Has anyone picked up any mannerisms from the show?

16  2013-06-14 by dazwah

Things like saying "whazzat?" when you see or hear "chip". Because that's the biggest one for me.



Yup. I say this when someone says something ridiculous, I almost can't help it.

I say it when I say something ridiculous and no one laughs/gets it.

Would ya!? Did ya!?

Is it!?

Lol do all of these

I... Hurt myself todayyy, to see if I still feel...

"Did ya???"


This !! It is such a great way to shut down a douche.

"Why wouldn't it" is my go-to cynical response.

Now that I think about it, I do that quite a bit, too.

I pull this one out a lot now. Why wouldn't you/they/he/she.

All the time

when a stereotypical thing happen sI just say in Jimmy's disgusted voice "Of course!"


they don't say "why wouldn't it" they say "why would it" as in when something is broken you say "why WOULD it work?"


I tried a "WE HEARD YOU" on my gf...didn't end well

anytime anyone mentions someone under the age of 15, I go "suuuuuuure" in my head.

Oh uncle tightbuttholesoup

My use of the word CUNT increased 1000% after listening to the boys. Chip references constantly during the day too.

I'm constantly giving myself terrible "The ______ Kid" nicknames.

Thank christ I'm not the only weirdo doing this. I also give myself "boy most likely to ____" titles.

Preachin' to the choir.

for awhile my brother and I would always say 'Language!' whenever someone was swearing. I miss Jimmy saying that.

Not sure if it qualifies as a mannerism, but I drop Chip bombs as often as I can.

I do too, my wife HATES it.

Ewwww and fucking yuck


"______ comment?"

Yes I do the 'whazzat' every time I hear "chip" and unfortunately for myself I work in an industry where the word "chip" is used several times a day. Most the time I say it in my head, but a few times I've said it out loud and people just look at me like "huh"?


your nail polish won't chip

chips ahoy

where do you work?


chipped tooth

so many possibilities

At this point I want to see how many possibilities you can come up with before I actually say. Here's a hint you're off the mark so far. Keep going.

You're chipper

potato chip

corn chip

chocolate chip

chip on my shoulder

chip off the old block


bargaining chip

chips and dip

fish & chips

microchip implant

let the chips fall where they may

wow, you could be tony stark, or gordon ramsey

poker chip

rfid chip

chipping away at marble

You're davinci, nigggertosis

i say SHADDUP a lot more when angry thanks to angry Anthony response to cunty callers

I do Edgar's shudduppp, to my girl all the time. She hates me.

i say 'shaaaaaaaUUUUUUudddduuuuuuppppPPPP.....' like young jimmy

I say "that don't make no sense" quite a bit with a full chip accent. Usually gets a chuckle even from people who have no awareness of chip.

I do that sometimes but my version sounds less like Chip and more like Keenan's rip-off

Mine is terrible

I love Jimmy's "eachh" of disgust. it's a total rip off but whenever I see something I want to critic or rant about it usually begins with an involuntarily eachhhh...

The "I heard you trick" is almost always good to pull with friends at parties. Everyone loffs and loffs.

Lol when i get into a situation where that works, it's gold

How 'bout this... Shut your face!


did ya ?

That one REALLY pisses-off my ole lady. LOL


does anyone feel generally funnier and quicker. Like in conversations I find my self picking up on all these little minute details in what someone is saying and have those little quick one liners without missing a beat. It's like listening to them for 4 hours is great brain training for shitting on your friends.

Yes! So much of my sense of humor is a result of being a hardcore listener since '98. I genuinely feel I have a superior sense of humor to most people because of the level of comedy I'm exposed to through the show. It sucks that none of my friends or family listen as I have no one to share references with, but on the plus side I blatantly use material from the show and get huge laughs at work and with friends so that's pretty awesome.

Jeeezus Christ fffff... Pffff... Sonofabitch.

I don't know about mannerisms but I sure as hell don't like Paul Rudd anymore.

I do that thing that Ant and Jim do to each other where they ask really obvious questions. For example, if my roommate stubs his toe and goes "Ow fuck, this goddamn piece of shit what is it doing here, my motherfucking toe god damn." Then I'll ask what happened and he'll say "I stubbed my god damn toe." Then I'll ask "you don't like stubbing your toe?"

My friends and I have done the same thing for years.

Ow, fuck!

What happened?

I stubbed my fucking toe!

Did you like that?

This usually evokes laughter from everyone present except the person being asked.

I sometimes find myself purposely mispronouncing words in an Edgar voice.

I once messaged a girl on OKCupid with various Regular Joe-isms. It seemed to be working until she deleted her account.

OKCupid how bout OKWork..ah what the hell do I know


"I got some liiiiifts in mah shooooes!!"

The way Jimmy says "I hhhhhhhhhhate -----." how he adds so much emphasis to the beginning of the word.

The number of times I use the words dummy, dolt, zero, zilch, goose egg, and ghoul has increased 1000%

Watching NHL playoffs. "and Ference chips it on ahead." Whazzat? It's become instinctive.


Shit dick


Oh, Frank was betta?

Hello, Bill!


Do ya?

Opie referring to everything as "dumb." "just my dumb little-" "In the end its just a dumb-"

of all the things said on the show, you picked up the worst mannerism from the worst source.

Jimmy's 'In highschool i was voted most likely too ..........' also i say 'it stinks' alot

UGH... Howlin' I got a --- on ma house! schwoogies good evening


FOCK YEAHHH/drrryyyyyyyyy/opies "YO (insert name here)"/cunt

"In Dutch"

Some things I can't stop saying:

Muckety-muck Allllright Queeb, quay, mo What's up with that? That's fucked up.

I'm going into English Jimmy more often now.

I've been listening since around 2005. . . Discovering the O&A Show was one of the best and worst things that could have happened to me. I was already a little warped, but finding like-minded folks just made me even worse. LOL The whole "Would ya?" thing has started MANY fights with my wife. LOL


Uhhhgg. When I hear someone say something completely fucking retarded.

For me its all about the dumb wordplay they do. As long as I can say it with a straight face in real life it always gets a laugh



Sometimes I'll respond to something how Anthony always says "what". Either a quick short "whut" or a drawn out "whuuut".

"Thanks, literal _____"

When I'm arguing with my girlfriend and she starts talking over me i go "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON" and then start laughing uncontrollably.

lots of cringe in here. I don't know how many of you are from the NY area but I have a bud out there who says a lot of what they say on show but isnt a listener. Is this a NY, NJ thing?

About 90% of the people that post here have.

Things like saying "whazzat?" when you see or hear "chip". Because that's the biggest one for me.

So what you're saying is that you've picked up Bobo's proclivity to spout show references that no one gets, and with zero context? /s

I won't say it out loud, usually, but whenever I hear someone say chip or read the word, I think "wazzat?" almost immediately.

Whew. Ok. :)

ITT: People with no personality find purpouse thanks to a satelite radio show.


"I got some liiiiifts in mah shooooes!!"