Please Help Me Fight for Free Speech

0  2013-06-25 by [deleted]

I decided to try and do something for free speech. I may not utilize it much, but I know how important it is to finally do something about it. The bbbbooooyyyyssss have helped me form my opinion on how important unfiltered free speech is, and for that reason I turn to you guys, my fellow pests. I know you guys feel the same way as I, without free speech we would not be able to enjoy the show most of us love so much. I have put together a team who is ready to honestly discuss free speech. Corporations and mob mentality are ruining free speech, expression, and I believe free thought. I feel we need to bring this up now, because if we don't bring the important information to the people it may become too late. With the comedian in Canada, Tosh, Imus, and of course the OnA Universe (plus countless others that were wrongfully affected) we are losing this battle. I will be discussing all sides of the issue because any bias reporting will only be discredited. I need your help raising funds so I can get great interviewees and be able to be able to get to them. Please help anyway you can: monetarily, sharing with friends and family, sharing on social media, anything you can think of. If you can help in any other way, do not hesitate to message me. I understand many will be critical of me, but know I am sincerely trying to help all of us. I cant imagine a life for us or our children where we have to hold back on our thoughts, speech, and theories in fear of offending others. The show has provided us all with countess hours of entertainment and this is how I feel I can do my part to stop this fraudulent outrage that threatens every artists future. Here is the link, please do anything you can:


Holy shit, I'm so fucking tired of the free speech conversation. Let me spell this out: Even if the viewers of Paula Deen's show don't mind that she said 'nigger,' even if her viewers LOVED the fact that she said 'nigger,' Food network executives would be out of their fucking minds to keep her show on.

The fact that Opie and Anthony are now at this point where they feel like they have to defend anyone from saying anything is so stupid. If you are employed by a company with a certain set of values, you can't be associated with someone who's associated with saying 'nigger.'

Just because this is the one that happened this week does not mean it is what I am doing this for. Its not about individual events, its about the subject as a whole. And yes, the Food Network would have probably gotten rid of her based off of ratings if they stuck with her because what she did was pretty bad. But if we keep catering to people every time something happens, not talking about this time, it will create a horrible environment. And they can defend whomever they want, there aren't many voices for people who are affected by mob mentality. This isn't about this one time, its about how the past has led to today, and how today leads to the future. Sooner or later, Ants speech will be what gets them fired if we cater to this mob mentality. I'm sure a lot of people are upset with his thoughts and opinions. And while we may disagree, they are his opinions.

Because it isn't clear from the rambling, incoherent OP: OP wants you to give him money. Because, free speech.

First off, I may not write perfectly but it is far from incoherent. Sure, my grammar is kind of awful and I may have run on sentences and be a little redundant, but that's why I don't write books and want to do film related writing and production. As for the money, yes I am trying to raise funds so I can make a documentary, I am doing so through a website that has raised money for countless other projects, so I don't know where you find fault in that. I do believe free speech is very important, and I have formed my opinions based off of a lot of stuff I've heard from the show. That's why I came here to post my stuff, like minded people and such. So what exactly is your point, other than being typical OnA fan AAAAAIIIIIDDDDSSSS guy.

So what exactly is your point

My point was clarity. You want money. Instead of saying "I want money to do ____", you post a massive wall of text that's not clear at all.

Its really not as bad as you're making it out to be. You're just being "that guy". The link provided makes my goal perfectly clear, and the stuff I wrote can throw out the formalities of it all because everyone on here knows what I think after I say "I have formed much of my opinion based off if the bbbbbboys opinion". Again, its not perfect grammatically, and is a little redundant, but you're defining it extremely because you're" that guy"

Edit: I'm not just asking for money. I'm asking for, if you agree with what I'm trying to do, help getting it funded. Whether its money, sharing, or thoughts and ideas.

I'm not "making it out" to be anything. I included zero editorialization on the matter. You seem to have a MASSIVE amount of trouble with stating things clearly and concisely (see: your OP and every reply), so I figured I'd help you out. You're welcome.

I don't see what your saying. Especially not in the body of text when you click on the link.

oh noes not mah freeze peach, a bloo bloo bloo

Even though you made fun of my grammar, I will do my best. I have already shared on my social networking sites and will donate as soon as possibel. It won't be much but I will do my best.

Thanks my dude, and you know we all joke on here, don't be offended.

Oh goody, PAC v2.0.

No, this is not a group doing the opposite of what watchdog groups do. This is a documentary concerning all bases of an issue and allowing the viewer to decide. I don't want to tell people what to do or think, I want to provide them deep, interesting, and informative opinions and allow them to make up their own mind. So Mr. pessimist who would rather definite something as what it isn't instead of help, what would you do? Easy to try and pick at others ideas, put something on the table.

Easy to try and pick at others ideas, put something on the table.

You're not my supervisor

Ok. I hate, HATE, O+A+J's view on Freedom of Speech. They are absolutely wrong. And Jimmy's view in particular is not well developed, and is strangely really narrow and only confined to comics; his view is basically "if you mean to be funny you can say what you please."

Freedom of Speech refers to protection from the government. SiriusXM, the Food Network, CBS radio are not the government. They are free to do what they want. It's their RIGHT to do what they want. The boys sometimes acknowledge this and follow up with "well let the free market decide whether or not they want them." Guess what? Sponsors shunning shows due to public pressure is the free market at work. You don't like it, you are free to bitch and whine to the sponsors and the radio/tv station just like the other side, if you convince them that your side has more value to the company than your show will most likely be safe.

