Are they nice to the interns because of HR issues?

1  2013-06-24 by harriswill

Compelete speculation here;

It seems insane that every time a guy goes after the female interns (Rob Bartlett, Davey Mac) O&A try to snuff out the bit. It's completely out of character cause other than that teen mom recently, any stuck up "hot chick" have received absolute wrath on the show (Listen to Ashley Dupre interview from a few years back if you disagree).

Is it possible Opie took on these girl interns as a favor for Brother Wease, and now can't go after them for fear that they'll run to HR and get interns off the show for an extended time again? Intern Stevie was 18 months with no intern, who knows how long a potential sexual harassment charge would be?

Again this is all speculation, and the only reason I bring this up is because O&A&J have never done anything to sacrifice the content of the show without a good reason, and this is the only one I can think of.

If you can think of an explanation like this I'd love to hear. There's no way a couple of 7's can throw off the show like what's happened.


They are nice to the interns because Anthony is a pervert. That has since become the bit and the rest are running with it. It's also a change of pace.

Pervert is a strong word for a man who is attracted to girls in their physical prime. When I'm 60 I'll still be jerking off to 18 year olds, wishing I had a shot with them.

No, I think pervert is a perfect fit. I get the bit, but i'm not a fan personally

As long as Travis doesn't kick them in their cunts, I think everything will be fine.
