Ron & Fez: Staff is Hypnotized to believe they are Opie Anthony.

28  2013-06-23 by glueleg


Fun starts around 11 minutes in.

Are you trying to say that 11 minutes of Opie complaining isn't fun? AIIIIIIIDDDSS tss tss


Thanks I was getting sick of hearing Op bash Steve

Love this bit. ESD keeps going "aaalright" and the guy doing Jimmy is just nasty then turns everything into a plug. Fezzy is good as Opie too, coming up with crazy scenarios to do and also bringing it back around asking jimmy where he's gonna be and steering the show. lol so good

The Steve from Bayshore line was a homerun.

I've noticed he doesn't get as many shout-outs on air as he used to, though he has been on Live at the Compound. Anyone know why?

this was too funny and so dead on - love to see an updated version


Hypnotism his bullshit. Fun clip though.