Lets not forget that a company could fire (or not renew a contract) someone for whatever reason (with some narrow exceptions).

Do I think people are retarded for getting mad at words!? Abso-fucking-lutely.

You want to do something about it? Support guys that speak their mind, and aren't afraid to express unpopular opinions. If there are enough of you, eventually the tide will turn. I doubt it happens anytime soon though. Spouting "Freedom of Speech" does nothing, because its not even the same argument.

I couldn't agree with you more. Freedom of speech is about having no limitations to your speech from the government, their idea is you shouldn't have ramifications (socially or financially) to your speech.

Guess what? Sponsors shunning shows due to public pressure is the free market at work.

Not really. That would be more akin to burning down every McDonalds and saying "nobody can buy their product anymore! Free market lol!" It's not the free market, it's mob tactics.

No it isn't like that, because that is a physical action. People in cases like Imus react with (essentially) threats of not opening their wallets, not with attacks, or threats to attack.

A small number of people create a facade of a big number. Also, no one who wants the person left alone ever calls to state they support the person in question. If that happened these people would never be fired. Hypothetically, if a show has 1m listeners and they mess up, maybe 50,000 listeners are against what was said. The people who call up are those who follow watchdogs that tell people what is said and to call and complain. The problem lies in that fact that the sponsors only hear from those who are offended, never from the people who still will buy from the sponsor.The offended, of course, can still not buy the product of the sponsors. But if the millions of people not offended by what was said would call and say "I Support Person A" than the couple hundred thousand would be drown out the way they drown out people now.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. And that's the only way to reverse this trend. But I don't see it happening because the vast majority of people are straight up apathetic (and rightfully so).

Hence why I want to do this documentary

Even if that is the case, it never gets to that point. No sponsor or Corp waits around long enough after a incident to find out what the next ratings cycle looks like.

I think that's being overly literal. I'd imagine the Imus' show posted higher ratings than usual during his scandal. It wasn't immediately about the ratings, it was about the bad press companies got from being associated with Imus. You can bet those companies received letters from Sharpton, and Jackson, and all sorts of other private citizens. You can bet lot of those letters had terms like "boycott", "never buy", and "[competitor's name]." Those companies have people on staff whose only job is to study their customer base. I'd bet that there are all sorts of studies on who is most likely to boycott a product, and I'd bet that the people writing those letters threatening to boycott are at the very top of that list.

I don't necessarily agree with that, but it ain't my advertising dollars.

They've elaborated the last few days that it's all the peer pressure from political groups and Sharpton that anger them. But yeah, I've been seeing your type of viewpoint more and more, and it's nice to see them acknowledge the other side and debate with other people on air without resorting to immature tactics (Ant yelling over opponent, boys hanging up on callers).

I will say that O&A are biased because they work in the industry, and they're fed up with people like JV and Elvis (a show they feuded with) getting fired because of "Asian accents". And Jimmy is correct when he says America has become a country of liars because you can't say the honest truth without getting fired.

I will say that O&A are biased because they work in the industry, and they're fed up with people like JV and Elvis (a show they feuded with) getting fired because of "Asian accents". And Jimmy is correct when he says America has become a country of liars because you can't say the honest truth without getting fired.

IDK if its biased as much as they see it and are involved in it much more than we are. Everything else you are saying is why I want to do this documentary and why I need people to donate and spread the word for me. Ill do this whole subreddit proud.


Do it your fucking self, start a kickstarter, take extra hours etc. I refuse to give you a red cent, but do plan on entertaining this idea of a documentary I know for fuckbuckets isn't going to be made.

Take your freedom of speech and shove it, sir.

I started a IndieGoGO campaign, same thing. And no one said you had to do anything, just asking people if they can help. And of course it may not get made, but if I can do it, I will.

If you read the description on the page, I do acknowledge its not a government free speech thing. But we are being bred to lie and worry about what we say in fear of repercussions. Artists should be able to express whatever they want, no matter what. And we need to bring the debate to the table about words and phrases. Also, another way i can do something about it is make a film that will inform people, that's how I like to do things. I like to use my creativity to inform people and that's what I want to do, hence why I came here to ask for help. Your entitled to agree, disagree, or laugh at me for trying, but I believe I can help people in this issue

Right, but by calling it "Freedom of Speech" you are invoking the classical definition of that term, which is inherently political (government not censoring, or arresting you for something you say). People being punished by private citizens and/or private entities is not a Freedom of Speech issue. Its a totally different issue. I know it sounds like semantics, but its really not.

Its all good, i actually appreciate the constructive criticism and pointing that out. I have to figure out how to term it then.

Even if that is the case, it never gets to that point. No sponsor or Corp waits around long enough after a incident to find out what the next ratings cycle looks like.

No it isn't like that, because that is a physical action. People in cases like Imus react with (essentially) threats of not opening their wallets, not with attacks, or threats to attack.

Its really not as bad as you're making it out to be. You're just being "that guy". The link provided makes my goal perfectly clear, and the stuff I wrote can throw out the formalities of it all because everyone on here knows what I think after I say "I have formed much of my opinion based off if the bbbbbboys opinion". Again, its not perfect grammatically, and is a little redundant, but you're defining it extremely because you're" that guy"

Edit: I'm not just asking for money. I'm asking for, if you agree with what I'm trying to do, help getting it funded. Whether its money, sharing, or thoughts and ideas.