Chip's to secret conversation with the Russians is illegally recorded.

10  2013-07-02 by OGxGURU


The upturned collar makes it that much worse.

Has O&A talked about Snowden on the show at all? Would like to hear their take on it.

They mentioned it in passing and made some quibs about it matter-of-factly when it blew up. Haven't heard anything since.

As /u/hangout_wangout said, they have very briefly brought it up in passing. There was never any type of discussion. It sucks because that should really be discussed by everyone. Especially those with such a big audience and who understand how the media works. It's amazing how quiet these news agency's have been. Not to be that guy, but it kind of backs up the theory that these corporate run "news" agency's don't care about news, they just want ratings and to be liked by the government.

The first video Chip Vine video I have actually laughed at

Chip was made for Vine, not Instagram.