without exporting the vid nor saving once ant started his Bobo interactions everyone is mentioning. I didnt want to be any accomplice to Ant losing his job.

Not kididng

Did anyone catch when Travis and his wife was leaving. Riley(Travis' daughter) was covering her ears. Ant was screaming at her bye. They all said their goodbyes and Ant said "geez, and I thought her mother was a bitch".


Uncle Sam was seen plenty of times walking around hammered. Who was that old guy?

so... will this make the air on Monday?

I think so too, I think everyone's making a bigger deal out of this than it really is.

Ok you should have clarified it wasn't intern jackie