Can't talk about race without being labeled a racist? But Ant, you ARE a racist

3  2013-06-12 by [deleted]

I understand the argument - it is difficult to speak about race without being labeled a racist. But Ant IS a racist, so I don't understand why he always tries to make this argument. He's the worst person to make it. He believes in eugenics. He thinks "certain cultures" have lower IQs and are naturally prone to violence.

IMO if Robert Zimmerman fully understands Ant's position on race, coming on the show does his entire cause a grave injustice.


Am I wrong in assuming everyone on reddit that listens to O and A just bitches about both hosts?

I don't think it's bitching. It's a discussion. We listen to these people for hours at a time. And it's almost as if we're friends, but instead of talking to the hosts we talk to each other about what we hear. IMO

I understand I hate when opie talks 95% of the time because it always is a management sucks piece that goes on for an hour. But ive just come to expect itm great thing about bennington you never know what that fucker is gonna say


Ahhh I agree with Ant a lot but its probably the demographic I grew up in. When he argues with stats I have no issues.

I hate both hosts. doesn't mean the show's not entertaining.

Ron Bennington is where its at

Just a bunch of faggots that think it's their duty to police dissenters to their warped worldview.

I mean a nice google search will show you crime by race. And for the product of their environment shit are you telling me no one has ever made it out of the ghetto? Hard to believe

Hurr I make a blanket statement and attribute it to the asshole I am replying to, and then disagree with that statement. DURRRrrrRRRR...

You are the one that goes to the extreme and puts words into mouths, sure some have made it out of the ghetto, I never stated they did not.

Try again.

4% (black males between the ages of 16-24) commit 10x the amount of crime for their demographic. It takes a really naive or dishonest person to say otherwise. Do you think all of those 'Gangstas' are law abiding citizens? lel.

Yea I was agreeing with you and hammering home your point..... relax

You spewed hate and got banned, and now your butthurt about it

"Spewed hate" is the gayest Godamn phrase I've ever heard. I hope you get dragged behind a truck.

Ant is like the Alex Jones of race. He has good points, and a lot of what he says is true, but then he goes crazy with the other 25% and loses us all in the deep end.

A good Ant rant trumps an Alex Jones rant, though. Especially when Ant yells over callers trying to fumble and bumble their points across.

Going back to Keith, when people actually argue rationally with Anthony and don't call him "anachronistic" or attack him on air, he'll calmly debate anyone. Having Keith on today really was entertaining. I hope he calls in more to the program.

This is exactly my point - anything he says that makes sense is lost.

Anthony keeps talking about "emotion" driving the pro-Martin side of the case when he is by far the most emotional person I've ever heard talk about this story, including the Zimmerman family. I'm not saying he's right or wrong (I honestly haven't followed this story, so sue me) but goddamn he's worked up.

Keep in mind the pro-travon side is making death threats. The home addresses of several members of the Zimmerman family have been posted online with threats. Spike Lee has done it several times suggesting people physically harm them.

Also there have been a few cases of black "youths" beating white people while saying things like "this is for Trayvon"

I'm not defending trayvon or his "supporters" I'm just saying that Anthony also brings a lot of emotion to it.

True, but I think there is a pretty bold line between yelling and trying to murder innocent people for having the same name as someone.

Fair enough.

Rant/TLDR Anthony is a racist, but it doesnt mean he is incorrect all the time.

I do think Anthony is a racist, but it doesnt make him incorrect when pointing out certain facts. There are instances where one can not argue with facts. There are also instances where I can disagree with someone, or in this case be highly entertained by them regardless of our personal ideologies (religious, political, social, etc).

The laughable/depressing politically correct sentiments often shared on reddit mimic religious dogma. By that I mean somehow subjects can not be debated or discussed regardless of proof to the contrary. "Black folks suck" is an opinion. There is an inordinate amount of single mothers in the black community is a fact. There is an inordinate amount of black people in jail is a fact. There is an inordinate amount of violence in the black community is a fact. You can not bring up these facts, regardless of race, without being labeled a racist/uncle thom is an unfortunate fact (ask Bill Cosby). When subjects become too taboo to even mention, never mind to openly discuss, only does harm. That is his point most of the time regardless of his personal ideology.

