Jimmy : Respects privacy of addicts & recovery groups/programs. Does not respect the rights of a private citizen when the government is involved.

15  2013-06-26 by TheDisastrousGamer

Yet another reason I HATE Intellectual Jimmy.


Jimmy is not known as an overly intelligent man. Sometimes you can actually hear the different, contradicting thoughts battle out in his head to a stalemate.

I upvoted this but I gotta admit the same thing happens to me too.

Well that's probably why you don't go around telling everybody how things should work.

And he breaks the stalemate with a bout of furious masturbation.

Yeah he's a normal person.

I don't know, he's astute when it comes to obliterating the political correctness machine. I really have no idea where this perception comes from, he is the rational one of the main 3.

who gives a shit what a comedian thinks about anything? i'm kind of tired of anthony talking about the zimmerman case, you know what i do when he starts in with it? i fast forward the show, problem solved. if you listen live, just change the channel for a while.

who give a shit about what someone posts anyways? i'm kind of tired of posts about the zimmerman case, you know what i do when people start in with that? i ignore the post, problem solved.

Then why did you respond to it?




I don't think he understands the true implications of what no privacy would be like, also I think he has been convinced of singularity so that taints his logic on the topic. He just assumes that is what is going to happen so why bother getting angry.



He doesn't say people shouldn't be anonymous, he just hates the people that can say what ever they want negatively and hide behind a username and not man up to what they said.

Jimmy of all people knows that shit could get people fired.

Not specifically, but he's a huge supporter of Security Theater. In Please Be Offended, it was one of his subjects. And right around there is where I punched out.

For the people that think Jimmy is a slow witted guy,what must you think of Ant?!

cmon. do you really think ant is slow witted?

Although I don't necessarily agree with his conclusions, but at least is argument isn't "That's what you see aliens in movies do".

Exactly. As I said, Jimmy is the rational one. Opie 2nd...and then Ant...oh boy.

I just don't see how Jimmy couldn't be intelligent, at least from what he's said on the show and through twitter. No one eviscerates media hypocrisy like him. Well, maybe Jon Stewart. But that's it.

You love Jon Stewart and think Ant is irrational. You might be the one with the slow wit.

I didn't say he was irrational. Also, for a fact, I don't like Jon Stewart at all. I feel like Jon Stewart on his show always gets mad and has this smug incredulous look on his face. I can't stand the Daily Show. However, Jon Stewart does do a fair job of destroying media when they fuck up, from the few clips that I have seen of that show.

I also think that Ant is hilarious, and I'm one of the few on this reddit that actually defends Ant's rants, largely because they keep me awake when I am in an early morning stupor. He doesn't rant enough anymore.

That being said, Ant's rants, as funny as they are, tend to piss a lot of people off. Opie doesn't rant as much, and Jimmy virtually never rants or yells at a caller.

"No one eviscerates media hypocrisy like him. Well, maybe Jon Stewart"

Wow. That's like saying that Bill O'Riley eviscerates media hypocrisy.

What's your point? Jimmy destroys the media for being dumbasses, and he's correct.

I don't see what your problem with Intellectual Jimmy is, considering Intellectual Jimmy never yells over calls, gives other people a chance to speak, and promotes rational ideas on the show. The example you listed of why Intellectual Jimmy pisses you off isn't even an example that Jimmy used on the show. So I have no clue where your hatred seeps from.

Jimmy does not "destroy(s) the media". He calls out /some/ of their hypocrisy, but no-where near to the extent that Ant does.

The fact that you have zero clue as to why Intellectual Jimmy is full of non-logic means that there is no way I can explain it to you. But again...

On the Jim Norton Advice Show, he sounds pissed about people breaking "the traditions" about not talking specifics about addiction recovery groups. In his stand-up, he thinks that anyone who has any complaint about the TSA is a mamby-pamby liar.

In the O&A show, Jimmy constantly says that the future of society is that there are no feelings, everyone is plugged into everyone else's mind so that everyone knows what everyone else is thinking at all times.. you know, because that's how they show space aliens in movies.

Ant calls out the media when it suits his agenda,period. Halfwits think Ant is a smart guy,he is no smarter than your average fifty year old guy who has been around a bit. Unfortunately, Jimmy over the last few years has tended to default to Ant's opinions on the show way too much .Jim is smart enough to know that if he calls him out on the insane rants he goes off on it wouldn't be good for the show or their relationship, the show gets uncomfortable enough for Ant when Bill Burr or Breuer etc get on his case. Have you heard Ant's theory on eugenics? His theory that the spooks are genetically inferior to whites? February 5th or 6th 2013 i can't remember ,but it's gold. And as far as contradictions are concerned ,Ant is the KING. He can do it before he finishes a sentence. Fuckn funny guy though.

That's funny, because I thought this post was about Jimmy's scumbagish contradictions with regards to privacy rights. Maybe you were in the wrong thread?

cool story

"We'll just agree to disagree."

None of this appears to be a big deal like you're making it

It's clearly not a big deal, because it's clearly my opinion, and clearly, this is reddit.

Especially when that opinion has been contradicted by things Norton has actually said on Twitter.

Which directly contradicts things he's said in the air.

To which I present : Intellectual Jimmy.

Intellectual Jimmy is one of the best characters on the show, followed closely by Chip.

I really don't know where this perception comes from on this reddit that he is not intelligent at all. The guy is frequently invited to debate others on media. The guy's opinions on media and political correctness are all valid. So where does this perception come from?

Jimmy uses logic and reason when he wants to be serious about something. And he'll keep his temperament too, something his co-workers can't do at times. Remember that guy who called the show and said it was all "cock and balls"? Remember Opie flipping out on him? "THAT'S WHAT I DO NOW." Remember Ant flipping out about race and yelling over a caller? Jimmy is the one that wants the other guy to get his viewpoint across, he gives the other guy a chance.

When he's on his game, he's quickly become one of my favorite parts of the show. People expect him to provide NPR-level commentary for an entertainment show. For a show that doesn't cater to the intellectual elite, he's doing a pretty damn good job.

Why does jim "keeping his temperament" an integral part of making him intelligent?

Because he is reasonable and logical. And I don't see any issue with his opinions either, especially when they come to the hypocrisy of the media, or political correctness.

So, Zimmerman is guilty because he got into a fistfight while carrying a gun? Yep, lotso logic there.

When did he say that?

He doesn't give a fuck about the case. What he does care about is the media perception of the case, which is indisputably incompetent. They're censoring "n-word" and "f-words". They're making it more about "GASP! HE SAID THAT" instead of about the actual case. The media are total goofballs, so when Jimmy goes on his crusade against the media, what's the problem? Why is there an issue when he destroys the media for being incompetent?

During the what, 30-45 minute circular argument with Anthony a month or so back.

From what I've seen, he is less concerned about the case, and more about the media. He even makes this clear in his twitter.

Jim Norton ‏@JimNorton 3h RT @Kyron35: what do you think is Zimmerman guilty or was he just defending himself? -- I don't know. My hatred is directed at the media.

Yeah, because they only allow smart people on TV.

Fair point.

Did you hear Jimmy defend his position against the guy who stood up for Sterling today? I thought he did pretty well. Maybe it's just him debating stupid callers who can't put a coherent point together, but based on show information, he seems pretty solid.

I didn't listen today.

Jimmy is definitely smart, but people seem to make the mistake of thinking that being smart also means a person is infallible. Put anyone on the radio for four hours every day and you're bound to find some personality flaws.

Because he is reasonable and logical. And I don't see any issue with his opinions either, especially when they come to the hypocrisy of the media, or political correctness.