O&A Listening thread 6/7/2013? Im not sure this will work...

20  2013-06-07 by waytogo17

outside of wackbag? They are talking about that fake sister opie had. ant on red eye. shitty weather. opie doesnt care about gov infiltration of internet.


Ohhhhhh Ant doesn't like what a black person says so he's screaming. He hasnt done that in a while. Yawn.

I love how Steve said no one was interested in his "anachronistic" garbage and Ant replies with MILLIONS!

So does everyone listen to the show because they love to hate it now?

Everyone's got to whine about EVERYTHING apparently. Just listen to the fucking RADIO SHOW.

I love the show 99% of the time, but listening to Anthony SCREAM over a caller while the caller is trying to make a point is annoying. I have no problem with Anthony arguing race as long as he attempts to have a real argument that involves both sides trying to make their point.

The amount of rage that the black community causes Anthony is really weird given how little the black community actually affects him.

He makes so valid points, but he gets so angry about that its hard not to wonder if some of his problems with this issue are due to his racist father, and lack of education.

I get what you mean, but it seems like you are putting too much analysis into something that is meant mainly for entertainment, not a worldview changing dialogue. Yes, Anthony has these views in real life as well, but again, this is a show for entertainment purposes and a little self exaggeration is a part of it.

And now let me be Ant for a bit... You are also probably being overly critical because you try to be anti-racist because "racism" is bad. When situations are reversed, like when Jim always talks about the news media omitting race, or yesterday with Martin Bashir saying anyone mentioning IRS really means the N word, you probably don't care as much.

Just saying that the show and the opinions expressed should not be taken so seriously.... even though Anthony is 100% right about this stuff. Tell them to behave!

I really don't have a problem with him having these opinions, and he makes some really valid points that even make me see his view a little. But when he gets that angry and just yells over people, I get annoyed and disinterested in his point. Even if it is somewhat exaggerated, it doesn't change the fact that its annoying, and it's so annoying that Jim and Opie just stop talking because when Ant is in rage mode he can't even be reasoned with.

Yea, I agree with you. I honestly don't have a problem w/ a lot of Ant says cuz deep down he is a super smart and perceptive guy. But the way he tackles the issue seem to me to speak to a more deep seated issued whatever it is even though he seems to play it down. But yea, I'm sure most of it is for radio and in real life Ant is not gonna die when he sees a successful, hard working black man married to a white woman.

As I said before, it's pretty funny when he argues over callers, but when I'm trying to hear the other side of the story, I couldn't hear a thing Steve said...except when Anthony was replying. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ARE LISTENING. MILLIONS!


They do it less often than they used to, a few months ago they were really jackasses to callers. They used to hang up on callers, Opie used to yell over callers too...Jimmy can be the reasonable one when they start arguing with callers.

I don't care about Ant's rant I'm just tired of hearing them chew on the god damn radio.


Love him just erupting at Steve. Steve couldn't get a word in. I am seriously interested in hearing their defense, but I can't hear it over Ant yelling over him. GO FUCK YA MOTHA. I QUOTE STATS. I'M NOT SPEWING, I QUOTE FACTS.

ugh. i want to call in and talk about how ant is the "blackest guy". before he made it rich he literally used to steal other people's car parts and had 23,000 in debt and didnt graduate high school. he is such a hypocrite.

Do it. I want to hear Ant's reaction.


Are you saying black people steal, get in debt, and don't get graduate high school? Sounds pretty racist bro.

I'm operating off little sleep. I'm sure there are lots of black ppl who steal, get in debt, and don't graduate high school. As a brown person myself, I have done 2 out of 3 of those things lmao. I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy of Ant. Out of all the OnA ppl he is the one who lives his life most like the ppl he hates (unecessary material spending, messing around w/ young girls, posting pics of his guns and rubberbands of cash on twitter). In addition to all of that, because of the luck of OJ getting into a murder beef he makes that song and the rest is radio history. Before that he was doing things very similar to the stuff he criticizes black ppl for doing. I.E. stealing (going underneath someones truck and stealing a part for his own truck), squatting (in that landlords place where he used to hide when the landlord came around so the LD didnt know he was living there), getting into bar fights and getting into debt (ant mentioned in a recent show something about buying jetskis with a credit card and at one point believing he would be in credit card debt for the rest of his life)

I don't agree with all of Ant's rants but I like to hear them, Opie's Candycrush music was pissing me off. I'm not an Opie hater but that bit sucks.


Homer Simpson voice this is going great

I wonder how long Ant rants about race and government will last until everyone has had it. It's fucking daily at this point and contributes nothing. oh, and aids.

I look forward to those rants. I still go back and replay his occupy jags. Ant rules.

Ant's rants during Occupy were some radio gold. THE MAN'S JAMMING YOUR SIGNAL, MAAAAAAN.

Every rant he does is hilarious now. I wish he'd do it more often, but those who don't like them claim he does it too much. He doesn't. He spends a few minutes glossing over it, but never really goes off unless a caller triggers him. And this was the first time in a few months that he had erupted like this.

I found it interesting how they delved into anger after the caller hung up. Jimmy was talking about how too much anger can be bad for you.

there wasn't a rant until someone called in and dismissed his opinions and facts backing them up as nonsense because he was personally offended... Lets stop acting like he just did this for no reason.

Actually, this was the first time in a while that he had erupted and viciously lashed out at a caller that dared to question his beliefs. He said he'll keep going because the mainstream media doesn't talk about the problem. That's where he and Jimmy agree.

I think they're taking about former Mets GM Steve Phillips

Umm the show is replaying itself? The whole race discussion from an hour ago with caller Fontaine.. wtf

I take it Op isn't going to ants party?

he was actually invited this time, but doesn't seem like it.

now there is hold music for some reason. i haven't really been paying attention.


Yeah, Ant is just playing his flute to "Feels so Good". I don't know what's going on. Haven't really been paying attention to the first hour.

now they are threatening to replace themselves with DLR

Sarah April - Patfrommoonachies new muse https://www.facebook.com/SarahApri1/photos

so much young girls giggling, this doesn't seem like the same dude filled show anymore.


Honestly, everyone complaining about Anthony's rant today, can we just talk about why this bothers you? What did you expect him to do when some black guy is basically pissed at him for having an opinion about what they're talking about. There was no rant until someone dismissed his opinions which he backs up with legit facts as "spewing". Then the guy just goes "omg you're such an asshole".

most ppl who call the show are idiots. it's not that ant isn't right. when u get down to the base of his argument u can see he is right. no one in the real world really disagrees w/ him but he just screams and screams instead of doing something about the problem. Which real, effective, hard working educated ppl are doing. He just never gets to see that side. cultural transformation is a really slow process. As joe rogan says, it could have been speed up a hell of a lot more if instead of spending 1 trillion on the iraq war we just left saddam in power, lifted the sanctions, and spend that money rebuilding the hood. halliburton still gets its money, the world gets iraqs oil, and we don't lose hundreds of thousands of iraqis to a sectretarian civil war in the process.

I woke up this morning thinking that it would be a Nopie show for some reason. I was wrong.
