6/25/13 Listening Thread

3  2013-06-25 by [deleted]


Hopefully their scene in Chris Rock's movie isn't cut.

I just tuned in, what's going on?

E-Rock dressed up for today in hopes that he will be filmed for Chris Rock's movie.

Erock is a smart guy. I would try (almost) everything to better my chances of getting in a Chris Rock movie even in unpaid uncredited passing shot.

Just wondering: why? You wouldn't get paid, you wouldn't been seen by anyone unless you specifically tell them to look for you, you wouldn't meet any of the stars of the film, you wouldn't get a SAG card. It would be an interesting experience, but really no different then if you just stood around watching them film and in that situation you could come and go as you pleased, not stand around all day for $0.

If all you have to do is look nice and then for the rest of your life you can say "hey look at me in this clip!" why not?

Not that big of a fan of Marc Maron to be honest

He sounds like my manic/anxious clients. I listen to the show to escape them, so when Marc appears, I usually tune out.


Didn't catch why they left an hour early...but damn it is good to hear Patrice again. Usually I turn off Worst of but I'll leave this on.

Chris Rock is filming in their studio and other SiriusXM studios. It sounds like a montage scene of Chris Rock's character doing promotion for something and having to say the same thing over and over for interviews.

E-Rock dressed up for the occasion (in a new collared shirt he plans on returning later), hoping to be discovered.


They are back live

Did the show end early?

Yea, but they are back live


Hey Jorge! What do you think of Maron's IFC show? I've only seen a little bit of it and liked it and thought it was much better than that show Amy Schumer has on Comedy Central.

I quite like it, it does a good job of translating his personality to a sitcom.

Thanks! I'm gonna watch the rest on Hulu when I'm not busy with other shows. I don't get why there are people who hate Marc Maron. The most common thing that I've is that he's ripped off Bill Hicks. Even if he did, he makes up for it with the podcasts that he does.

what's going on here...


Funny hearing Opie riffing on tmz, wasn't he a fanboy for Harvey when they did an interview a while back?

O&A's commentary on the George Zimmerman trial is better than the trial itself....

You could never get me to sit down and watch the trial, even when I have cable. I just get the trial recaps from O&A now. Plus, they don't have that bitch Nancy Grace on pretending to be an expert about it.

Opie has no idea how old Maron is and he thinks Maron is older than him.

He said early on in the interview Opie said Maron had a few years on him.

Then, when Maron said that his dad was in his 70s, Opie said that his dad had him young.

Marc Maron is 48. Opie is 50.