Farrah Abraham interview was CRINGE INDUCING

28  2013-06-13 by tlake2525

Holy Shit. "I was offered so many different offers from different companies to be a porn star, but I'm just not about that"

Are you kidding me? You made the video BECAUSE you wanted to sell it you dumb twat.


I think she had a line in there about being glad that she could do this while she was young and could look back on it when she was older - which used to be what women said about a Playboy spread, not a hardcore anal vid. The times they are a changin'.

I got nothing against porn stars, but treating it like a regrettable lower back tattoo that you got during your crazy twenties is maybe a world I don't "get."

Golly, grandma, you sure had a nice butthole when you were younger!

I can't wait to watch her show and contemplate tough questions like whether or not to get her 4 year old a cell phone. Are you kidding me. She made a porno with probably the most famous male porn star today and she claimed it was a homemade tape. I wish nothing but the worst for her.

The fact that they didnt bash her into the ground hurts my soul

I know, I'm concerned that they're getting soft in their old age.

Pretty sure Anthony was hard the whole time

Nope, she's too old for Ant.

If that is the case then he may have destroyed the console. Which is just what they needed to get it out of the "studio. " I'm pretty sure now Opie used her to create an excuse for a new console

Perhaps they didn't because jimmy complained to roland last week that they don't get any female guests. It would have looked pretty shitty if when they finally get a female guest they completely destroyed her.

That makes sense. Thats the only reason I could figure is because Roland takes the heat remember that time he cried? So awkward

The problem is if they bash everyone into the ground, they'll never book guests.

Also notice they usually bash them before or after they leave.

Who cares its a shitty guest anyways

From what I understand a lot of times shitty guests share publicists/agencies with bigger guests (that they actually want), and in order to eventually get the bigger /actually interesting guests on the show, they have to have the shitty guests on first to sort of get into the good graces / build a positive rep with the publicist/agency. It's building a bridge instead of burning one, and they have to be careful about which ones they choose to burn.

Yea I would imagine that plays in as well

You gotta book the shitty guests with the PR agency to get the good guests. That's usually how it happens.

"You want to talk to X? Ok, we can do that as long as you talk to Y too"


Yeah she was a dumb cunt. I was disappointed when they didn't call her out. Oh well, there will be a million more just like her

She made it sound like it was a private tape and she was strong-armed into releasing. What the fuck ever.

She knows exactly what it was, her PR team knows what it was, but the hype of it came from the premeditated plan to say it was a leaked "private" sex tape, then have the guy say it wasn't, her to deny it, them bash each other on gossip sites over it so that Vivid - the makers of the porn in the first place - could "buy" it and release it at the peak of the 'I gotta see and decide if its porn or not' curiosity. In fairness she generated the most buzz of any of these chicks that have tried to go the Paris/Kim K route since getting dicked on camera made them stars. Taking one in the shitter took it a nice extra step too.

So now, she has to/has been told to keep trying to peddle the nonsense story she has to stand by, clearly bullshit to most as it may be. Sure, most rational people with half a brain (plus her) realize it is an insult to intelligence to expect this crap to be believed, but this demographic doesn't make up the fan base for any of her future shows or other endeavors and will have no problem believing that nonsense she spews. Her PR team knows this and it's better for the people who weren't going to buy into her "brand" after blowing their load to speculate (even if with 100% certainty) that she's lying than for her to openly admit she made it up and break the little hearts of the morons who love her and think she was done dirty by that mean porn man with her poop odor on his dick. It's actually the smart move, crazy as that may seem.

As for the boys, they know at this point there's nothing to gain by blatantly attacking the half-wit that isn't named Bobo in the room, especially when she's a time-killer until Seth Rogen comes in. So Ant asks her questions in a delightfully mocking tone, Jimmy (with the exception of a spirited Dr.Phil bashing, always fun) chiming in with his disinterested and bored tone and Opie finishing his Sudoku and barely acknowledging her presence was good enough for me. I think you kind of need to care to execute a good bashing, and fucks given were scarce for this broad. The patronizing and subtle mockery was more than enough to keep me happy. A punch to the face isn't always needed to win the fight.

TL;DR: She's dumb. She recites the scripted lie to satisfy her half-wit fans. She was bashed, just very subtly yet still satisfying because she's a zilch and subtle was more than she deserved.

Holy shit.

