Jim Norton/Amistad/Spielberg/OnA Interview ----> Plz Help Me Solve My Brain Fart

1  2013-06-21 by waytogo17

I was relistening to OnA's amazing interview w/ Crispin Glover (seriously that guy is a righteous dude and I had no idea before)

Anyways Crispin was talking about how he thought Spielberg's films deal in "propaganda"

It made me remember another recent OnA show where I think they were talking to somebody who brought up the fact that they didn't like this one film for some reason and Jim guessed correctly immediately that it was Amistad by Spielberg and the reason why the person didn't like it was the fact that it focused too much on the white heroes.

Anybody remember who OnA were talking to at this time or the context of this discussion?

much thanks if you can help me!


It was Quentin Tarantino. Tarantino was talking about Django Unchained and other movies about slavery like "The Legend of (word I don't feel like repeating) Charlie. Tarantino said one of the guys he works with? or knows? or worked on the aforementioned movie? Didn't like a certain movie (which Jim guessed correctly) because the heroes were white.

The password is... nigger

Thanks so much, you are totally right! I was just listening to that interview again like last week, must be why it was in the back of my mind when I heard the Crispin interview again.