OnA Listening Thread 6-11-2013

8  2013-06-11 by waytogo17

Opie starting off telling an old story about his ex Sandy Delgado. I can't tell if Ant and Jimmy are into it or are tired of hearing this story.


Enough with the interns.


Same thing yesterday - they chose between the NSA scandal or Bilderberg and went with Bilderberg?


How much can they really say about a secret Meeting?

What can they say that they haven't already?

I know its shitty and wrong what the NSA is doing, and the boys wouldn't have a humorous approach to it.

Its just going to be an angry rant by Jimmy and/or Ant. Lots of hyperbole.

I listen before class in the morning and I want to laugh and enjoy my time before I go into school. Rants about the government and race and media really put me off.

I know these are unpopular opinions here.

I agree, both Ant and Norton's opinions are fairly well documented. Hearing a 50 year old lose his mind is funny, but not everyday.

What can they say that they haven't said already?

The spent a large portion of the show rehashing the George Zimmerman case AGAIN. I would have much rather heard them discuss NSA/PRISM than Zimmerman, especially when Anthony seems to be the only one interested in the case. There's no new developments in the case, and I don't think Anthony is going to change anyones mind at this point so why the fuck are they going over it again?

Yeah. I wasn't too thrilled with that interview today.

Not because I disagree, its that I just don't care.

And now Ant has been going off for about 4 hours about George Zimmerman on twitter.

Get over it.

Its just going to be an angry rant by Jimmy

I was actually hoping for that because while I love Jimmy, he was pretty much saying the polar opposite last week, with regard to Google Glass.

Although he was also confusing people who have privacy concerns with people who love scandalous paparazzi photos of celebs.

I'd be curious if he'd change course or be consistent.

Jimmy jerks off over the idea that anything to prevent another 9/11 is worth it, no matter how much liberty you have to sacrifice. Ant won't attack the gov't unless it's obama or taxes. And Opie is too stupid to have an original thought that doesn't involve him being an asshole.

Perhaps they aren't allowed to discuss it.

I think Opie supposes the topic will bore everyone and be like WHY ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT THIS BORING STUFF I WANT TO HEAR ABOUT SHIT AND PISS

A lot of the things that people hate about Opie are born from him having very, very, very little respect for the listeners. And, honestly, I don't blame him for that at all.

He seems fine when he talks about the listeners, he certainly takes more phone calls and input from the listeners than his co-host Anthony. And he's even allowing the callers to blab on and on too. Ant would hang up on them, yell over them, or not even take the call.

But what Opie does do too much is complain about management; however I see it more as the management is stifling the show and their creativity, so I don't really complain about it.

Sorta missing the point there. But I can reframe it. Ant gets angry because he isn't willing to live in a world of idiot callers. Opie expects all the callers to be idiots, and is willing to suffer them, because he thinks the entire listenership is such a babbling mass of idiocy that we'll lose collective interest if we can't call in and crash punchlines and forget who just said what on air three minutes ago.

Everytime Opie slows things down to explain what just happened, or to reword something that was just said, that isn't him channeling some inner Aspie. That's him deciding that the show is getting away from the incredibly low expectations he has of the listenership. Everytime he recaps and then semi-stops himself and tells Ant/Jim 'well you just said that', that isn't Opie realizing what an douchebag he is. That's his 'Listen we've had this conversation off air all the time, you know the deal, the listeners are idiots, I have to repeat this shit for them and I'm sorry it sucks for you'.

Opie doesn't show a lot of open contempt for the listeners the way Ant does, it's true, but that doesn't mean he thinks we're all geniuses. Far from it. He thinks we're all idiots and he accepts that.

I don't remember what specific moments from what specific shows convinced me of this. But, from here on out, if you listen to the show with the idea that Opie's talking down to the audience in mind, it'll fall into place. There have been more than a few 'but Anthony, our listeners are dumb and they get confused..', but like I said, I can't remember the dates for you to get them. I want to say the Lying Derek thing had one of those moments, but maybe that was the show I realized Opie actually is a 'math genius' and they're getting confused in my brain.

Much like Anthony having no respect for callers.

If you heard, Jimmy quickly said, "Oh it's only the biggest story in the world right now", as if to say, "Opie we should really bring this up"... I think Opie knows NOTHING, and doesn't want to reveal his ignorance, so he'd rather make fun of Alex Jones, who discredits the entire cause, than cover the biggest White House Scandal since Nixon, possibly EVER

You really think Opie doesn't keep up with the news? It's more likely that he's avoiding it because he knows as soon as they go down that road Anthony is just gonna lose his shit for 45 minutes straight.

It's probably a combination of both.


No doubt he keeps up with it, I'm not sure how much of it he understands. But yeah, that could definitely be it. He recently confirmed his apathy with the whole "Ant rants and Opie plays Candy Crush" bit

They just talked about the DD incident. What an entitled bitch.


Bitch no one cares about your degree. Get your free meal and shut the fuck up. I'M GOING TO BLOG ON FACEBOOK I'M SO MAD

It's Dunkin Donuts, not the Ritz. Shut up


I didn't head O&A talk about it, but R+F's segment was great.

The NSA has been spying on you since 2005

Chalk another one up to "online/yellow journalism" for being late and misconstruing facts...yet again.

George's sister has a whiny voice

Yeah. I would have imagined his voice to be much different. Is that what George sounds like?

First time I heard him I thought he sounded a little like Roland.

I completely understood every word Ozzy said.

Lit'tle Jimmy poured his heart out to Ozzie about how much he loved the album and Ozzie's response was silence. Nothing.


haha jeez. there was a good 5 seconds of silence there. Ozzie's harder to understand than Roland. how the fuck did he sing so well on the record?

Ugh...the CALLERS.

"They're in the same division."

No shit.

I'll just post these two videos here instead of making separate topics:

Opie & Anthony: Ozzy Osbourne and Geezer Butler (06/11/13): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3e7SDUUq_4

Opie & Anthony: Robert Zimmerman (06/11/13): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGDduMc0u_I


I was half asleep when I was listening this morning, but when Opie was trying to talk about the reasons behind the Turkish protests, didn't he get it basically 100% incorrect?

They all completely missed the mark on Turkey.

This Special Ed song goes on too long.

It's a classic though.