I'd like to introduce you to /r/conspiracy

Ha, isn't the basis of PR basically low-level conspiracy? I've worked in media for a long time, the emperor's new clothes theory is almost always correct.

I mean, I'm not saying it's not possible. But I watched her on TV for 5 or 6 years. I don't think she's that good an actress.

Maybe, but could she be just dumb enough to begin believing the lie that she's been told to tell hundreds of times at this point? I vote yes with a smile, and a boner for good measure (being the first time my boner and good measure have ever been said in the same sentence...nice burn, me).

You very well could be right, it just all seems too calculated, and if there's anything Vivid clearly knows how to do, it's manipulate morons with fake tits and open-for-business snatches/turd cutters.

really nice post. yeah i just find it next to impossible to believe this hole is able to generate all this media buzz on her own...and even still, the tape flopped because no one even knows who she is, and pretty whores taking it up the ass are a dime a dozen, and hell, she ain't even pretty.

be surprised if she doesn't kill herself by 25

I'm sure she was under the guise that her taping was going to remain private when she signed her "Model Release" form and paid a daily rate for her work.

Exactly, I've heard this chick on several different radio shows since the "sex tape" released and only ONE show so far has called the whole thing b.s. to her face. And that show is Jocktober eligible. So wtf is with O&A now? I haven't heard them lay into a guest in a very long time, especially one so deserving as Farrah.

Oooooh, which show?

i didn't catch today's show but from the comments it seems the boys are going soft with this shit. normally they would have ripped her apart

Yeah they don't have it in them anymore. Years ago they probably would have played back the porno to her and gone through it scene-for-scene until she stormed out or her publicist rushed in to save her.

Yes this. Hate to say it, but the show has completely lost it's edge and is getting less and less entertaining every year. If it wasn't for Jimmy, I'd have jumped ship a while ago.

I admit, I watched 16 and Pregnant 1 and Teen Mom 1 all the way through (I started watching 16 and pregnant because I wanted to feel better about myself, and couldn't stop watching the train wreck). This fucking cunt had me SCREAMING at the television on a regular basis. It's sad to hear the boys didn't fuck with her. Very sad. I'm actually really disappointed in them.

You know what was most upsetting? How that cunt treated her mom and took her to court because her mom slapped the shit out of her for being disrespectful. Good for the mom. And that fucking Crying face. I wanted to force choke that bitch

heres the Crying Twat's Face

So that's why they were in court! I only saw the aftermath, where the mother had to walk on eggshells around her frigid, manipulative daughter to even see her grandchild. She really was incredibly hatable on the show and I feel sorry for her kid.

As for the interview on O&A, I knew it was going to be a winner when Anthony was talking about girls in the 70's and 80's not shaving and shying away from anal and Farrah had no fucking idea what he meant and thought he was taking a shot at her. She's just an attention-seeking idiot and that's all we got to hear on the show.

She CONSTANTLY played the victim. Drove me fucking BANANAS.

I have a theory that Derek's "accident" was no accident.

bitch cut his tires or some shit.

Hell no, I think he got into the accident on purpose to get away from her, because he knew that he'd be stuck with her as long as that kid was coming.

If I recall correctly, he never knew she was preggo.

Really? I thought he did.


Sure we are. Grab a dick and join us.

Maybe if that twat wasnt acting like such a twat, they wouldn't have been broken up at the time, and he wouldn't have been trolling around looking for some good old fashion muff.

I wanted to force choke that bitch

Ok, Darth InternetGuy

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

I watch those show too. What grossed me out the most was that she used the same voice and the word "baby" with the porn star as she uses with her daughter. Nasty.

This was upsetting. She said many shitty things that they could've called her out on but didn't. I don't even get why. She's such a moron. I don't even hate her because of the dumb things she has does but the dumb shit she says is beyond irritating. "Be about that", "over it", "anal, what's the big deal?" So freaking frustrating to listen to.

It was the first time I ever had to change the channel on O and A. She's such a piece of trash, no insult intended to trash.

the only bit of respect i could have possibly had for her was pulled out of me when jacking off to her video

i became a listener through the patrice series...so could someone explain the difference, if any, in the show both before and after patrice? i mean, reading the comments here, i have a hard time imagining this interview would have lasted more than 5 minutes had patrice been around.

and they didn't trash her so they could keep getting guests....farah fucking abraham? who gives a fuck.. she doesn't have an ounce of influence that could affect the boys in any way shape or form

Ok. So, here it goes. I'm going to attempt to explain the influence of Patrice on the show. It certainly won't do any justice though.

