I'm guessing Bobby gave up on losing weight, huh?

6  2013-06-25 by indeedtea

I'm ten minutes into his eating show on Travel Channel, and it looks like he's done with pretending that he's going to lose the weight again. Anybody else watching?


He just had a baby, give the guy a break....

Oh c'mon, it's only his 12th fat,

I caught the first few minutes, damn he's huge. But it's a great show though. Hope they can get a full season.

Yeah, the show is not bad at all.

I missed the beginning. What was the bit? They're challenging each other to eat a lot? Who gives a fuck?

It's an eating show where they compete against each other. They eat however many meals it takes for one of them to tap out and give up. In the mean time, they go around town eating at all the best/most interesting restaurants, showing the viewer some cool stuff. Not a bad idea, I just find it hard to watch grown men gorge themselves on food. Also, the Travel Channel is so afraid to do anything edgy that Bawby and Sherrod just end up being fat clowns who don't get to show their true funny.

The first show was okay, but admittedly I didn't get a chance to watch the full episode. I want to see how the full season goes, but from what I saw I did like it and I'd love to see more.

mildly entertaining. I'd like to see more Bobby and Sherrod riffing and less production fluff.

How is this different from Man vs. Food with Adam Richman?

It's two comics going around a town eating as much as they can in one day. Adam Richman basically eats one meal, these guys eat several. Other than that, the premise is pretty similar.

I know this is slightly off-topic but did you ever watch that show and notice that as the seasons went by, Adam Richman's voice gets hoarser, and he just looks worse and worse with every episode?

you guys are fucking sheep, one person says bobby/derosa/vos sucks and all you jump on it, where does this all come from? they are all funny comics. have you seen some of the newer comedy central half hours, they are terrible.

and bobbys bit on him getting so mad at his girl that he punched butter was hilarious, and he always has funny storys on the show.

Are you bawwwwby's CUNTYMOM?

No one would ever say your name is misleading, unless you don't have kids.

Now now, I have hated Vos since Last Comic Standing, long before anyone on an O&A message board told me to.

I was watching that last night and it confirmed everything I've always felt about Bob. Apparently not a lot of folks are with me on this but I find him to be unfunny, irritating, slightly disturbing to look at and whiny. Him, Derosa and Voss are kings of mediocrity in the comedy world and get way too much time on the show. I just don't get the appeal. Also yeah, he's fat as fuck and watching him stuff food into his face in the Florida heat was disgusting.

Well he's definitely disturbing to look at, but I think he's really funny both on the show and on stage. But these eating shows (like this one and Man vs. Food) are pretty gross.

Do you have any examples of good stand up bits of his on youtube? I try to like Bobby and he doesn't irritate me nearly as much as Voss or Derosa but I've just never laughed at anything he's ever said on or off stage. It amazes me when I remember that he's a comic.

I can't find much of his stuff on youtube. There used to be some of his vids on his website, but it's all his podcast now. (I loved his podcast, too, back when DeRosa was on it. Now it's just Bobby surrounding himself with open-micers. There's way too many people on each episode, I can't even listen any more. But I'm a huge Joe DeRosa fan, so when he left to take care of his mom, I stopped listening.)

I'm with you on that, I've never understood the appeal of Bob, unless he's there to be a punching bag for other better comics, like a slightly funnier Vos. But to each their own, I guess.

I know this is slightly off-topic but did you ever watch that show and notice that as the seasons went by, Adam Richman's voice gets hoarser, and he just looks worse and worse with every episode?