It is absolutely unhealthy to take subjects and words off the table because someone might be offended. Protecting the fragile feelings of a select few is not a constitutional/god given right. Unfortunately it is the highly stupid that are easily offended because they lack the basic intelligence to understand the difference between wants, needs, choices and rights.

And what we're doing, through all this, is empowering stupidity and ignorance. We're saying that it's correct, normal, even the expected thing to ignore patterns of behavior, and simply regurgitate talking points to explain them away. It's disgusting.

stop saying "we" you sound like an idiot

How many black people would be in jail if there schools were any good? How many black people would be in jail if they could sell drugs without the whole world making them feel like shit for doing it? We all love drugs. LET THEM SELL IT AND LET US BE HAPPY. THE DRUG WAR IS A FUCKING JOKE.

Who knew SJWs listened to Opie and Anthony?

Go back to tumblr.

Fuck no, those are the faggots we're empowering.

Ant actually pulls punches during the show. There's so many things he could say that are factually correct but politically incorrect.

Is Ant right about his views. Fuck no. People that spew eugenics are either dead Nazis or really fucking stupid white people that in no way - shape - or form would be the foundation of a new master race. If this selection did occur, these idiots would be the last ones picked.

Secondly, if you hate black people, the idea of mixed race couples, talk about white genocide, and then have black guys at your Summer Parties we need to question what the fuck you do believe in.

Finally, this shit totally kills the idea of getting others interested in the show. I can spark up Ron and Fez and get folks to listen but Ant's Rants completely kills any chance of people I introduce to the O&A show listening again.

"I love black people, I hate niggers"

It is funny how nationalists (of all races) have really contributed nothing to society and like to ride the coat-tails of their race instead of just being their own person.

Think of them as entertainment. The show really shouldn't be taken seriously.

No, the show should be entertaining. It shouldnt take itself seriously. Thats the problem.

When did they take themselves seriously?

This isn't CNN you're listening to, or even Fox News. It's an entertainment radio program.

Hearing the same hour long rants about race and government is entertaining to you?

They're not an hour long, though. I will say he repeats the same lines over and over, but he does not go an hour.

they are usually an hour long, what show are you listening to? today they talked about trayvon for an hour and 10 minutes. thank god keith was on the line for half an hour or it would have been typically unbearable.

thats the exact problem. its not cnn or fox news, and ant uses it as his personal soapbox to go on hour long rants that turn the show for all intents and purposes into these things.

if i were being ENTERTAINED, it would be ENTERTAINING. its not fun or funny. its boring talk radio.

Most of his rants are just an aside. Ant makes a snarky comment, goes off for about 10 minutes, then Opie moves the discussion along. 95% of Ant's political beliefs are just that, a brief mention.

And It's talk radio now instead of what the boys did back in the day. That's the direction the show went after the lawyers shut down the drum challenges and stunts. It won't be like the old days (remember when they had callers wake up significant others in the morning?) but it's still fairly entertaining.

I will say, after all our arguing about Ant and his beliefs, today was the first time I'd wished he'd talk about something interesting, but I was operating on a severe lack of sleep and found the first few minutes boring. Again, that was before Keith called.

Not every time, but I have heard plenty topics of race(i.e. how bad black people are), Obama, or increased socialism that have gone over an hour.

Normally hate callers but Keith Robinson called in and destroyed it. And Ant didn't even yell over him.


I gotta hear today's replay just for Keith.

Also, maybe it was the lack of sleep, but I was tuning out the discussion today. Then Robinson called in.

