Anyone see that Bob Kelly Sherrod Small Travel Channel Show?

2  2013-06-26 by waytogo17

any comments or recaps? I did not get a chance to see it.


I liked it fine.


I watched it. It was a typical food show.

We're bobby and Sherri's able to be funny or were they on script?

Didn't seem scripted while they were eating. I don't think I would have found it funny if I didn't know bobby, though. There's only so many jokes you can make while eating in front of a tv crew

I saw a few minutes of it, it wasn't bad at all. Pretty good show and I hope they extend it for a full season.

Just watching. I love it. I love Bobby when he gets worked up about anything and he definitely gets excited about the food. I find that way funnier than any of the jokes. Probably cuz I can hear the boys trashing him for it in my head.

Yeah, if you're into douche chilly production value along with a weird looking fat guy disgustingly gorging on food and fail at being funny about it, it's amazing.