38  2013-07-06 by A_CUNTY_DOG


BOBO is hammered!

lol jesus what am I watching?

edit: he's going to cry...there's no way he doesn't.


EDIT: testicles are exposed. If you zoom in, then it is NSFW http://imgur.com/2a0Dwzy

He needs to wipe his ass better.

On two Jack and Cokes according to Ant. He's on the mic now raging against black people.

Ant is a mean drunk, like his father. I'm waiting for the spagetti to get thrown.

ack: Ant slapped Bobo in the face!

He beat him with the Clorox wipes a while ago and then called him a nigger.

But he did a good job cleaning

Jesus lord Anthony is fucked up. Alcoholism has caught back up to him.

I don't know if I can watch any more, I feel like I'm witnessing a death spiral.

Oh for fuck's sake, Bobo just showed his dick on camera. Tapping out.

Multiple times.

There are times where I take stock of my life and wonder "what the fuck is the matter with me" - watching a half-retard repeatedly flash a live internet stream has to be one of those times.


Blame No Filter Paul, that man-boobied fuck


And he's vomiting.

"This is why I wanted to pace myself!" HAHA

And Anthony just dropped the N-bomb on Bobo.

Haha holy fuck he's threatening President Obama just to please Ant.

Oh fuck. I hope we aren't watching the end of Ant's career.

It would suck for us as fans but it really would be the funniest thing ever if Ant's career was destroyed because he invited Bobo to a party.


Oh god. Think of all the audio they could bring up...and the headines: Poor, Starstruck, Retarded Fan gets Verbally, Physically, and Sexually Abused by Shock Jock for Several Years.

Imagine the knock-knock jokes!

I think it would be a slam dunk with the video

as an O&A fan for a while salsbrain.... this is brutal, and it continues a downward spiral... Oh shit, Ants talking about jacking off to his cousin's panties now

Ant added: the 70s were wild Jackie! Wow, this is amazing in the worst way possible

Good thing all that money never went to his head.

I hope someone says "Your Mom's Box", because I'm pretty sure this could be the last LFTC show.

Anthony's getting way too pissed and mean about Bobo puking. Throwing shit at him, pouring water on him, screaming at him, hitting him etc while Bobo is trying to clean it up.

It's not his fucking fault. Anthony's being a huge prick.

Edit: I could tell Bobo was about to puke after Bobo chugged that beer and I'm watching on my computer. They should have been able to tell and got him to a bathroom.

He's going to cry.

Poor Bobo.

He sprayed the Fantastik in Bobo's eyes and keeps throwing the bottle at him. If Anthony keeps it up, Bobo might end up owning the Compound.


This is brutal

For Anthony to be "Professor Anthony" he's not real bright with his decision making process, sometimes.

Am I watching an assault?

Fuck I missed that, hopefully it was recorded or the show is properly archived by ustream.

Is anyone recording this? If it's as bad as some people are making it out to be (I.e. Ant is going crazy, possibly last Compound show, Bobo owning compound, end of Ants career, etc) then it may not make it to replay. Idk if it's that bad, I haven't been watching because I'm busy(quite upset about this), but I want to see it and after the party was taken off replay I don't want to miss another "one and done"show.


The only person who has been lamenting the end of Anthony's career has been ConspiracyMomma. It isn't that serious.

Ok, good. I was getting nervous. I'm going to check it out in an hour when I can finally commit to skimming through it.

Bobo just fell off the stage, guys

Oh no, Bobo's crying now?

It's sad :(

Anthony is fucking gone.

Holy shit, they should get Ant drunk on every O&A

I like to think ant will wake up in the morning and Bobo will have breakfast all ready for him

Ant would look like so much less of a corpse if he grew his goatee back.

It's all happening!

Edit: LOLOLOLL! Now his shiitake mushroom is out.


AND he's flashing what doctors would consider a cock

Relevant username, lol.

I tuned in right when Bobo is vomiting. Yeah for me.

greatest show of all time

Ant just told his cousin on air he wanted to fuck her. This is the greatest show ever.

Invite a retard to a party and get him drunk, what do you expect to happen ?

What was the best that could have happened ?

Ant is waaaaaaaay too drunk, and he's being mean and obnoxious.

Not one of his best moments.

This feels ugly.

I was just going to say that. Everyone always says Ant is insane and I never really agreed. But he seems way different tonight.

Ant and Bobo hugged, everything is better again.


