Ant's most cringe-inducing Vine yet. Ugh, douche chills.

14  2013-07-02 by [deleted]


He looks about 78 years old

Three thirty AM. Alfred Hitchcock. Twix Bar. Lonely old man without his pre-pubescent girlfriend whos parents wouldnt let her sleep over.

It's a school night!!

teeth veneers don't seem like such a bad idea now do they?

Yeah he looks like a damned goblin.


a damn rich goblin

Truly the King of the goblins, indeed.

hahahaha that was a good one cock sucka, I can't think of a more perfect word than goblin

Looks like a fucking corpse



my teeth itch...

Bravo, sir. I hurt myself trying to conceal my laughter here.

Back to the Renaissance fair with you.

"I sleep in a race car, Homer. Do YOU sleep in a race car?"

"I sleep in a bed with my wife."

Oh Kirk...

Can I borrow a feeling? Can you lend me a jar of love?

We were both downvoted, I voted yours back love for fucking Simpsons references? geez. btw Dopie and Agony, that was probably my favorite segment from last year, I must have listened to it 20 times. When they start singing the wheelchair songs I lose it every time

3:30 AM!

Bailey Jay!


Perfect night!

Not even Chippah thinks this is funny

Time is not on Anthony's side.

Ironic, being that he's basically looked the same for the past 30 years. It's like his age finally caught up with his looks.

Or he's been going through chemo for that long...

Ironic, being that he's basically looked the same for the past 30 years. It's like his age finally caught up with his looks.

Both of them really. The last picture I saw and the most recent pictures are drastically different. But Ant more so

In that new sidebar pic, he looks exactly like that creepy old homeless lady who hangs around my street that looks like she died 6 months ago. I can't tell you how eerie the resemblance is.

That's what happens when you hang out with some of the ugliest people on the planet

The only contemporary image where Ant looks young.

Just when I thought the sidebar pic couldn't get any worse...

What a tiny little shit tv he has! Thats no tv for a old,rich neurotic!
And godamn. Imagine being 18 and waking up to that face in the middle of the night rubbing up against you...

I loved it

He looks like the second to last scene in Behind the Candelabra. Isn't my reference wonderful?!

i think the late Howard Hughes looked better than this.

''...the wave of the future...''

"and tell Jimmy I want 10 chocolate chip cookies, all right? Medium chips, none too close to the outside. Got it?"

"bring in the milk"

Milk diva

I'm starvin'. We got any Alfred Hitchcock Twix Bars back there?

clicked the link and the video wouldn't play for some reason... and I think I'm fine with that

Keep hitting refresh til it plays. It works for me.

Oswald Cobblepot?

You mean that whole diatribe last night wasn't douchey enough?

Missed this - from the n-word show or whatever?

EDIT: Just started watching. Another reminder that, no, the show DOESN'T need a visual element.



Holy douche chill batman... ouch.