I could get into the whole discussion and get down to specific examples and argue the minute details about why I've given up on Ant. But, the big picture for me is this: Ant has gone too far. And not in an "I'm offended" way, but in that he has lost all compassion toward others. This is the thing Patrice would always argue for when talking to him about this shit. Even though you are correct - because Patrice would also argue against that "celebratory nigga shit" he once labelled the culture - there is a lot of systemic, historical and evolutionary arguments that he just blows past. He has become this rotten thing. Who - by the way - is of a very questionable personality himself. And it is not a good thing to listen to. He is a funny dude and incredibly smart but it's like Jimmy said the other day about Bobby Fischer, there's just this one thing that is consuming him. It warps your view if you listen and can make you ultra-cynical about shit which is a horrible thing.

Ron and Fez is where it's at, fans. O&A are only really good when the legend CQ stops by nowadays anyway. I said a while back that Patrice dying was quite possibly THE worst thing that could've happened to the show and I think that has been proven true. Same ol' arguments about race, censorship, siriusxm, bland "shocking" jokes that have been made a whole bunch of times, surface level sports talk, music talk that has in the past called Lady Gaga "talented" and talks about the same SHIT 90's bands. Ronnie B can carry a show all by himself, talks about interesting subjects, since listening for about a month and a half I have heard artist of the day be The Pixies and have heard Francois Truffaut discussed, and the allowance of differing points of views on shit. And he is the ULTIMATE puppet master.

I was stoked and surprised to hear Operation Ivy as the artist of the day the other day

Ant is of North African lineage. He's only pointing out the shortcomings of his fellow Africans.


he was as bad as jimmy was with Ozzy

Well, at least he isn't being a hypocrite about his eugenics view --- he hasn't continued his genetic line. He's not out fathering children while telling others that they shouldn't.

Ant has too much time on his hands. Thats why he's able to think about this shit and get himself into a tizzy.

Everyone is forgetting that this is a radio "show." Just like opie plays a inflated persona sometimes Ant does the same. Most of Ant's facts are just that, facts, and i believe that most of the other 25% is him embellishing for radio's sake and to keep up the persona he has built. The guy is afraid of the dark, scary movies, insecure about his appearance and generally a nice person so to me he HAS to put this alcholoic/racist/gun toteing/badass persona forward to compensate. If he wasn't so extremely opinionated he wouldn't have a radioshow.

if this was true, why does he do the same thing on huffington or twitter. especially on huffington. thousands of post, but still does it even though no one knows its him on there that isnt a fan of the show

More often than not, I think his point is about the taboo nature of discussing anything even remotely race related and how the lack of dialog really does us all a disservice.

Which day did Ant have his breakdown on air while screaming into the mic at the caller? Can't remember if it was the day before the party or the day before that

The problem with Ant is that his facts/stats only relate to race. He never seems to look any further than "'s because they're black." He never seems to notice that they're black...and live in shitty areas, and are poor, and have shit educations.

But can't bitch that people call you a racist, when you routinely refer to yourself as a racist. Immediately calling any black people who disagree with him on twitter jobless thugs who are living off of his tax money doesn't help either.

but why are they poor and live in shitty areas and have shit educations? is it because the MAAAAN is keeping them down? or is it because their parents had kids before they could afford them without thinking of consequences or the well-being of their future offspring? and the father always runs off leaving them without any kind of male guidance or financial support. and the cycle keeps repeating.

It's partly because of all of those things. I don't think the MAAAAN is necessarily a cause of the problem currently...but i definitely wouldn't minimize the long term effects of denying people college educations and good paying jobs in the 60-100 years ago timeframe. The people affected by that end up dumb and poor, and raise dumb and poor kids, and that can take multiple generations to fix.

Don't get me wrong...plenty of people are just pieces of shit. I just have a problem with the idea that it's a result of being black, which is the only conclusion a lot of people seem to arrive at. My initial point was really just trying to get at the fact that middle/upper class black people don't suffer from the same problems.