Ant's girl just gave the black dude her number hahahahaha

I hope beyond all hope someone recorded the whole show. I want to experience this in it's full glory because Ant will probably not upload this show either.

Ant said he was recording earlier so he'll probably publish it. I recorded the first hour without sound (my bad) but the last 4 hours with sound, so I don't think I did well at all.

Post it!

You the man!

Just saw bobo's dick :(

Bobo is puking!

Ant is semi-angry but is definitely playing it up a bit. I don't think Bobo gets that though, lol. He may hurt himself today. Ant hit him with some windex and bounty, lol, Bobo did not take that well.

Yes, yes he is. Two Jack and Cokes and a few gluggs of Guinness did it to that little body.

He's puking now.

Bobo just threw up. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Are you the hero that asked him to chug the beer?

Nope. Two or three callers after.

This has got to be fucking traumatic for Bobo. I usually hate when people claim that they're traumatized from shit but this is too far. All that shit happening to him while he's on a live stream in front of a ton of people? Dudes half naked cleaning up his own puke and being hit, insulted, screamed at, shit thrown at him etc

Edit: Think Opie and Jimmy would be sitting around for this if they were there?

Opie smashed a sad homeless guy's cake. He'd be there.

He'll be fine. Relax.

I concur but I loved his random "fuck the country, fuck the world, and fck Obama, that ni-" rant. http://imgur.com/3IN8RbP.jpg

I think Jimmy and Opie, while not overtly coming out and saying 'Dude, that's too far', I think they'd steer / divert attention away from Bobo to other things, while still providing entertainment value.

"I might as well go to rehab"

You can't even write this shit. Bobo needs a reality tv show.

Fuck... looks like I missed the shit go down. Hope theres some vods.

This isn't good

For the entire country, and the world!!


Paul from NC?

Are you on the phone right now?



Ant dropped his glass of beer. Now he is the one with the party fouls.

Ant's face sums up this show quite well. http://imgur.com/jnhzIVy

Now it's Ant and East Side Dave. Wonderful.

Hahaha Bobo just tripped over the mic and fell off the stage.

Derosa is singing Queen and killin' it.

UPDATE: That hot blonde from earlier is/was Pat's girlfriend, same girl who went crazy during the last Compound party.

bummer, just a karaoke party :\

Hope you stayed tuned. It's the end of Ant's career.

Anthony singing "Desperado". Actually, he's not that bad.

Bobo rocking the air guitar pretty hard.

Who are the two guys on mic ?

Fred from Brooklyn and No Filter Paul (who I thought went away a long time ago).

I thought Fred had, too.

One of them is Fred from Brooklyn, I think. The other guy, not sure.

I would not be shocked if by the end of the evening Bobo is dead of alcohol poisoning and Ant's house is swarming with authorities.

I love Ant and all but seriously, this is practically exploitation of the mentally retarded which can't be good.

We get it, the guy is a lost soul and pretty much functionally retarded - why Ant would let him get into that state on his private property just boggles my mind.. there's so much room for chaos there.

To me, Anthony's opinion is Entertainment value > Bobo's safety.

It's one thing to pick on him on amke fun of him, but I think it crosses a line when he strips naked and gets Fantastic squirted in his eyes. =/

This is like the third time I've seen Bobo's boner

Bobo cleaning up his puke.


i actually agree with ya nabelt, this is hard to watch


Bobo needed his face cleaned. Ant just helping.


Fuck that's not even funny dude.

yes it is

I'm really concerned about.... the amount of paper towels that were used.

im fully convinced that bobo will kill himself when he gets home lol


I was actually thinking that, too.

This is getting weird

This is a FUCKING shit show. And I just turned this on.

It is great hair

Are you the chick on the phone?

No I'm not. I'm not loying

Ant: Yeah I'd fuck my cousin...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy

Jesus Christ, he just told his cousin he rubbed her panties on his face while he jacked off. Sweet fucking hell.

Hahahahaha this is awesome

When Ant said, "Jackie, it's confession time...", I knew it was going to get bad.

But Jackie said she wanted to fuck him too back in the 70's. Then Ant freaked out and asked where the DeLorean was.

im watching ufc, please someone tell me this is being recorded?

This was like watching Days Of Wine And Rose.

is someone under the desk??

Well if he's never on FNC again this is probably why.

Bobo update: he's a awake, still drunk and dancing - http://i.imgur.com/nvB68CQ.jpg

Edit: Bobo and ESD dancing on the stage - http://i.imgur.com/iuJ65ed.jpg

Those two in studio need to shut the fuck up.