When Opie And Anthony first started out at BAB and the eventual move over to NEW, they were true-to-form shock jocks. They had sponsors up the ass, georgeous girls literally taking everything off at the door and some crazy shit went down. They were riding high on that wave of success, and then Sex for Sam happened. They got kicked off the air in 2002 for that competition (Some people blame Paul Mecurio for it since he was with the couple at the cathedral)

Fast Forward to August 6, 2004. Opie and Anthony return to the airwaves under XM Satellite Radio. Patrice Oneal's first visit ever on Opie and Anthony was January 28th, 2005.

Patrice added a flavor to the show that could be compared to chumming shark infested water. Patrice was not afraid to call people out on their uncomfortableness when dealing with issues such as race http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Amx_xHjy8UI

or feminism people who think they know comedy

Patrice a brutal, blunt, tell you how it is, who spared no one, especially comics and those closest to him. ­Discomfort was one of his favorite tools. He stirred the pot and kept things interesting. When you heard Opie say "Patrice in Studio!" after coming back from break, OH GOD did you know it was going to be fireworks.

And God. That Mother Fucking laugh. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6PCXF2NfMg That drawn out, over the top laugh. His laugh alone would make you howl.

Circling back.

O&A have lost a bit of that attack spark since Patrice passed. If Patrice was in studio when that twat was talking, he would have DEMOLISHED her. Completely and utter destruction.

I hope this helps paint the picture of how patrice entered the show, what he did for the show and comedy, and what he would have done.

great post, this is what i was looking for. yeah i just found it really odd that they even had her on, and going off the cringe fest that has been other models in studio, i figured it was going to be a worthwhile listen...but nope. the kicker is she's average at best, and not even remotely interesting. i have a hard time believing this interview lasted longer than 10 minutes without someone thinking there was a glimmer of hope.

i mean, it's kinda annoying to see comments like "they want to keep getting guests" when one of the most famous moments in show history is norton going toe to toe with ventura [like him or not the man is a former governor] on issues of actual substance, or hell, the louie incident with rummy..yet embarrassing an amateur anal porn whore who has literally 0 influence in the industry whatsoever is off the table? ekkkkkhhhhhhh

Patrice was on at WNEW with Vos

You can tell that without selling videos of her snatch being pounded, she's got absolutely NOTHING else. I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. LOL I definitely don't see her going on to a high-paying career as a brain surgeon or working as a rocket scientist. She's famous for being a little on the skanky side to begin with. . . To borrow from the B-B-Boys: You have to protect the "brand". As for the cringe-inducing part of the interview, I have to agree. Don't piss on me and tell me that it's raining, you average-looking slut!


I'm really looking forward to her journey, as she finds out where she fits in, in this crazy world of ours. ughhhhh, her show will be dreadful.

Jimmy said something at the very end of the interview, which was very telling, "very smart of you to market this as a sex tape" etc etc. He was basically saying, yeah we know youre full of shit but go ahead and tow the company line.

Hypocritical bitch


Oh, shit, they really had her on? And, from the sound of it, they didn't trash her?

(I'm lagging a week behind.)

What can you ask her? "Uh, do you do anal? How much did you make from the sale of the tape? Hoo-hoo!"

lol @ anyone believing she didn't make and release the tape on purpose, there is no way in hell it was a home sex tape that what's his name wanted to "leak" for free, such horseshit story and no one called her out on it :-/

Audio please?

Yeah they don't have it in them anymore. Years ago they probably would have played back the porno to her and gone through it scene-for-scene until she stormed out or her publicist rushed in to save her.

If that is the case then he may have destroyed the console. Which is just what they needed to get it out of the "studio. " I'm pretty sure now Opie used her to create an excuse for a new console

Nope, she's too old for Ant.

From what I understand a lot of times shitty guests share publicists/agencies with bigger guests (that they actually want), and in order to eventually get the bigger /actually interesting guests on the show, they have to have the shitty guests on first to sort of get into the good graces / build a positive rep with the publicist/agency. It's building a bridge instead of burning one, and they have to be careful about which ones they choose to burn.

You gotta book the shitty guests with the PR agency to get the good guests. That's usually how it happens.

"You want to talk to X? Ok, we can do that as long as you talk to Y too"