(edit: fixed a word)

Dude. The man did keep them down. After the Civil War the blacks got the vote and all the sudden there were super educated smart blacks in Congress. But guess what happened? Northern Industrialists conspired with White Former Southern Plantation Owners to take over the natural resources of the South in exchange for once again disregarding the civic rights of the black man. Result? Jim Crow Laws and by 1902 the last black was run out of the house or representatives. ANT ALWAYS FORGETS THAT THIS SHIT HAPPENED. AS LOUIS CK SAYS ITS NOT LIKE SLAVERY JUST ENDED AND EVERYTHING WAS JUST OKAY FOR BLACK PEOPLE. REMEMBER THE KKK? REMEMBER THE LYNCHINGS? REMEMBER THE FIRE HOSES? AND IM NOT EVEN BLACK. IM NOT WHITE EITHER LOL. WHY AM I STILL TYPING IN CAPS!??!

Not trying to circle jerk with you molloybe but that's EXACTLY my problem with Ant as well. I've never heard him even attempt to consider the socio-economic problems plaguing poor blacks. His insight stops at "well, Italians made it out of the ghetto so why can't they?!!!" Even though that example itself is a weak argument at best. All he does is repeat cold facts, but facts alone don't tell the full story in any situation.

Do I think there is a cultural problem with many young black people, yes I do. But to attribute the problem to it literally being because they are just black is fucking retarded and shows he cannot grasp even the simplest subjective concepts.


I definitely think a little but of it is trolling/schtick, but it's also obvious that he's a little fixated on the race aspect of things. I like him otherwise, and think he's really funny...but some of his arguments (especially with the Trayvon story) annoy me. I suspect neither side acted right with the Trayvon thing...but to take the word of the guy trying to avoid jail so unquestioningly drives me nuts. If the races were reversed, I don't think the benefit of the doubt would be given so freely.

Mostly though...I don't get to listen live, and I'm always 3 hours late on I'm just venting all the things I'd rather call in and argue about.

It's not because "they are just black", it's because they tend to have low IQs. Occam's razor.

Lol. Did you know black african immigrants have the highest college graduate rate out of all the immigrants. You are a dumbass.

African universities are, let's just say, not as vigorous as Western universities.

Here's an example of an IQ test that they did at the engineering department of a South African university.

We administered untimed Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) to 342 17- to 23-year-olds in the Faculties of Engineering and the Built Environment at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg (198 Africans, 86 Whites, 58 Indians; 71 women, 271 men). Out of the 60 total problems, the African students solved an average of 50, the Indian students, 53, and the White students, 56 (P< .001). On the 1993 US norms, Africans were at the 41st percentile, Indians at the 55th, and Whites at the 75th, with IQ equivalents of 97, 102, and 110, respectively

Note that engineers tend to have IQs nearly 1 standard deviation above the general population.

Who cares? He's right about this case.

The guy who lurks niggermania and stormfront is a racist, YOU DON'T SAY

Wow, what a retarded response. Nobody is saying he keeps it private. That's kinda the point.

erm yes im saying he's very open about his racism, you don't have to be a rude little cunt about it

He thinks "certain cultures" have lower IQs

The scientific community unanimously agrees that African Americans have lower IQs. That is a fact.

Keith was awesome but damn. I miss Patrice more and more Everytime and Anthony spews his shit.


Dude, Rushton's work has been criticized and proven unreliable by the scientific community for quite some time now. This, I learned in Psy 101.

It's discredited because I said so! Or my professor said so!

I never said that, but my prof. at the time had a doctorate in behavior psych. Another prof. of mine had a doctorate in anthropology who also ripped apart the Racial IQ what the fuck do you know jackass? You read some shit on the internet?

If we're basing the truth off argument from authority, then does this prove that the race IQ gaps are both genetic and environmental?

And what do you mean "racial IQ theory"? It's not a theory, it's a fact. The only debate is what causes the IQ gap. Since we know that intelligence is well over 50% heritable, occam's razor suggests that it is largely genetic. And why wouldn't it be?

Is it so hard to believe that people who evolved in different parts of the world would develop different skin colors, eye colors, hair textures, facial features, muscles, and even brains?

Then why do black african immigrants graduate college at a higher percentage than any other class of immigrant?

African universities are, let's just say, not as vigorous as Western universities.

Here's an example of an IQ test that they did at the engineering department of a South African university.