Davey Mac singing Welcome to the Jungle...

Titties all around. http://i.imgur.com/lkBmzgw.jpg http://i.imgur.com/d49Snui.jpg

Did Bobo piss himself?

And ahhhh Biigggg AAA sneeking a peek, lol.

ahhhhh Big AAAAaaaa, not one to waste an opportunity, Big AAAAaaa.

This has turned into a disaster

Bobo called in from the future...

Got to talk to Dave and Joe, Dave thought I was a women but that's okay.

... And Ant came in and turned off the stream. That was fun.

I love Pat Duffy's neckbeard.

How 'bout Pat Duffy's chick. Holy shit man, that guy did alright.

Which one is his? I havent been constantly watching?

The husky 6 with awful underarm tattoos

Didn't he later say she was in the car vomiting (before he asked Ant if they can spend the night).

Bobo is a hilarious drunk. Just mooned everyone.

I'm dropping in and out of this while playing Saints Row, every time I look Bobo is pulling down his pants.

It's awful.

ETA: Oh fuck, he's on mic now talking about his thoughts on black people... THis can only go well.

I think you meant amazing.


Ant: Cover your breasts Bobo.

And Bobo immediately complies.

Bobo: "If they don't ask for my password, they're real."

Bobo has a catch phrase: "Who is this? Talk mutherfucker." Points at camera

Bobo just puked on the air



I thought I was recording audio and video, but it was just video (forget to hit audio record separately), Ant said he is recording this so it'll probably be up after the stream ends.



ho, boy... this is rough.

I think im going to cry.


I sort of feel bad for Paul, he looks almost embarrassed.

I would touch jackie's tits

Is that pat duffy? Just got here.



Paul is pretty cool after that story. To think he shit in a diaper on air.

Ant's chick has on some VERY small shorts. Kudos.

that blonde is a solid 8.

She looks ready for the pumpin

looks like her bf is really into showing her off. cuck time? hahhaha

Where is the ass!

She does not appreciate the callers, who are worse than O&A callers.

It's now the Ant and Joe Derosa show.

My friend was the one they wouldn't shut up about US 19 with and I'm the one with the SPUI info. Yeah I'm cool.

Wow this is still on! I kinda had to tune out when he was saying he jerked off to his cousins panties.

For the love of god please tell me I can download this.

NFP and Big A singing "closer"

holy god

This Dave and Joe duet rules

Ant is fingering someone off camera?

edit: nope, someone else trying to finger some chick

just got home and see derosa and dave singing on stage, then to see dave do welcome to the jungle then to see bobo singing private eyes....fuck this was way better than the last one, please tell me somebody recorded this?

This is so horrible I am almost in tears

Currently a 15 year old is moaning about Mexicans and "niggers" taking American jobs (that he doesn't have) like, well, a dumb 15 year old.

Now, ESD is singin' his fuckin' heart out drunk holding a mic stand upside down.

where can i find the replay

There ain't gonna be a replay, per Ant

Damn it, I just tuned back in. Need to see the archives to look at how everything unfolded.

as soon as apology girl sat down I get kicked for no reason, i wasn't even chatting...

I got kicked for no reason during The N Word show and I still can't access chat.

This was my first compound show and I was actually enjoying the chat as opposed to most stream chats.

Apparently its an ip ban and we're banned forever.

I read that too. I also saw something that said it could last anywhere from 1-5 days, so I'm not sure.

Did the real Jim just try to call in?

Seriously, Ant? You're hitting the guy on the head with a mop.. just get him out of your house.. this is going to end badly.. potentially very badly. If L.I.P.D. happened to be watching this feed there's direct evidence of Assault and Battery.

calm your tits

You seem fun. :-|

I'm hella fun - I'm just not into taking advantage of the functionally retarded for entertainment value, your mother notwithstanding.

lol jesus what am I watching?

edit: he's going to cry...there's no way he doesn't.

How 'bout Pat Duffy's chick. Holy shit man, that guy did alright.

On two Jack and Cokes according to Ant. He's on the mic now raging against black people.

Yes, yes he is. Two Jack and Cokes and a few gluggs of Guinness did it to that little body.

Are you the chick on the phone?


This was my first compound show and I was actually enjoying the chat as opposed to most stream chats.

Apparently its an ip ban and we're banned forever.

Those two in studio need to shut the fuck up.

The only person who has been lamenting the end of Anthony's career has been ConspiracyMomma. It isn't that serious.