We administered untimed Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) to 342 17- to 23-year-olds in the Faculties of Engineering and the Built Environment at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg (198 Africans, 86 Whites, 58 Indians; 71 women, 271 men). Out of the 60 total problems, the African students solved an average of 50, the Indian students, 53, and the White students, 56 (P< .001). On the 1993 US norms, Africans were at the 41st percentile, Indians at the 55th, and Whites at the 75th, with IQ equivalents of 97, 102, and 110, respectively

Note that engineers tend to have IQs nearly 1 standard deviation above the general population.

No you dont understand, I am talking about black africans that come to the US you fucking idiot.

No, I understand. A degree from an African university is almost worthless.

Further, if the African cream of the crop only have average IQs of 97, what about those African immigrants with an degree in underwater basket weaving?

Your racism is clouding your comprehension skills. Let me repeat for your ignorant white ass. Black africans earn AMERICAN COLLEGE DEGREES on a higher ratio than any other ethnic immigrants. More than asians that come study in your country, more than europeans, etc. Now go watch so cuckold porn.

Black africans earn AMERICAN COLLEGE DEGREES on a higher ratio than any other ethnic immigrants.


Already done jacking off to your cuckold porn? Search for yourself you recessive gene european. Lol what a loser.

See, I know all about the statistic about how a high percentage of African immigrants have degrees, but I cannot find any statistics showing those degrees come from American colleges and universities. Enlighten me.

Youre white, you should be intelligent enough to find it by yourself. Pull yourself by your bootstraps and stop asking me for a handout, fucking leech.

I can't find it because it does not exist.

Keep living in your illusions then.

Look, all I ask if for you to something showing that what you say is true. If African immigrants are more likely to get degrees from American colleges and universities, then that's pretty shocking.

Its shocking because you are a european racist. You are a racist because your ancestor were stuck in the ice age for centuries and it calcified their pineal gland. Its not really your fault. Good luck with recessive genes.

Typical low IQ nigger, can't even support his own statements with evidence. I'm a racist because you "people" are fucking retarded.

If you cant use google, its not my fault. And why would you think I am black. You are a lost cause. Lol.

I've already googled. There's not a single source for your baseless claim.

Check it out: The children of Africa immigrants have a calculated IQ of around 89, which is better than African-Americans, but still shit-tier.

Why would I think you're black? Oh, just the hundreds of references to Africa and black people in your posting history.

Ha ha ha, you seem to take the IQ of africans very seriously, again its not your fault. Since I am a generous guy, I shall provide you the information tomorrow. Stay white and proud.

A couple days have passed, where is this information?

Ha Ha, I almost forgot about your recessive gene carrying ass. If you can't find that information you are either stupid or lazy. I guess Einstein was right when he said that white people had a disease that push them to want other people to do their work for them(I guess you will want me to provide you with a source for that too, you lazy bastard). Here it is. And dont bother with the it's only the elite that comes here excuse. It's just not true.

Goddammit monkey brain, nowhere in that article does it say African immigrants are getting their degrees from American colleges and universities.

Since their degrees from African institutions are virtually worthless, it's not hard to see how so many "work as cab drivers, parking lot attendants, airport workers or waiters, waitresses, and cooks in restaurants".

Wow, it must be in your blood. Black africans leave their continent without a college degree, come to america, and earn an AMERICAN COLLEGE degree on a higher ratio than any other group. Your racism blocks you from reading basic information about black people. Ha ha. That is quite fascinating. You should ask scientists to examine your brain when you read an article about africans so they could see what part of your brain shuts off. The results could be ground breaking. On another note, did you know that africans were on this continent way before europeans? Google it. Oh and stop watching cuckold movies, its not good for you.

and earn an AMERICAN COLLEGE degree on a higher ratio than any other group.

Nowhere in the article does it say anything of the sort and I have asked you repeatedly to present any source for this ludicrous claim and you have repeatedly failed much like your race.

Also, there's not a shred of reputable evidence to suggest that niggers discovered America before Europeans. Lol @ WE EXPLORERS NOW

Ha ha ha. It's in your blood. You are a lost cause. Keep living in your bubble. You are hilarious. Einstein was right.

You're delusional and incapable of supporting anything you say with evidence.

It's not just Rushton examined there. Of course, it's that type of closeminded thinking - rushing to deny evidence by finding any way to discredit it - that creates the ignorance we have on this issue. And I wouldn't trust those who will cry "racist" that discredit his work.

You sound like a fucking moron. The worst part is you think your points make sense. Eugh.

Prove him wrong.

I'm not talking about Al Sharpton here, I'm talking about many scientist from differing disciplines (biology, psychology, anthropolgy, etc.) who have all rejected his studies. And I point at the Rushton & Jensen study specifically because they are the founding fathers of the scientific racial IQ claims.

All mostly on the idea that he was racially motivated. Are there any studies done by anyone else that tell a different story?

Yes, there have been numerous studies done on a strictly scientific basis that have debunked the Racial IQ Theory since it's inception with Rushton & Jensen, up to the most recent The Bell Curve. Here's a great editorial summary about a few of them:

Other than that, you gotta do your own homework sissy. ;)

Sweetheart, the only actual study cited in that awful article was one related to genetic predisposition to hypertension. It's kind of cute how sure you are of yourself, though. seriously, what the actual fuck are you talking about? The entire article is excerpts from various findings and criticisms with links to the peer-reviewed books in their entirety...and not once was "predisposition to hypertension" mentioned. I've wasted too much time on you as it is, moving on.

P.S. If I'm your sweetie then come bend over for me.

Criticisms are not studies. There is no scientific research to indicate that we are on an equal genetic playing field. Period. I went through works cited. That was the only study mentioned. Feel free to do your own research you fucking retard.

You link a random histogram with absolutely no context and that's supposed to prove your point? Fail.

Quick lesson in Statistics 101: A histogram has to include much more information than a relative frequency and x-axis to be useful. Were the test scientifically valid? Were they scientifically reliable? Who did the studies? What were the conditions? What were the subjects backgrounds? What was the hypotheses (if any) before testing, etc.?

Stop trying to look like you know what you're talking about. I feel embarrassed for you.

The fact that you think IQ is a good standard for measuring intelligence poisons your, and his, entire line of reasoning.

This entire argument is junk science. You can find a study to support any belief. That doesn't make it valid.

Why were my two posts on this thread deleted?

He thinks "certain cultures" have lower IQs and are naturally prone to violence.

Gee, I wonder why he would think that?

Hey! A bar graph with absolutely no context or explanation. CASE CLOSED EVERYONE!

Do you know what a standard deviation is?

Way to change the subject. You're missing the point.

Anyway, I stumbled across another graph that proves I'm right, which uses the exact same logic you're using.

Proof I'm right and you're wrong.

The source comes from a book called The Bell Curve. They took the results of over 100 mid-sized to large studies done on racial IQ differences.

Ant is dead on about race issues, you retarditt fags are just butthurt.

Niggers are proven beyond a reasonable doubt to be low IQ savages. You are just letting your feelings cloud your judgement.

If you're going to post here, at least use your primary account pussy.

It was banned by cunts like you that don't like a heavy dose of reality injected into your commie circlejerks.

You sound real enlightened.

You sound like a real nice person.

And he's right, sorry PC baby boy.

See, that's a terrible argument. I'm not PC at all. I'm sort of conflicted on the race discussion, honestly. But you're missing the point.

they are usually an hour long, what show are you listening to? today they talked about trayvon for an hour and 10 minutes. thank god keith was on the line for half an hour or it would have been typically unbearable.

thats the exact problem. its not cnn or fox news, and ant uses it as his personal soapbox to go on hour long rants that turn the show for all intents and purposes into these things.

if i were being ENTERTAINED, it would be ENTERTAINING. its not fun or funny. its boring talk radio.

Not every time, but I have heard plenty topics of race(i.e. how bad black people are), Obama, or increased socialism that have gone over an hour.